The left and Jew hatred

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The Left doesn't just hate Jews. It hates Christians even more. They've always had a bizarre fascination with hating Christians. Yet they seem to always rush to defend Islam. I don't get em. They're a confused lot for sure.

One thing is for sure though, Antisemitism is on the rapid rise, especially in Europe. And it's coming mostly from the Left.
Which Christians? So called fundamentalist Christians have a long history of hating Catholics.

The Left hates Jews and Christians, yet dutifully defends Muslims. I don't get em. Islam is the most brutal in opposing everything Leftists stand for. Judaism and Christianity are actually very tolerant faiths in comparison.

So i don't get why the Left focuses its hate on those faiths. I would think Islam would be the faith they would have to oppose most.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
More from Mein Kampf:

When sheer force is used to combat the spread of a doctrine, then that force must be used systematically and persistently. Only regular and steady suppression of a doctrine can possibly be successful. The moment there is any hesitation and violence alternates with mercy, the doctrine being overcome will not only recover, but it will gain new value from each following persecution.

There's the Final Solution right there.

Hitler advertised his plans quite plainly. His plans for Jews, his plans for Russia, etc. He also believed England and America would be natural allies of Nazi Germany.

Not really.

Hitler admired FDR fascist tendencies.

So I say Hitler felt England and America would be natural allies of Nazi Germany, and then you say, "Not really" and provide a link which says Hitler admired FDR.

The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
As Martin Luther King Jr. Eloquently put it, "when people say 'anti Zionism', they're talking antiseitism".
Really ask yourself - do you believe mlk, jr. would approve of the treatment of Palestinians? The arrests, the killings, the denial of movement and resources? Mlk would support that?

No, I don't think MLK would support an IslamoNazi movement that has constantly tried to destroy the Jewish state. The "killings" are simply Israel trying to defend itself from the savages. Here is MLK after the 1967 war showing his support for Israel.

More from Mein Kampf:

When sheer force is used to combat the spread of a doctrine, then that force must be used systematically and persistently. Only regular and steady suppression of a doctrine can possibly be successful. The moment there is any hesitation and violence alternates with mercy, the doctrine being overcome will not only recover, but it will gain new value from each following persecution.

There's the Final Solution right there.

Hitler advertised his plans quite plainly. His plans for Jews, his plans for Russia, etc. He also believed England and America would be natural allies of Nazi Germany.
Imagine, an ideology ... or even a thread ... labeling ethnic lineage as a reason to include or exclude individuals from the ideology.
When things go to shit, rather than blame themselves for the mess they go themselves into, the mob demands a scapegoat.

Hitler gave them the Jews.

After our last economic crash, Fox News gave them the negroes. Remember the CRA bullshit?

Even now, Mexicans are being blamed for our sluggish economy by the propagandists, and the retards are guzzling that piss down with gusto.

No one wants to look in the mirror for the real culprit.
It use to be the Democrats would get 95% of the Jewish vote. The Crypto nazis in the democrat party may wind up chasing them to republican ranks

Complete bullshit. The Democrats have never gotten 95% of the vote.

Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections | Jewish Virtual Library

The Democratic Jewish vote depends how far right the Republican candidate is, and how far left the Democrat is.

The farther left the Democrat, the higher the Jewish vote. Or the farther right the Republican, the higher the Jewish vote for the Democrats.

In 1964, Goldwater scared the Jews into giving LBJ 90 percent of their vote.

American Jews have traditionally been Democrats. The Democrat party has become an anti American anti Semitic party. American Jews are gradually moving away.
No, they aren't.

You are hallucinating. Wishful thinking.

Yes, well, many Americans on the left or right chose party loyalty over what's best for their country. That isn't going to change, however Obama's anti Israel stance will cause many Jews - not Jewish politicians who are Democrats, to vote republican this time.
Which Christians? So called fundamentalist Christians have a long history of hating Catholics.

The Left hates Jews and Christians, yet dutifully defends Muslims. I don't get em. Islam is the most brutal in opposing everything Leftists stand for. Judaism and Christianity are actually very tolerant faiths in comparison.

So i don't get why the Left focuses its hate on those faiths. I would think Islam would be the faith they would have to oppose most.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

It use to be the Democrats would get 95% of the Jewish vote. The Crypto nazis in the democrat party may wind up chasing them to republican ranks

Complete bullshit. The Democrats have never gotten 95% of the vote.

Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections | Jewish Virtual Library

The Democratic Jewish vote depends how far right the Republican candidate is, and how far left the Democrat is.

The farther left the Democrat, the higher the Jewish vote. Or the farther right the Republican, the higher the Jewish vote for the Democrats.

In 1964, Goldwater scared the Jews into giving LBJ 90 percent of their vote.

American Jews have traditionally been Democrats. The Democrat party has become an anti American anti Semitic party. American Jews are gradually moving away.
No, they aren't.

You are hallucinating. Wishful thinking.

Yes, well, many Americans on the left or right chose party loyalty over what's best for their country. That isn't going to change, however Obama's anti Israel stance will cause many Jews - not Jewish politicians who are Democrats, to vote republican this time.
Jews score the highest on IQ tests out of all ethnic groups. Something the Nazis don't like to talk about.

They will wait and see how the nuclear agreement works out, and then vote accordingly.
If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?
As Martin Luther King Jr. Eloquently put it, "when people say 'anti Zionism', they're talking antiseitism".

As American Historian Norman Gary Finkelstein so eloquently put it " when people say "anti-zionism, they are talking anti-zionism"

And then you have idiots like you who don't even know what Zionism is.

And then you have idiots like you willing to blow Bibi for a few shekels.


This isn't the homosexual fantasies forum, Gomer.


I just wanted to show that your love of Zionist semen and their money is clouding your judgment.


Geez, Cuntoface, go visit a gay bar and get it over with.
The Left hates Jews and Christians, yet dutifully defends Muslims. I don't get em. Islam is the most brutal in opposing everything Leftists stand for. Judaism and Christianity are actually very tolerant faiths in comparison.

So i don't get why the Left focuses its hate on those faiths. I would think Islam would be the faith they would have to oppose most.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.
If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?

But it is, and "anti Zionism" isn't criticizing Israel's policies, as much as anti Americanism isn't simply "criticizing" American policies.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

The "deep south"

Well, it is true that Puerto Rico is the southernmost point in the US

But I never heard of PR being referred to politically as the "deep south"

.Have you?

If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?
If they weren't a jewish nation they could do what they want and no one would give a rip.
What goes on in Syria, no one complains. In Dafur, where they engage in cannibalism, not a peep, In Venezuela, silence. In Russia, not a word. In China everyone yawns. In Israel they use pepper spray and there are mass protest marches
The Left hates Jews and Christians, yet dutifully defends Muslims. I don't get em. Islam is the most brutal in opposing everything Leftists stand for. Judaism and Christianity are actually very tolerant faiths in comparison.

So i don't get why the Left focuses its hate on those faiths. I would think Islam would be the faith they would have to oppose most.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?


Well, if you're hostile towards religious faiths in general, Islam certainly shouldn't be exempt from your hate. Islam is by far the most intolerant of the faiths as far as Leftist beliefs and behavior goes.

I would think Leftists would direct more of their hate towards Muslims. Christianity and Judaism have proven to be pretty tolerant in comparison. That's why i asked the question. I really am curious.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

You mean the neo Nazis and KKK Jew hating types from the Deep South received your Palestinian friend warmly? What another fooking surprise. All the scum in the world has united behind the Palestinians.
Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

The "deep south"

Well, it is true that Puerto Rico is the southernmost point in the US

But I never heard of PR being referred to politically as the "deep south"

.Have you?

What the hell are you talking about?
If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?
If they weren't a jewish nation they could do what they want and no one would give a rip.
What goes on in Syria, no one complains. In Dafur, where they engage in cannibalism, not a peep, In Venezuela, silence. In Russia, not a word. In China everyone yawns. In Israel they use pepper spray and there are mass protest marches

Exactly. Anti semtism is like a mental disease.
If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?

But it is, and "anti Zionism" isn't criticizing Israel's policies, as much as anti Americanism isn't simply "criticizing" American policies.

Listen you cum swallowing motherfucker,

explain why invading Palestine, terrorizing and killing its people must be accepted by the Goy.

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

You mean the neo Nazis and KKK Jew hating types from the Deep South received your Palestinian friend warmly? What another fooking surprise. All the scum in the world has united behind the Palestinians.
Nazis and Klansmen have a pecking order. Jews are at the top of the list.

The White Nationalists (Nazis) begrudgingly admire Israel in their own special way. They see Israel as the Jews achieving success by acquiring a "Jewish State". Since WN's want a "White Nation", they point to Israel as a "If they have one, why can't we?" kind of thing.
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