The left and Jew hatred

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Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

You mean the neo Nazis and KKK Jew hating types from the Deep South received your Palestinian friend warmly? What another fooking surprise. All the scum in the world has united behind the Palestinians.
Nazis and Klansmen have a pecking order. Jews are at the top of the list.

The White Nationalists (Nazis) begrudgingly admire Israel in their own special way. They see Israel as the Jews achieving success by acquiring a "Jewish State". Since WN's want a "White Nation", they point to Israel as a "If they have one, why can't we?" kind of thing.

Actually, most of the Antisemitism going on in the world currently, is coming from the Left. Especially in Europe. But the Left has become pretty hostile here in States too.

The anti semtism in Europe is coming mainly from the Muslim invasion.

True, but the Left is expressing a whole lot of it too. And the Left is responsible for the Muslim Invasion in Europe. It dismantled Immigration Systems all across Europe. I'm actully shocked Europeans aren't tarring & feathering em. It's actually the opposite, the Left keeps on winning Elections. But the saddest aspect is, our American Left is doing the same thing here.
A lot of troll threads on USMB today. Must be the effect of All Saints Day.

Hated of Jews is a stupid reactionary thing. Occupy Wall Street (still relevant?) has plenty of stupid reactionaries in its ranks.

The Occupy Wall Street Movement is at the heart and soul of left wing thought.

The majority of Dim supporters wishes to confiscate the wealth of the top 1%. You hear it every day from political hacks who continually support such demagoguery.

What's funny is that they think increasing their taxes will cause them to wind up with some of the money. LOL.

Guess what, they are stealing from your Social Security as well.

your first sentence is a lie....

that makes the rest of what you wrote an irrelevancy.
If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?

But it is, and "anti Zionism" isn't criticizing Israel's policies, as much as anti Americanism isn't simply "criticizing" American policies.

Listen you cum swallowing motherfucker,

explain why invading Palestine, terrorizing and killing its people must be accepted by the Goy.


Listen you ignorant uneducated sexually frustrated gay Nazi, there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

Palestine mandate was the name for the British territory you moron. Fact: The Turks who co trolled the land for 700 years never called it Palestine. Read the rest of your link Nazi boy:

Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.

ART. 3.
The Mandatory shall, so far as circumstances permit, encourage local autonomy.

ART. 4.
An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.



But the States of NY and Florida are not Jewish States.

So , even assuming that the Balfour declaration was valid the UK in 1939 clearly stated that it was NEVER the intent that Palestine , in its entirety, was to become a Jewish State.

Shortly thereafter Menachem Begin attacked the Brits and bombed the King David Hotel .

The Jewish State must be dissolved one way or another.

there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
Here the American Taliban is the problem, not the real one.

Yeah, pretty sure they're different. The Taliban will kill you over your beliefs and behavior. In comparison, Judaism and Christianity have been far more tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior. I'm just trying to understand y'all's respect for Islam. If anything, it should be #1 on your hate list.
All religion is number one...

Yet you on the Left seem to often express respect for Islam. It's never the target of your hate. You defend Muslims. And i just don't get that. Islam is the least respectful of your beliefs and behavior.
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region

So what the fuck are you saying?

That the residents of the the former Ottoman Empire had no right to enjoy their independence?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
There are just as many answers to the questions you asked about Palestine, as those about the countries I mentioned. They've all had heads of state, governments, trading partners and agriculture. Saying you don't recognize a government or head of state isn't good enough. You have to do it in the same diplomatic context as the recognition provided to the countries I mentioned. None of those countries existed prior to a time when 'Palestine' and 'Palestinians' weren't already part of diplomatic language. Hint: Jerusalem's non-part in the Koran is irrelevant to anything I have to say.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
Here the American Taliban is the problem, not the real one.

Yeah, pretty sure they're different. The Taliban will kill you over your beliefs and behavior. In comparison, Judaism and Christianity have been far more tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior. I'm just trying to understand y'all's respect for Islam. If anything, it should be #1 on your hate list.
All religion is number one...

Yet you on the Left seem to often express respect for Islam. It's never the target of your hate. You defend Muslims. And i just don't get that. Islam is the least respectful of your beliefs and behavior.

I am still waiting for you to respond to the fact that the Zionists had no right to invade Palestine in 1925 then to disappear the Palestinians by any means necesary:

An Interview with Benny Morris
by CounterPunch News Service

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”
More from Mein Kampf:

When sheer force is used to combat the spread of a doctrine, then that force must be used systematically and persistently. Only regular and steady suppression of a doctrine can possibly be successful. The moment there is any hesitation and violence alternates with mercy, the doctrine being overcome will not only recover, but it will gain new value from each following persecution.

There's the Final Solution right there.

Hitler advertised his plans quite plainly. His plans for Jews, his plans for Russia, etc. He also believed England and America would be natural allies of Nazi Germany.
Imagine, an ideology ... or even a thread ... labeling ethnic lineage as a reason to include or exclude individuals from the ideology.
When things go to shit, rather than blame themselves for the mess they go themselves into, the mob demands a scapegoat.

Hitler gave them the Jews.

After our last economic crash, Fox News gave them the negroes. Remember the CRA bullshit?

Even now, Mexicans are being blamed for our sluggish economy by the propagandists, and the retards are guzzling that piss down with gusto.

No one wants to look in the mirror for the real culprit.

Why do you equate poor with being black??????? Really do you believe that the majority of the poor are not white?
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
Here the American Taliban is the problem, not the real one.

Yeah, pretty sure they're different. The Taliban will kill you over your beliefs and behavior. In comparison, Judaism and Christianity have been far more tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior. I'm just trying to understand y'all's respect for Islam. If anything, it should be #1 on your hate list.
All religion is number one...

Yet you on the Left seem to often express respect for Islam. It's never the target of your hate. You defend Muslims. And i just don't get that. Islam is the least respectful of your beliefs and behavior.
I defend Muslims when they are no more stupid than any other faith. That's it.
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

Anti God = Anti Gods people.
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.
More of the naive.
Numbers 34.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
Here the American Taliban is the problem, not the real one.

Yeah, pretty sure they're different. The Taliban will kill you over your beliefs and behavior. In comparison, Judaism and Christianity have been far more tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior. I'm just trying to understand y'all's respect for Islam. If anything, it should be #1 on your hate list.
All religion is number one...

Yet you on the Left seem to often express respect for Islam. It's never the target of your hate. You defend Muslims. And i just don't get that. Islam is the least respectful of your beliefs and behavior.

I think that's a sympathy thing for what they perceive as the "underdog". that makes people of good will give more leeway than perhaps they should.
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.

you know jesus was a jew, right? and he went in to Jerusalem because the point was to take back the land from roman occupation.

I hope that helps you.
Actually wrong again, majority of Israelis today are Sephardic Jews who can trace their ancestry back to ancient babylon.

Don't you think I know that? I am a Sephardi Jew. We are not the same people as the ancient Israelites. We traversed Europe and the Atlantic Ocean, and are a predominantly Hispanic people nowadays. We are a very different ethnicity than the ancient Israelites.

BTW, damn near every person alive today will have ancestry that goes back to the Fertile Crescent.
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

Anti God = Anti Gods people.

you mean like KKK'ers?
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