The left and Jew hatred

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All religion is number one...

Yet you on the Left seem to often express respect for Islam. It's never the target of your hate. You defend Muslims. And i just don't get that. Islam is the least respectful of your beliefs and behavior.

I think that's a sympathy thing for what they perceive as the "underdog". that makes people of good will give more leeway than perhaps they should.

Stupid fuck

yes, you are.... ..

as for your unattributed link... i don't pay much attention to anti-semitic trash.


That you can look the other way while your people conduct ethnic cleansing makes you a fucking hypocrite.


Bwahahahahaha ethnic cleansing in reverse. Palestinian population has multiplid exponentially and by six and growing at a faster rate than many Muslim nations.
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.

There was no Palestine at the time of Jesus, fraudster.
All religion is number one...

Yet you on the Left seem to often express respect for Islam. It's never the target of your hate. You defend Muslims. And i just don't get that. Islam is the least respectful of your beliefs and behavior.

I think that's a sympathy thing for what they perceive as the "underdog". that makes people of good will give more leeway than perhaps they should.

Stupid fuck

yes, you are.... ..

as for your unattributed link... i don't pay much attention to anti-semitic trash.


That you can look the other way while your people conduct ethnic cleansing makes you a fucking hypocrite.


jews don't conduct ethnic cleansing, loony toon.
Why should anyone hate Jews for squatting on stolen land?
Who exactly did the Jews steal the land from. It belonged to the ottomans for 700 years (who defeated the Arab invaders) and then the British for a brief period in early 1900's. It hasn't been "Arab land" for 800 years.
I think that's a sympathy thing for what they perceive as the "underdog". that makes people of good will give more leeway than perhaps they should.

Stupid fuck

yes, you are.... ..

as for your unattributed link... i don't pay much attention to anti-semitic trash.


That you can look the other way while your people conduct ethnic cleansing makes you a fucking hypocrite.


Bwahahahahaha ethnic cleansing in reverse. Palestinian population has multiplid exponentially and by six and growing at a faster rate than many Muslim nations.

3 Palestinian youths killed by Israeli forces in 24 hours

Good. One of the animals tried to stab an 80 year old woman. Youth my ass.
totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.
Well, at the time Jesus was around, it was a province of Rome. As was all the surrounding territory.

This map is of Roman times. Notice Caesarea Philippi and Tiberius on the map.

when it was an independent land it had defined borders. Roughly from the time of the Maccabees till the time of Marc Anthony.
Well you guys like to say Palestine has no borders so, show us the borders of ancient Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any...

nice... totally couldn't respond to the reality so you went off the rails,

anti-semites are sickening.

Arabs are also Semites.

Antisemite refers to hatred of Jews only. Something Arab Muslims are obsessed with.
Stupid fuck

yes, you are.... ..

as for your unattributed link... i don't pay much attention to anti-semitic trash.


That you can look the other way while your people conduct ethnic cleansing makes you a fucking hypocrite.


Bwahahahahaha ethnic cleansing in reverse. Palestinian population has multiplid exponentially and by six and growing at a faster rate than many Muslim nations.

3 Palestinian youths killed by Israeli forces in 24 hours

Good. One of the animals tried to stab an 80 year old woman. Youth my ass.

Palestine is dangerous , why don't you motherfuckers dissolve the Zionut state and go back home?
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.
Well, at the time Jesus was around, it was a province of Rome. As was all the surrounding territory.

This map is of Roman times. Notice Caesarea Philippi and Tiberius on the map.

when it was an independent land it had defined borders. Roughly from the time of the Maccabees till the time of Marc Anthony.
Well you guys like to say Palestine has no borders so, show us the borders of ancient Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any...

nice... totally couldn't respond to the reality so you went off the rails,

anti-semites are sickening.

Arabs are also Semites.


you know very well that semites refer to jews.

but i do love the fact that anti-semites can't stand leaving jews the slightest bit of anything that distinguishes us.

but you do seem to prove the assertion of the o/p, don't you?

luckily i know the kkk'ers on the right suck as much as you on this topic.

Jews have tried to hijack Semite and holocaust for their exclusive use. The Native American holocaust was many times greater than the Jewish holocaust. Jews are welcome to use these terms - but they don't own them.
I think that's a sympathy thing for what they perceive as the "underdog". that makes people of good will give more leeway than perhaps they should.

Stupid fuck

yes, you are.... ..

as for your unattributed link... i don't pay much attention to anti-semitic trash.


That you can look the other way while your people conduct ethnic cleansing makes you a fucking hypocrite.


jews don't conduct ethnic cleansing, loony toon.

An Interview with Benny Morris
by CounterPunch News Service

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

Excuse me, how the fuck do you motherfuckers call the systematic forced removal of an ethnic or religious groups from a given territory PALESTINE?


A radical website author's idea of what Benny Morris said doesn't count, dickhead.

Benny Morris actually said that the Arabs were responsible for the refugee problem. They told the Arabs in the way to get out, and when their attack and aggression failed, they put the Arabs in concentration camp type conditions for two decades. Palestinian and other Arab leaders are on record for saying that.
yes, you are.... ..

as for your unattributed link... i don't pay much attention to anti-semitic trash.


That you can look the other way while your people conduct ethnic cleansing makes you a fucking hypocrite.


Bwahahahahaha ethnic cleansing in reverse. Palestinian population has multiplid exponentially and by six and growing at a faster rate than many Muslim nations.

3 Palestinian youths killed by Israeli forces in 24 hours

Good. One of the animals tried to stab an 80 year old woman. Youth my ass.

Palestine is dangerous , why don't you motherfuckers dissolve the Zionut state and go back home?

Why don't you try to make them, Nazi boy? Israel does a good job putting Nazi donkeys like you to sleep. :clap2:
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.
Well, at the time Jesus was around, it was a province of Rome. As was all the surrounding territory.

This map is of Roman times. Notice Caesarea Philippi and Tiberius on the map.

when it was an independent land it had defined borders. Roughly from the time of the Maccabees till the time of Marc Anthony.
Well you guys like to say Palestine has no borders so, show us the borders of ancient Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any...

nice... totally couldn't respond to the reality so you went off the rails,

anti-semites are sickening.

Arabs are also Semites.

Antisemite refers to hatred of Jews only. Something Arab Muslims are obsessed with.

Not true, dumbass. Jews have just tried to hijack the term - like the land they squat on.

The Myth of Anti-Semitism
Why should anyone hate Jews for squatting on stolen land?
Who exactly did the Jews steal the land from. It belonged to the ottomans for 700 years (who defeated the Arab invaders) and then the British for a brief period in early 1900's. It hasn't been "Arab land" for 800 years.

Vanishing the Palestinians

When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: “the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man”. They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism’s central problem ever since. How to “vanish the Palestinians” and get an empty land? The latest manifestation of this imperative is the barrier wall, which Israel is currently building to separate and enclose Palestinian towns and villages in the lands it occupied after 1967. There are those who rightly point to the wall’s illegality and infringement of human rights. And the International Court of Justice has just affirmed this view resoundingly in its ruling, passed on 9.7.04 by 14 of the 15 judges, that the wall was an illegal structure when in the occupied Palestinian territories and that Israel would have to tear it down and make restitution for the damage it has caused to thousands of Palestinians. This position is entirely valid, but critics, in my view, have missed one crucial aspect of the wall’s purpose, which is, to “vanish” the Palestinians, to make them so invisible that Israelis can go on pretending that there is no “other man”.

More: Vanishing the Palestinians

Israel is squatting on stolen land - and trying to steal more.
Bzzzz wrong. Palestine was never a "place", it was called Southern Syria.

"High Arab population" oh yes, Arabs have invaded and squatted enough, why shouldn't there there be a few places where it's not ruled by Arabs or Muslims. Israel constitutes less than 1% of the land mass in the Middle East,.

Listen fucktard

If using criminality and violence you can now claim that Palestine was not a place then using criminality and violence Israhell can be made disappear.

No way you fuckers will get away with murder.


Palestine was not a place nor was Palestinian a people for 800 years prior to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. When the British took over after WWI, the term Palestinian referred to Jews only. Look it up, 'etard.

Swallowing such a massive amount of semen has affected your cognitive faculty.


Damn, you poor deprived gay Nazi boy. Always fantancising about swallowing semen.

Well, you are the typical Meir Kahane thug.

Your ilk will only respond to violence.

You believe that you are so fucking smart because you are able to harass Palestinian farmers.

Someday soon you will pay for the Palestinian Holocaust. Enjoy while you can.


Farmers my ass. It's the Arab Muslims that are out to commit a second holocaust on the Jews in their own holy land.
“The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live.”

— Palestinian Authority (then) Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) (Falastin a-Thaura, (March 1976)
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