The left and Jew hatred

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Listen fucktard

If using criminality and violence you can now claim that Palestine was not a place then using criminality and violence Israhell can be made disappear.

No way you fuckers will get away with murder.


Palestine was not a place nor was Palestinian a people for 800 years prior to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. When the British took over after WWI, the term Palestinian referred to Jews only. Look it up, 'etard.

Swallowing such a massive amount of semen has affected your cognitive faculty.


Damn, you poor deprived gay Nazi boy. Always fantancising about swallowing semen.

Well, you are the typical Meir Kahane thug.

Your ilk will only respond to violence.

You believe that you are so fucking smart because you are able to harass Palestinian farmers.

Someday soon you will pay for the Palestinian Holocaust. Enjoy while you can.


Farmers my ass. It's the Arab Muslims that are out to commit a second holocaust on the Jews in their own holy land.

What do you expect when you squat on stolen Arab land in the middle of the Arab world?
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries.
Palestine was never a "place", it was called Southern Syria. "High Arab population" oh yes, Arabs have invaded and squatted enough, why shouldn't there there be a few places where it's not ruled by Arabs or Muslims. Israel constitutes less than 1% of the land mass in the Middle East,.
WAS never?!?! Palestine IS an actual geographical designation no less valid than Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus, also nations that have never been countries until recently. The question of if there's land called 'Palestine' is irrelevant to the question of where a Jewish nation can be sited. Do you feel your argument is so weak that you have to go out on a tangent like that? I haven't said a thing about the state of Israel and its disposition.
It doesn't help when the Israeli leaders cry wolf time-after-time. What we're now hearing about Iran and WMD is the same story they sold the prior administration about Iraq.
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries.
Palestine was never a "place", it was called Southern Syria. "High Arab population" oh yes, Arabs have invaded and squatted enough, why shouldn't there there be a few places where it's not ruled by Arabs or Muslims. Israel constitutes less than 1% of the land mass in the Middle East,.
WAS never?!?! Palestine IS an actual geographical designation no less valid than Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus, also nations that have never been countries until recently. The question of if there's land called 'Palestine' is irrelevant to the question of where a Jewish nation can be sited. Do you feel your argument is so weak that you have to go out on a tangent like that? I haven't said a thing about the state of Israel and its disposition.

It was never even a geographical designation during the 700 years of Ottoman rule. Let's see what Arabs have said:

Let us hear what other Arabs have said:

Concerning the Holy Land, the chairman of the Syrian Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in February 1919 stated:
"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not".

"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it".
- Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, Syrian Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937 -

- Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian, 1946 -
"It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria".

- Representant of Saudi Arabia at the United Nations, 1956 -
"The only Arab domination since the Conquest in 635 c.e. hardly lasted, as such, 22 years".

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.
-ex PLO terrorist

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity... yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel".
- Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council -

"You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people".
- Syrian dictator Hafez Assad to the PLO leader Yassir Arafat -
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It doesn't help when the Israeli leaders cry wolf time-after-time. What we're now hearing about Iran and WMD is the same story they sold the prior administration about Iraq.
Right. So those pictures of Iranian leaders in nuclear power plants are fake? Actually what we're now hearing is exactly what idiots told us during the "deal" with North Korea, which was violated and raped with no consequences. Only this time it will be different with Iran.
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

Didn't they kill Jesus? A lot of Christians say yes.

The Zionist bankers killed baby Jesus?

Yeah, can you imagine? Those evil Joooos even outsmarted the Son of God! :lmao:
It doesn't help when the Israeli leaders cry wolf time-after-time. What we're now hearing about Iran and WMD is the same story they sold the prior administration about Iraq.
Right. So those pictures of Iranian leaders in nuclear power plants are fake? Actually what we're now hearing is exactly what idiots told us during the "deal" with North Korea, which was violated and raped with no consequences. Only this time it will be different with Iran.
How will it be different with Iran? You think they'll use it?

They just don't want us invading them like we did Korea or Iraq. That's one thing we don't do is fuck with nuclear powers.
It doesn't help when the Israeli leaders cry wolf time-after-time. What we're now hearing about Iran and WMD is the same story they sold the prior administration about Iraq.
Right. So those pictures of Iranian leaders in nuclear power plants are fake? Actually what we're now hearing is exactly what idiots told us during the "deal" with North Korea, which was violated and raped with no consequences. Only this time it will be different with Iran.
How will it be different with Iran? You think they'll use it?

They just don't want us invading them like we did Korea or Iraq. That's one thing we don't do is fuck with nuclear powers.

Do you really need me to tell you that the Iranians aren't sincere in their commitment, and if and when they acquire a nuke, it will be the spark that will cause WWIII?
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.

There was no Palestine at the time of Jesus, fraudster.
You're a true fucking moron: Palestine in the Time of Jesus



Palestine in the Time of Jesus
Why should anyone hate Jews for squatting on stolen land?
Who exactly did the Jews steal the land from. It belonged to the ottomans for 700 years (who defeated the Arab invaders) and then the British for a brief period in early 1900's. It hasn't been "Arab land" for 800 years.
It was Arab land when the Zionists began to squat on it...
Why should anyone hate Jews for squatting on stolen land?
Who exactly did the Jews steal the land from. It belonged to the ottomans for 700 years (who defeated the Arab invaders) and then the British for a brief period in early 1900's. It hasn't been "Arab land" for 800 years.
It was Arab land when the Zionists began to squat on it...
Jews don't squat, they build.
You know, roads, electric plants, gas, reservoirs, indoor plumbing, hospitals, etc....
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.

There was no Palestine at the time of Jesus, fraudster.
You're a true fucking moron: Palestine in the Time of Jesus



Palestine in the Time of Jesus

Idiot, there was no Palestine in the time of Jesus. That's like saying America during the 1500's. No such thing, moron.
Why should anyone hate Jews for squatting on stolen land?
Who exactly did the Jews steal the land from. It belonged to the ottomans for 700 years (who defeated the Arab invaders) and then the British for a brief period in early 1900's. It hasn't been "Arab land" for 800 years.
It was Arab land when the Zionists began to squat on it...
Yeah? When was that, PaintMyAss? During the 700 years of the Ottoman control, or during the British mandate? Ha ha ha.
Why should anyone hate Jews for squatting on stolen land?
Who exactly did the Jews steal the land from. It belonged to the ottomans for 700 years (who defeated the Arab invaders) and then the British for a brief period in early 1900's. It hasn't been "Arab land" for 800 years.
It was Arab land when the Zionists began to squat on it...
Jews don't squat, they build.
You know, roads, electric plants, gas, reservoirs, indoor plumbing, hospitals, etc....
When those are built on the lands of others, you're still squatters.

I guess we should reconstitute the Soviet Union.
Well, that's what was supposedly done with Israel now wasn't it? BTW, only God can bring about Israel, which is why many Jews oppose Zionism and Israel.
Why should anyone hate Jews for squatting on stolen land?
Who exactly did the Jews steal the land from. It belonged to the ottomans for 700 years (who defeated the Arab invaders) and then the British for a brief period in early 1900's. It hasn't been "Arab land" for 800 years.
It was Arab land when the Zionists began to squat on it...
Yeah? When was that, PaintMyAss? During the 700 years of the Ottoman control, or during the British mandate? Ha ha ha.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries

totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.

There was no Palestine at the time of Jesus, fraudster.
You're a true fucking moron: Palestine in the Time of Jesus



Palestine in the Time of Jesus

Idiot, there was no Palestine in the time of Jesus. That's like saying America during the 1500's. No such thing, moron.
That area was known as Palestine when Jesus walked the earth, dumbass.

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Who exactly did the Jews steal the land from. It belonged to the ottomans for 700 years (who defeated the Arab invaders) and then the British for a brief period in early 1900's. It hasn't been "Arab land" for 800 years.
It was Arab land when the Zionists began to squat on it...
Jews don't squat, they build.
You know, roads, electric plants, gas, reservoirs, indoor plumbing, hospitals, etc....
When those are built on the lands of others, you're still squatters.

I guess we should reconstitute the Soviet Union.
Well, that's what was supposedly done with Israel now wasn't it? BTW, only God can bring about Israel, which is why many Jews oppose Zionism and Israel.

Another misquote of the Talmud which, by the way, you don't hold any water by.
One of the 3 conditions for not retaking the land was that the Nations would not abuse the Jews.
Well, the Nations fucked up on that one, didn't they?

Can't wait for you to post that straw man again; perhaps in a day or two?
totally different things. there never was a "Palestine".

if there was:

1. what is the type of government they had?
2. who was the head of state?
3. what did they manufacture or grow?
4. who were their trading partners?

what? you have no answer to those questions but do for the countries you mentioned???

that's because there was no country called Palestine.

and hint: Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran because it has no relationship to any "Palestinian" people other than the jews who populated the region
Palestine is where Jesus walked.

And show us the ancient borders of Israel? Oh right, it didn't have any, just tribes in the middle of Palestine.

There was no Palestine at the time of Jesus, fraudster.
You're a true fucking moron: Palestine in the Time of Jesus



Palestine in the Time of Jesus

Idiot, there was no Palestine in the time of Jesus. That's like saying America during the 1500's. No such thing, moron.
That area was known as Palestine when Jesus walked the earth, dumbass.

Just Googled, "is palestine mentioned in the new testament" and the answer is "NO".
What a shock, PMH posting bullshit out of his ass.
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