The left and Jew hatred

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Idiot, there was no Palestine in the time of Jesus. That's like saying America during the 1500's. No such thing, moron.
That area was known as Palestine when Jesus walked the earth, dumbass.

Just Googled, "is palestine mentioned in the new testament" and the answer is "NO".
What a shock, PMH posting bullshit out of his ass.
It's a book by the Jews, they wouldn't use that name.
Ha ha ha. "It's a book by the Joooooos." OMG. This guy is a laugh a minute.
That's who wrote it.
Did Joooos write the Koran too? Maybe that's why the Koran recites the story of the Exodus and never mentions Palestinians.
Idiot, there was no Palestine in the time of Jesus. That's like saying America during the 1500's. No such thing, moron.
That area was known as Palestine when Jesus walked the earth, dumbass.

Just Googled, "is palestine mentioned in the new testament" and the answer is "NO".
What a shock, PMH posting bullshit out of his ass.
It's a book by the Jews, they wouldn't use that name.
In 130 A.D., about a century after the crucifixion of Jesus, there was a Jewish rebellion against Roman imperialism. Successful it was not. Simon Sebag Montefiore, in his masterful tome Jerusalem: The Biography writes that hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed in battles with Roman forces and “so many Jews were enslaved that at the Hebron slave market they fetched less than a horse.” The Roman emperor, Hadrian, was not satisfied. He determined to wipe “Judaea off the map, deliberately renaming it Palaestina, after the Jews’ ancient enemies, the Philistines.” And who were the Philistines? They were “Sea People, who originated in the Aegean” and sailed to the eastern Mediterranean, where they “conquered the coast of Canaan.” In other words, Jesus was born a century before the region was renamed Palestine. That makes calling him a Palestinian akin to calling a 15th-century Algonquin a New Englander. And Jesus was certainly no Philistine. Based on all the evidence, he was a Jew born into an already ancient Jewish community.

Read more at: Jesus of Palestine? | National Review Online
Zionist propaganda of course.

Palestine and the Palestinian people aren't mentioned in all three holy books, NT, OT, and the Koran for a reason, IT NEVER EXISTED.
If it never existed then why did Rome call it that when Jesus walked the earth?

Why don't you Google it, oh meister of nothing.
They named it P'lishtina, or whatever the pronunciation would be.
Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'll stick with the original; in the original language.
Well, that's what was supposedly done with Israel now wasn't it? BTW, only God can bring about Israel, which is why many Jews oppose Zionism and Israel.

Another misquote of the Talmud which, by the way, you don't hold any water by.
One of the 3 conditions for not retaking the land was that the Nations would not abuse the Jews.
Well, the Nations fucked up on that one, didn't they?

Can't wait for you to post that straw man again; perhaps in a day or two?
It's Jewish theology, only God can establish Israel, not man.
Your Moooslem theology says the same thing, no such thing as Palestine. Moses led his people to the Promised Land.

True story. :cool:
Moses never saw the promised land, he died on the way.

He saw but never entered.
Do you read ANYTHING before you make as ass of yourself?
Chapter and verse?
That area was known as Palestine when Jesus walked the earth, dumbass.

Just Googled, "is palestine mentioned in the new testament" and the answer is "NO".
What a shock, PMH posting bullshit out of his ass.
It's a book by the Jews, they wouldn't use that name.
Zionist propaganda of course.

Palestine and the Palestinian people aren't mentioned in all three holy books, NT, OT, and the Koran for a reason, IT NEVER EXISTED.
If it never existed then why did Rome call it that when Jesus walked the earth?

Why don't you Google it, oh meister of nothing.
They named it P'lishtina, or whatever the pronunciation would be.
Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'll stick with the original; in the original language.
You'll stick with a lie, all Zionists do.
That area was known as Palestine when Jesus walked the earth, dumbass.

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 130 A.D., about a century after the crucifixion of Jesus, there was a Jewish rebellion against Roman imperialism. Successful it was not. Simon Sebag Montefiore, in his masterful tome Jerusalem: The Biography writes that hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed in battles with Roman forces and “so many Jews were enslaved that at the Hebron slave market they fetched less than a horse.” The Roman emperor, Hadrian, was not satisfied. He determined to wipe “Judaea off the map, deliberately renaming it Palaestina, after the Jews’ ancient enemies, the Philistines.” And who were the Philistines? They were “Sea People, who originated in the Aegean” and sailed to the eastern Mediterranean, where they “conquered the coast of Canaan.” In other words, Jesus was born a century before the region was renamed Palestine. That makes calling him a Palestinian akin to calling a 15th-century Algonquin a New Englander. And Jesus was certainly no Philistine. Based on all the evidence, he was a Jew born into an already ancient Jewish community.

Read more at: Jesus of Palestine? | National Review Online
Zionist propaganda of course.

Palestine and the Palestinian people aren't mentioned in all three holy books, NT, OT, and the Koran for a reason, IT NEVER EXISTED.
If it never existed then why did Rome call it that when Jesus walked the earth?

Because Rome never called it that when Jesus walked the earth, you ignorant illiterate fool.
Yes, dumbass, they did.

oman Jerusalem periodEdit

Palestine in c.43 CE according to Pomponius Mela (map by K. Miller, 1898)
  • c.30 BCE: Tibullus, Tibullus and Sulpicia: The Poems: "Why tell how the white dove sacred to the Syrians flies unharmed through the crowded cities of Palestine?"[57][58]
  • c.2 CE: Ovid, Ars Amatoria: "the seventh-day feast that the Syrian of Palestine observes"[59][60]
  • c.8 CE: Ovid, Metamorphoses: (1) "...Dercetis of Babylon, who, as the Palestinians believe, changed to a fish, all covered with scales, and swims in a pool"[61] and (2) "There fell also Mendesian Celadon; Astreus, too, whose mother was a Palestinian, and his father unknown"[62][60]
  • c.17 CE: Ovid, Fasti (poem): "When Jupiter took up arms to defend the heavens, came to Euphrates with the little Cupid, and sat by the brink of the waters of Palestine."[63][60]
  • c.40: Philo of Alexandria, (1) Every Good Man is Free: "Moreover Palestine and Syria too are not barren of exemplary wisdom and virtue, which countries no slight portion of that most populous nation of the Jews inhabits. There is a portion of those people called Essenes.";[64] (2) On the Life of Moses: "[Moses] conducted his people as a colony into Phoenicia, and into the Coele-Syria, and Palestine, which was at that time called the land of the Canaanites, the borders of which country were three days' journey distant from Egypt.";[65][66] (3) On Abraham: "The country of the Sodomites was a district of the land of Canaan, which the Syrians afterwards called Palestine"[67][19]
  • c.43: Pomponius Mela, De situ orbis (Description of the World): Syria holds a broad expanse of the littoral, as well as lands that extend rather broadly into the interior, and it is designated by different names in different places. For example, it is called Coele, Mesopotamia, Judaea, Commagene, and Sophene. It is Palestine at the point where Syria abuts the Arabs, then Phoenicia, and then—where it reaches Cilicia—Antiochia. [...] In Palestine, however, is Gaza, a mighty and well fortified city.[68][69][19]
    Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Another misquote of the Talmud which, by the way, you don't hold any water by.
One of the 3 conditions for not retaking the land was that the Nations would not abuse the Jews.
Well, the Nations fucked up on that one, didn't they?

Can't wait for you to post that straw man again; perhaps in a day or two?
It's Jewish theology, only God can establish Israel, not man.
Your Moooslem theology says the same thing, no such thing as Palestine. Moses led his people to the Promised Land.

True story. :cool:
Moses never saw the promised land, he died on the way.

He saw but never entered.
Do you read ANYTHING before you make as ass of yourself?
Chapter and verse?

Numbers 27

12Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go up this mountain in the Abarim range and see the land I have given the Israelites. 13After you have seen it, you too will be gathered to your people, as your brother Aaron was, 14for when the community rebelled at the waters in the Desert of Zin, both of you disobeyed my command to honor me as holy before their eyes." (These were the waters of Meribah Kadesh, in the Desert of Zin.)

Anything else, asswipe?
Idiot, there was no Palestine in the time of Jesus. That's like saying America during the 1500's. No such thing, moron.

Yes there was. The bible is rife with references to the Philistines. Of course, they were independent city-states. But unless you're willing to say that there was no Greece back then either, you cannot say that there was no Palestine.
In 130 A.D., about a century after the crucifixion of Jesus, there was a Jewish rebellion against Roman imperialism. Successful it was not. Simon Sebag Montefiore, in his masterful tome Jerusalem: The Biography writes that hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed in battles with Roman forces and “so many Jews were enslaved that at the Hebron slave market they fetched less than a horse.” The Roman emperor, Hadrian, was not satisfied. He determined to wipe “Judaea off the map, deliberately renaming it Palaestina, after the Jews’ ancient enemies, the Philistines.” And who were the Philistines? They were “Sea People, who originated in the Aegean” and sailed to the eastern Mediterranean, where they “conquered the coast of Canaan.” In other words, Jesus was born a century before the region was renamed Palestine. That makes calling him a Palestinian akin to calling a 15th-century Algonquin a New Englander. And Jesus was certainly no Philistine. Based on all the evidence, he was a Jew born into an already ancient Jewish community.

Read more at: Jesus of Palestine? | National Review Online
Zionist propaganda of course.

Palestine and the Palestinian people aren't mentioned in all three holy books, NT, OT, and the Koran for a reason, IT NEVER EXISTED.
If it never existed then why did Rome call it that when Jesus walked the earth?

Because Rome never called it that when Jesus walked the earth, you ignorant illiterate fool.
Yes, dumbass, they did.

You are actually referencing nothing more for your arguments than your intense Jew Hatred and by doing so are making an intellectual ass of yourself.
Zionist propaganda of course.

Palestine and the Palestinian people aren't mentioned in all three holy books, NT, OT, and the Koran for a reason, IT NEVER EXISTED.
If it never existed then why did Rome call it that when Jesus walked the earth?

Because Rome never called it that when Jesus walked the earth, you ignorant illiterate fool.
Yes, dumbass, they did.

You are actually referencing nothing more for your arguments than your intense Jew Hatred and by doing so are making an intellectual ass of yourself.

In what language was P'lishtim called Palestine?
Are you claiming the Arabs of the mid-20th all descended from the P'lishtim?
When those are built on the lands of others, you're still squatters.

I guess we should reconstitute the Soviet Union.
Well, that's what was supposedly done with Israel now wasn't it? BTW, only God can bring about Israel, which is why many Jews oppose Zionism and Israel.

Another misquote of the Talmud which, by the way, you don't hold any water by.
One of the 3 conditions for not retaking the land was that the Nations would not abuse the Jews.
Well, the Nations fucked up on that one, didn't they?

Can't wait for you to post that straw man again; perhaps in a day or two?
It's Jewish theology, only God can establish Israel, not man.
Your Moooslem theology says the same thing, no such thing as Palestine. Moses led his people to the Promised Land.

True story. :cool:

The so-called promised land was inhabited by several peoples, whom the Israelites proceeded to exterminate and drive out.

Kind of an old timey blitzkreig of Biblical proportions.
I guess we should reconstitute the Soviet Union.
Well, that's what was supposedly done with Israel now wasn't it? BTW, only God can bring about Israel, which is why many Jews oppose Zionism and Israel.

Another misquote of the Talmud which, by the way, you don't hold any water by.
One of the 3 conditions for not retaking the land was that the Nations would not abuse the Jews.
Well, the Nations fucked up on that one, didn't they?

Can't wait for you to post that straw man again; perhaps in a day or two?
It's Jewish theology, only God can establish Israel, not man.
Your Moooslem theology says the same thing, no such thing as Palestine. Moses led his people to the Promised Land.

True story. :cool:

The so-called promised land was inhabited by several peoples, whom the Israelites proceeded to exterminate and drive out.

Kind of an old timey blitzkreig of Biblical proportions.

Yeah, God had this thing about human sacrifice and having sex with animals; He's SOOOOO picky.
I guess we should reconstitute the Soviet Union.
Well, that's what was supposedly done with Israel now wasn't it? BTW, only God can bring about Israel, which is why many Jews oppose Zionism and Israel.

Another misquote of the Talmud which, by the way, you don't hold any water by.
One of the 3 conditions for not retaking the land was that the Nations would not abuse the Jews.
Well, the Nations fucked up on that one, didn't they?

Can't wait for you to post that straw man again; perhaps in a day or two?
It's Jewish theology, only God can establish Israel, not man.
Your Moooslem theology says the same thing, no such thing as Palestine. Moses led his people to the Promised Land.

True story. :cool:

The so-called promised land was inhabited by several peoples, whom the Israelites proceeded to exterminate and drive out.

Kind of an old timey blitzkreig of Biblical proportions.

Oh so now that you and paintmydick have been proven wrong you want to change the subject to save his ignorant ass?
The God of the Old Testament was a vicious narcissistic asshole, so if Jews were his chosen people - what does that tell us?
Zionist propaganda of course.

Palestine and the Palestinian people aren't mentioned in all three holy books, NT, OT, and the Koran for a reason, IT NEVER EXISTED.
If it never existed then why did Rome call it that when Jesus walked the earth?

Because Rome never called it that when Jesus walked the earth, you ignorant illiterate fool.
Yes, dumbass, they did.

You are actually referencing nothing more for your arguments than your intense Jew Hatred and by doing so are making an intellectual ass of yourself.

Did the New Testament say "rejoice oh people of Palestine..." OR...

Zechariah 9:9
"Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey--riding on a donkey's colt."
The God of the Old Testament was a vicious narcissistic asshole, so if Jews were his chosen people - what does that tell us?

What does it tell us that the ever loving Jesus is sending almost everyone to an Eternal Lake of Fire?
Hashem ISN'T doing that.
Hashem wins.
It's Jewish theology, only God can establish Israel, not man.
Your Moooslem theology says the same thing, no such thing as Palestine. Moses led his people to the Promised Land.

True story. :cool:
Moses never saw the promised land, he died on the way.

He saw but never entered.
Do you read ANYTHING before you make as ass of yourself?
Chapter and verse?

Numbers 27

12Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go up this mountain in the Abarim range and see the land I have given the Israelites. 13After you have seen it, you too will be gathered to your people, as your brother Aaron was, 14for when the community rebelled at the waters in the Desert of Zin, both of you disobeyed my command to honor me as holy before their eyes." (These were the waters of Meribah Kadesh, in the Desert of Zin.)

Anything else, asswipe?
Good, I stand corrected, he never entered but did see the promised land:

Deuteronomy 34
34 Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed him the whole land—from Gilead to Dan, 2 all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the Mediterranean Sea, 3 the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar. 4 Then the Lord said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.”
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