The left and Jew hatred

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I don't hate Jews, I hate Zionism, and Zionists, as do these Jews: Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

All 6 of them.

I got news for you, EVERYONE has a sense of Nationalism about them.
You pick Zionism because if's the JEWISH version of Nationalism.

And please, please, more misquotes; I so love making you out for the Jew Hating asshole you are.
Nationalism is a disease, as is religion and the humans who create it. And there are no homelands for a religion, and never should be. As for the number of Jews opposed to Zionism, there are plenty.

They are correct, the Zionists are not.

Sure, that's why so many Jews were against bombing Gaza into the Stone Age...NOT!
Zionists can never make peace with the Palestinians, nor allow a right of return, nor a two-state solution. The Zionists are the Nazis of our age, and the world would be a much better place without them, which will happen when the choice is Israel, or Oil?

Any predictions for Liberals and Conservatives?
State secession?
Any other futile grasps at straw.
Were you raped by a Rabbi?
Would you like to talk about it?
There are no conservatives any longer, and damn few liberals. And I wouldn't go there on Rabbis considering that they still suck the blood from the penis of a baby during a bris.
All 6 of them.

I got news for you, EVERYONE has a sense of Nationalism about them.
You pick Zionism because if's the JEWISH version of Nationalism.

And please, please, more misquotes; I so love making you out for the Jew Hating asshole you are.
Nationalism is a disease, as is religion and the humans who create it. And there are no homelands for a religion, and never should be. As for the number of Jews opposed to Zionism, there are plenty.

They are correct, the Zionists are not.

Sure, that's why so many Jews were against bombing Gaza into the Stone Age...NOT!
Zionists can never make peace with the Palestinians, nor allow a right of return, nor a two-state solution. The Zionists are the Nazis of our age, and the world would be a much better place without them, which will happen when the choice is Israel, or Oil?

Any predictions for Liberals and Conservatives?
State secession?
Any other futile grasps at straw.
Were you raped by a Rabbi?
Would you like to talk about it?
There are no conservatives any longer, and damn few liberals. And I wouldn't go there on Rabbis considering that they still suck the blood from the penis of a baby during a bris.

One guy; not my cup of tea.
Nationalism is a disease, as is religion and the humans who create it. And there are no homelands for a religion, and never should be. As for the number of Jews opposed to Zionism, there are plenty.

They are correct, the Zionists are not.

Sure, that's why so many Jews were against bombing Gaza into the Stone Age...NOT!
Zionists can never make peace with the Palestinians, nor allow a right of return, nor a two-state solution. The Zionists are the Nazis of our age, and the world would be a much better place without them, which will happen when the choice is Israel, or Oil?

Seeing as oil is bursting forth al over the world and is plunging in value, I wouldn't bet on the Arabs.
Shut off the taps in the Middle East and the world will come to a halt. We aren't so in bed with that place because we are such nice guys or so fond of that little walled-off ghetto the Zionists created.

I understand from people more well versed than myself that the Middle East is shrinking as an oil vein.
It is the key to the price, regardless of their output. We didn't overthrow Iran and take over Iraq just for the fun of it. The only reason we are there is access to our black addiction...
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Look they changed dirty jew to Zionist and think people don't see it lmao what idiots

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A Zionist and a Jew are very different things, very...
We all know you hate Jews and uppity black men....

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The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Look they changed dirty jew to Zionist and think people don't see it lmao what idiots

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A Zionist and a Jew are very different things, very...
We all know you hate Jews and uppity black men....

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As long as Jews are not Zionists, they are no dumber than Christians or Muslims.
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Look they changed dirty jew to Zionist and think people don't see it lmao what idiots

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
A Zionist and a Jew are very different things, very...
We all know you hate Jews and uppity black men....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

As long as Jews are not Zionists, they are no dumber than Christians or Muslims.

as long as muslims do not stick their stinking asses in the air and mumble
MUHUMMAD several times a day they are not dumber than the local pimps
and their whores in the city dump
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Look they changed dirty jew to Zionist and think people don't see it lmao what idiots

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
A Zionist and a Jew are very different things, very...
We all know you hate Jews and uppity black men....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

As long as Jews are not Zionists, they are no dumber than Christians or Muslims.

as long as muslims do not stick their stinking asses in the air and mumble
MUHUMMAD several times a day they are not dumber than the local pimps
and their whores in the city dump
You are one that even Jesus wouldn't bother to save. Not worth his time.

And there are plenty of Muslims in Israel. Maybe you want to Jews to round them up, and put them in camps?
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Look they changed dirty jew to Zionist and think people don't see it lmao what idiots

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
A Zionist and a Jew are very different things, very...
We all know you hate Jews and uppity black men....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

As long as Jews are not Zionists, they are no dumber than Christians or Muslims.
Sorry but I don't project you bigot

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Look they changed dirty jew to Zionist and think people don't see it lmao what idiots

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
A Zionist and a Jew are very different things, very...
We all know you hate Jews and uppity black men....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

As long as Jews are not Zionists, they are no dumber than Christians or Muslims.
Sorry but I don't project you bigot

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Humanity is a disease, the word bigot doesn't bother me. We could talk about the *******, kikes, whops, spics, chinks, gooks, faggots, and wetbacks all damn day.
Palestine and the Palestinian people aren't mentioned in all three holy books, NT, OT, and the Koran for a reason, IT NEVER EXISTED.
If it never existed then why did Rome call it that when Jesus walked the earth?

Because Rome never called it that when Jesus walked the earth, you ignorant illiterate fool.
Yes, dumbass, they did.

You are actually referencing nothing more for your arguments than your intense Jew Hatred and by doing so are making an intellectual ass of yourself.
I don't hate Jews, I hate Zionism, and Zionists, as do these Jews: Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

...and over 99% of Jews are Zionists. You're a Jew hating pig.
Tells us that you're a Jew hating asshole.

No, I don't hate Jews - but I do find them extremely nauseating. I get tired of their whiny victim attitude. I also don't like thieves.

And we get tired of hearing you say we run the world.
We KNOW we run the world; you don't have to keep telling us.

I never said that. I don't do any business with Jews.

You don't have to.
We still run the world.

You people should have been nicer to Adolf and tried to get along with him. You obviously really pissed him off.
Wow, another antisemetic canard: "The Joooos are to blame for people hating them"
No, I don't hate Jews - but I do find them extremely nauseating. I get tired of their whiny victim attitude. I also don't like thieves.

And we get tired of hearing you say we run the world.
We KNOW we run the world; you don't have to keep telling us.

I never said that. I don't do any business with Jews.

You don't have to.
We still run the world.

You people should have been nicer to Adolf and tried to get along with him. You obviously really pissed him off.
Wow, another antisemetic canard: "The Joooos are to blame for people hating them"

If it never existed then why did Rome call it that when Jesus walked the earth?

Because Rome never called it that when Jesus walked the earth, you ignorant illiterate fool.
Yes, dumbass, they did.

You are actually referencing nothing more for your arguments than your intense Jew Hatred and by doing so are making an intellectual ass of yourself.
I don't hate Jews, I hate Zionism, and Zionists, as do these Jews: Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

...and over 99% of Jews are Zionists. You're a Jew hating pig.
Link it, or you're lying, and the fact that most are Zionists doesn't change the fact that Zionism is evil and should be wiped off the face of the earth, like Israel...
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