The left and Jew hatred

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Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people?

No, I have not wondered. Hitler made it quite plain why he hated the Jews in Mein Kampf. It's no mystery.

He hated Jews because Marxism was founded by Jews. Marx was a Jew.

Mystery solved!

You're welcome.

Marx wasn't a jew. He opposed judaism and christianity.
He was a Jew. He came from a long line of rabbis.

As was Trotsky.

Hitler saw an intimate connection between "Jewry and marxism", which is why he persecuted Jews.

The OP writer thought Hitler's persecution of Jews was as much a mystery to everyone else here as it was to him. He thought we were all us uninformed as he is.

This is precisely the kind of ignorance taken advantage of by the people who pour the piss they guzzle down that Nazis were left wing.

Sadly, a propagandist wrote on the OP writer's blank slate of a mind before the truth.

And? Many historians have seen connections between Nazism and Catholicism, which was Hitler's faith. Pius was labeled as "Hitler's Pope". Do we get to blame Catholicism for the rise of NaZism?
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

You mean the neo Nazis and KKK Jew hating types from the Deep South received your Palestinian friend warmly? What another fooking surprise. All the scum in the world has united behind the Palestinians.
Nazis and Klansmen have a pecking order. Jews are at the top of the list.

The White Nationalists (Nazis) begrudgingly admire Israel in their own special way. They see Israel as the Jews achieving success by acquiring a "Jewish State". Since WN's want a "White Nation", they point to Israel as a "If they have one, why can't we?" kind of thing.

Bullshit. Neo Nazis and white supremacists have always hated Jews and Israel the most and then come the Blacks, Hispanics, etc.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

You mean the neo Nazis and KKK Jew hating types from the Deep South received your Palestinian friend warmly? What another fooking surprise. All the scum in the world has united behind the Palestinians.
Nazis and Klansmen have a pecking order. Jews are at the top of the list.

The White Nationalists (Nazis) begrudgingly admire Israel in their own special way. They see Israel as the Jews achieving success by acquiring a "Jewish State". Since WN's want a "White Nation", they point to Israel as a "If they have one, why can't we?" kind of thing.

Actually, most of the Antisemitism going on in the world currently, is coming from the Left. Especially in Europe. But the Left has become pretty hostile here in States too.
Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people?

No, I have not wondered. Hitler made it quite plain why he hated the Jews in Mein Kampf. It's no mystery.

He hated Jews because Marxism was founded by Jews. Marx was a Jew.

Mystery solved!

You're welcome.

Marx wasn't a jew. He opposed judaism and christianity.
He was a Jew. He came from a long line of rabbis.

As was Trotsky.

Hitler saw an intimate connection between "Jewry and marxism", which is why he persecuted Jews.

The OP writer thought Hitler's persecution of Jews was as much a mystery to everyone else here as it was to him. He thought we were all us uninformed as he is.

This is precisely the kind of ignorance taken advantage of by the people who pour the piss they guzzle down that Nazis were left wing.

Sadly, a propagandist wrote on the OP writer's blank slate of a mind before the truth.

And? Many historians have seen connections between Nazism and Catholicism, which was Hitler's faith. Pius was labeled as "Hitler's Pope". Do we get to blame Catholicism for the rise of NaZism?
You think we should be able to blame Catholicism just because Hitler blamed the Jews?!?

It's a fact that Hitler blamed the Jews for marxism. Hitler believed the Jewish "World Concept" was evil and he intended to eradicate it from the world, with extreme prejudice. This explains his actions.

How you translate this into "Do we get to blame Catholicism" is beyond me.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?


Well, if you're hostile towards religious faiths in general, Islam certainly shouldn't be exempt from your hate. Islam is by far the most intolerant of the faiths as far as Leftist beliefs and behavior goes.

I would think Leftists would direct more of their hate towards Muslims. Christianity and Judaism have proven to be pretty tolerant in comparison. That's why i asked the question. I really am curious.

Many Zionists excuse the ethnic cleansing of Palestine because the US did the same thing in the SD blackhills against the Lakota indians.

While I totally disagree with the way the American Indian was treated at least an American Indian can be a SD governor or US President.

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

You mean the neo Nazis and KKK Jew hating types from the Deep South received your Palestinian friend warmly? What another fooking surprise. All the scum in the world has united behind the Palestinians.
Nazis and Klansmen have a pecking order. Jews are at the top of the list.

The White Nationalists (Nazis) begrudgingly admire Israel in their own special way. They see Israel as the Jews achieving success by acquiring a "Jewish State". Since WN's want a "White Nation", they point to Israel as a "If they have one, why can't we?" kind of thing.

Actually, most of the Antisemitism going on in the world currently, is coming from the Left. Especially in Europe. But the Left has become pretty hostile here in States too.
On the extreme Left you find anti-Israel sentiments.

Anti-semitism is in no way mainstream Left, here or abroad.
Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?


Well, if you're hostile towards religious faiths in general, Islam certainly shouldn't be exempt from your hate. Islam is by far the most intolerant of the faiths as far as Leftist beliefs and behavior goes.

I would think Leftists would direct more of their hate towards Muslims. Christianity and Judaism have proven to be pretty tolerant in comparison. That's why i asked the question. I really am curious.

Many Zionists excuse the ethnic cleansing of Palestine because the US did the same thing in the SD blackhills against the Lakota indians.

While I totally disagree with the way the American Indian was treated at least an American Indian can be a SD governor or US President.

Israel has more Muslims in their Knesset than we have in our Congress.
Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people?

No, I have not wondered. Hitler made it quite plain why he hated the Jews in Mein Kampf. It's no mystery.

He hated Jews because Marxism was founded by Jews. Marx was a Jew.

Mystery solved!

You're welcome.

Marx wasn't a jew. He opposed judaism and christianity.
He was a Jew. He came from a long line of rabbis.

As was Trotsky.

Hitler saw an intimate connection between "Jewry and marxism", which is why he persecuted Jews.

The OP writer thought Hitler's persecution of Jews was as much a mystery to everyone else here as it was to him. He thought we were all us uninformed as he is.

This is precisely the kind of ignorance taken advantage of by the people who pour the piss they guzzle down that Nazis were left wing.

Sadly, a propagandist wrote on the OP writer's blank slate of a mind before the truth.

And? Many historians have seen connections between Nazism and Catholicism, which was Hitler's faith. Pius was labeled as "Hitler's Pope". Do we get to blame Catholicism for the rise of NaZism?
You think we should be able to blame Catholicism just because Hitler blamed the Jews?!?

It's a fact that Hitler blamed the Jews for marxism. Hitler believed the Jewish "World Concept" was evil and he intended to eradicate it from the world, with extreme prejudice. This explains his actions.

How you translate this into "Do we get to blame Catholicism" is beyond me.

I believe Karl Marx was Jewish.
It use to be the Democrats would get 95% of the Jewish vote. The Crypto nazis in the democrat party may wind up chasing them to republican ranks

Complete bullshit. The Democrats have never gotten 95% of the vote.

Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections | Jewish Virtual Library

The Democratic Jewish vote depends how far right the Republican candidate is, and how far left the Democrat is.

The farther left the Democrat, the higher the Jewish vote. Or the farther right the Republican, the higher the Jewish vote for the Democrats.

In 1964, Goldwater scared the Jews into giving LBJ 90 percent of their vote.

American Jews have traditionally been Democrats. The Democrat party has become an anti American anti Semitic party. American Jews are gradually moving away.
No, they aren't.

You are hallucinating. Wishful thinking.

Yes, well, many Americans on the left or right chose party loyalty over what's best for their country. That isn't going to change, however Obama's anti Israel stance will cause many Jews - not Jewish politicians who are Democrats, to vote republican this time.
Jews score the highest on IQ tests out of all ethnic groups. Something the Nazis don't like to talk about.

They will wait and see how the nuclear agreement works out, and then vote accordingly.

It's not the nuclear agreement only, although even Jewish Democrsts like Shumer voted against it (to save their own backs of course). It's been a constant drip drip drip of anti Israel rhetoric and policies over the last 7 years, that have culminated with the Iran deal. Even Jewish Democrats cannot deny that this administration has not been a friend of the Jewish state.
Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

You mean the neo Nazis and KKK Jew hating types from the Deep South received your Palestinian friend warmly? What another fooking surprise. All the scum in the world has united behind the Palestinians.
Nazis and Klansmen have a pecking order. Jews are at the top of the list.

The White Nationalists (Nazis) begrudgingly admire Israel in their own special way. They see Israel as the Jews achieving success by acquiring a "Jewish State". Since WN's want a "White Nation", they point to Israel as a "If they have one, why can't we?" kind of thing.

Actually, most of the Antisemitism going on in the world currently, is coming from the Left. Especially in Europe. But the Left has become pretty hostile here in States too.
On the extreme Left you find anti-Israel sentiments.

Anti-semitism is in no way mainstream Left, here or abroad.

It is now in Europe, and other parts of the world. America's Left is catching up. Their hostility towards Jews is growing.
Which Christians? So called fundamentalist Christians have a long history of hating Catholics.

The Left hates Jews and Christians, yet dutifully defends Muslims. I don't get em. Islam is the most brutal in opposing everything Leftists stand for. Judaism and Christianity are actually very tolerant faiths in comparison.

So i don't get why the Left focuses its hate on those faiths. I would think Islam would be the faith they would have to oppose most.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
Here the American Taliban is the problem, not the real one.
If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?

But it is, and "anti Zionism" isn't criticizing Israel's policies, as much as anti Americanism isn't simply "criticizing" American policies.

Listen you cum swallowing motherfucker,

explain why invading Palestine, terrorizing and killing its people must be accepted by the Goy.


Listen you ignorant uneducated sexually frustrated gay Nazi, there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
The Left hates Jews and Christians, yet dutifully defends Muslims. I don't get em. Islam is the most brutal in opposing everything Leftists stand for. Judaism and Christianity are actually very tolerant faiths in comparison.

So i don't get why the Left focuses its hate on those faiths. I would think Islam would be the faith they would have to oppose most.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
Here the American Taliban is the problem, not the real one.

Yeah, pretty sure they're different. The Taliban will kill you over your beliefs and behavior. In comparison, Judaism and Christianity have been far more tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior. I'm just trying to understand y'all's respect for Islam. If anything, it should be #1 on your hate list.
Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

Let's see

In 1925 the World Zionist Congress decided to create a Home For the Jews in Plaestine. They had also considered Argentina.

They settled in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestine was already populated. They decided that they would disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachem Begin and the Irgun Zinist gang began terrorizing and exterminating the Palestinians.

Now explain to me clearly and succinctly why I should be angry at the Muslims?

See, this is why a Palestinian friend of mine once told me he was fairly well received in the Deep South.

"Because they hate the Jews down there".

Now tell me something. Does the Deep South strike you as a hotbed of liberalism?

That doesn't exactly jibe with the bullshit the OP is trying to imply, now does it.

You mean the neo Nazis and KKK Jew hating types from the Deep South received your Palestinian friend warmly? What another fooking surprise. All the scum in the world has united behind the Palestinians.
Nazis and Klansmen have a pecking order. Jews are at the top of the list.

The White Nationalists (Nazis) begrudgingly admire Israel in their own special way. They see Israel as the Jews achieving success by acquiring a "Jewish State". Since WN's want a "White Nation", they point to Israel as a "If they have one, why can't we?" kind of thing.

Actually, most of the Antisemitism going on in the world currently, is coming from the Left. Especially in Europe. But the Left has become pretty hostile here in States too.

The anti semtism in Europe is coming mainly from the Muslim invasion.
If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?

But it is, and "anti Zionism" isn't criticizing Israel's policies, as much as anti Americanism isn't simply "criticizing" American policies.

Listen you cum swallowing motherfucker,

explain why invading Palestine, terrorizing and killing its people must be accepted by the Goy.


Listen you ignorant uneducated sexually frustrated gay Nazi, there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...

Don't see the same hate coming from you guys directed at Muslims. We see plenty of it directed at Christians and Jews. Just curious as to why most Leftists show respect for Islam. I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
Here the American Taliban is the problem, not the real one.

Yeah, pretty sure they're different. The Taliban will kill you over your beliefs and behavior. In comparison, Judaism and Christianity have been far more tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior. I'm just trying to understand y'all's respect for Islam. If anything, it should be #1 on your hate list.
All religion is number one...
The GOP backs Israel because they want to use them as the proxy war vs Muslims . They don't care about the Jews . It's a whole "enemy of my enemy " thing .

Their hatered of Muslims out weighs their hatred of Jews .

The right sees Israel as a friend and an ally in a sea of barbarians and savages.
If Israel wasn't a Jewish nation,

then one could criticize their policies, and magically!!!! you wouldn't be anti-Semitic.

Funny how that works isn't it?

But it is, and "anti Zionism" isn't criticizing Israel's policies, as much as anti Americanism isn't simply "criticizing" American policies.

Listen you cum swallowing motherfucker,

explain why invading Palestine, terrorizing and killing its people must be accepted by the Goy.


Listen you ignorant uneducated sexually frustrated gay Nazi, there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

Palestine mandate was the name for the British territory you moron. Fact: The Turks who co trolled the land for 700 years never called it Palestine. Read the rest of your link Nazi boy:

Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.

ART. 3.
The Mandatory shall, so far as circumstances permit, encourage local autonomy.

ART. 4.
An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.
there was never a Palestine or Palestinian people, for it to be invaded. It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British territory.
You can't deny a people's legitimacy based on that kind of history. If you did, you'd be denying the rights of Slovenia, Slovakia and Belarus to be states. How long does it take for a people to be a people? Palestine as a place with a high Arab population has been around for centuries.

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