The Left And Their Bogus Immigration Policies Are Spelled Out By This Woman In New York

We left ten years ago. Moved to a comparable shithole - Los Angeles, but a t least the weather is nicer.
I used to live in CA. Southern CA used to be totally different than North of Ventura.

Now the whole state seems to be ate up.
Conspiracy driven right wingers think Democrats are working for the Jews.
No...that's the blacks and the communists making that shit up.

This has zip to do with so-called rightwingers.
We left ten years ago. Moved to a comparable shithole - Los Angeles, but a t least the weather is nicer.
When I was living in CA most of the people were from New York or somewhere else.
The kids that were born there were all on dope or selling it.
I lived there in the 70s and 80s.
I joined the Army to find a job and when I came back to CA sell my house in 2003 the value had risen to roughly $500k. I bought the thing in the 70s for $37K. I went to LA to see my sister and tried driving to San Diego and it was bumper to bumper the whole way. Asshole illegals driving people off the road because they didn't have insurance. They didn't care what happens.
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Doubtful, given that the DemoKKKrats have several Holocaust deniers serving in Congress.
Muslims, communists, pedophiles, lesbians....just about every perversion known to man.

No wonder congress has turned into such a cesspool.
Don't wanna. :p
They don’t want to hear how mad the citizens of New York are at their immigration open border policy. Makes them nervous.
They still think they can make the race close with the abortion issue, which is based off of a total lie, and helped along by the NeverTrumpers.

They probably figure they can generate enough fake votes to win as long as they're close enough to do it.
'Splain to me why you think that I'm a coward. Dipshit is fine, it's just projection.
Neither are projections.

I posted this meme.....and as usual you were afraid to read it.

She's Jewish, but much too young to know about a group of people being persecuted.
And no, I didn't listen to her.
1) Did she say she was Jewish?

2) The migrants aren’t being persecuted. Please tell me you weren't comparing foreigners breaking into our country and expecting special privileges with Holocaust victims murdered for their religion.

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