The Left Are Now Fighting A War Against Urinals

trump's big accomplishment was not ruining the Obama recovery, until he did with the worst pandemic reaction anywhere and the ridiculous huge tax cut for the rich, himself in other words. He disrespected all the great institutions of the United States and the western allies and seemed to be mainly interested in becoming a Russian oligarch. Then he tried to overturn an election OMG a total catastrophe for the country and the world. Check out Brazil and Hungary and Putin and his pal in North Korea and his buddy in China. What a load of garbage hate and baloney.
Without Non Progs...Progs would be living in squalor. And what is infuriating is that there are good men and women who vote Prog.
How come Democrats have never heard of any of these things? The GOP DUPE network again?
Obviously, you need to change the channel. You're not getting the news, just the parts of which you approve.
If you get rid of urinals, i promise that im peeing all over public toilet seats when i use them. The toilet will just become what the urinal once was. :dunno:
Urinals aren't fair because more boys can do their business faster than girls can, so the lines to use their bathrooms are always shorter. It's just not fair, I tell you.
What a load of crap GOP propaganda as always- get mad and hate Democrats and fellow Americans.... Poor America.
As always, you forget that the DNC is in charge of everything except the House, and for years before the last election, they had that too. Change the channel.
He lies about the election steal which has been totally discredited everywhere in the real world.... He talked about the dangers of vaccines so much that 60% of Republicans didn't get vaccinated and made for the worst pandemic reaction in the world and he was a leader of right wing bozos on the subject around the world... great job! If you don't like the way I talk into this computer you can shove it thank you very much lol. Trump is a total catastrophe, a lover of dictators and a screw up of the western allies...
/----/ "He lies about the election steal which has been totally discredited everywhere in the real world.... "
That is total nonsense. No one gives a crap about what the rest of the world thinks. 99% of the rest of the world couldn't tell you how our election process works. They are only concerend about their own country's elections. And you offer no proof Trump is lying. He and many Republicans believe the election was stolen from him, just the way Hillary thought Trump stole the 2016 from her, and Al Gore and democRATs believe the USSC appointed Bush president. There are just too many unanswered questions. But calling Trump a liar becuase he states what he truly believes is wrong.
"He talked about the dangers of vaccines so much that 60% of Republicans didn't get vaccinated and made for the worst pandemic reaction"
More nonsense. What exactly did Trump say about the dangers of vaccines? Got any quotes? Trump cut the red tape and got the vaccines fast-tracked. The Left attacked him for shutting down travel from China- even Joe admitted later that it was the right thing to do. The state governors were the only ones who had the power to shut down their states, and they did. Everything the states asked for - they got. Hell, NY didn't even use everything they requested from the president. (I know, I live in NY)
/----/ "He lies about the election steal which has been totally discredited everywhere in the real world.... "
That is total nonsense. No one gives a crap about what the rest of the world thinks. 99% of the rest of the world couldn't tell you how our election process works. They are only concerend about their own country's elections. And you offer no proof Trump is lying. He and many Republicans believe the election was stolen from him, just the way Hillary thought Trump stole the 2016 from her, and Al Gore and democRATs believe the USSC appointed Bush president. There are just too many unanswered questions. But calling Trump a liar becuase he states what he truly believes is wrong.
"He talked about the dangers of vaccines so much that 60% of Republicans didn't get vaccinated and made for the worst pandemic reaction"
More nonsense. What exactly did Trump say about the dangers of vaccines? Got any quotes? Trump cut the red tape and got the vaccines fast-tracked. The Left attacked him for shutting down travel from China- even Joe admitted later that it was the right thing to do. The state governors were the only ones who had the power to shut down their states, and they did. Everything the states asked for - they got. Hell, NY didn't even use everything they requested from the president. (I know, I live in NY)
During the 2020 election Democrats repeatedly told Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine. Then, after Biden won, all of a sudden it was get the vaccine or we are going to fire you from your jobs and not let you in the grocery store or other venues. In a very short time we went from "don't trust the vaccine" to "vaccines are completely safe".
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