The Left: " Employers Are Responsible For Illegal Immigration"

Never said it was Trump's fault. He hired hundreds of illegals to work on his properties over the past 40 years. You can see why he didn't fine employers of the chicken processing raids.

Oddly, Trump claimed he fixed illegal immigration.
We know that illegals work in employment that many Americans will not do. It is the amount that do and the amount that are reaming the taxpayer. And many Progs do what you accused Trump of. If one illegal does the shit employment and 5 more illegals are using the benefits of the modern welfare state, someone is losing.
Shoeless mexican peasants are not known to be strong swimmers

Seal the border with mexico and the alien invasion will slow to a trickle
Remember? You guys are crying about invaders from Canada.

Your dream of walling those "undesirables" out is nothing more than your Fascist American fantasy.
The only president to grant amnesty to illegals, thus giving them legal status, allowing them to be "naturalized" and VOTE, was Ronald W. Reagan.
Yep, and he did that as part of a deal with Tip O’Neil in which the majority democrats would provide border security and mandatory employer sanctions. Guess what? Tip got his amnesty and then reneged on the border security and employer sanctions. Reagan learned then that he couldn’t trust the democrats. He honestly thought that as a former democrat who believed in many of the same things he could trust them not to screw him over.
Remember? You guys are crying about invaders from Canada.

Your dream of walling those "undesirables" out is nothing more than your Fascist American fantasy.
My name is not “You Guys”

So you have me confused with some other lib boogyman
I accept you're incapable of maintaining a thought for more than a few minutes.
It happens with the Tiny Minded.
Their brains are just too small for conversation.
Out comes the name calling and insults again. Proves I won when that's all you've got.
You sound awfully matter of fact, you must have the numbers.
Prove it….What percentage breaks into our nation with the EXCLUSIVE purpose being to work a tax free job versus what percentage comes for the free shit, EBT cards, rent subsidies, free education, free healthcare…etc?
"Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges."

"Undocumented immigrants pay sales, income and property taxes. In 2021, these households contributed $30.8 billion in total taxes, including $18.6 billion in federal income taxes and $12.2 billion in state and local taxes."
Shoeless mexican peasants are not known to be strong swimmers

Seal the border with mexico and the alien invasion will slow to a trickle

Do you have some issue with shoes? How many times have you posted the word "shoeless"?

The US has some 95k miles of border including coastlines.

So, how?
That's a disingenuous way to use data. The whole of the East and Gulf Coasts can be and is patrolled by our Coast Guard, there will be no boat people swarming from Europe, the Caribbean, or Africa without our knowledge.

The vast majority of our land borders are in the north, which includes the entire eastern border between Alaska and Canada plus the whole Alaskan Coast, each Alaskan island, and of course our northernmost states. For Canada to be a problem would drain them of population. Not really an issue. Although it is always wise to keep an eye on the other barbarians at the gates.

Your misleading nonsense numbers also include the sum of Hawaii's coastlines. Again, we will have ample warning of any boat people trying to invade Hawaii from Asia long before they could arrive. That would also be true of the whole Pacific Coast.

That leaves the southern border. Much it is simply untenable to cross easily. Meaning with use of walls and even fences, invaders can be herded to inhospitable areas in which large numbers simply cannot cross. Try harder.

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