The Left: " Employers Are Responsible For Illegal Immigration"

Trump didn't find a single employer.
How did I know our illegal immigration problems which have spanned decades and numerous administrations both R and D and Congresses held by both parties. would be Trump's fault....
How did I know our illegal immigration problems which have spanned decades and numerous administrations both R and D and Congresses held by both parties. would be Trump's fault....

Never said it was Trump's fault. He hired hundreds of illegals to work on his properties over the past 40 years. You can see why he didn't fine employers of the chicken processing raids.

Oddly, Trump claimed he fixed illegal immigration.
Never said it was Trump's fault. He hired hundreds of illegals to work on his properties over the past 40 years. You can see why he didn't fine employers of the chicken processing raids.

And yet the only President you mention in this thread is Trump.. So odd.

Oddly, Trump claimed he fixed illegal immigration.

If you're going to be this overtly biased, you have to expect to get called out for it.
Republicans give them their biggest incentive. The ability to work here. By not cracking down on companies that hire undocumented workers.
Are Republicans the only party allowed to hold these companies accountable? Over the last 16 years the D's have been in charge of the Presidency for far more of those years than the R's.
And yet the only President you mention in this thread is Trump.. So odd.

If you're going to be this overtly biased, you have to expect to get called out for it.

Neither party wants to stop illegal immigration. Trump is the only president I remember that bragged he had solved the problem.
Are Republicans the only party allowed to hold these companies accountable? Over the last 16 years the D's have been in charge of the Presidency for far more of those years than the R's.

They did fine some employers but not enough and not every time.
How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

They aren't 'picking our crops'; less than 2% of our crops are picked by hand any more, and crops like iceberg lettuce are garbage anyway, almost no nutritional value at all, and suck up lots of water to boot. Gangs and sweatshops always want cheap labor, so do warehouses and restaurants, construction, nursing homes, etc., anything to avoid having to pay for legal labor.
They aren't 'picking our crops'; less than 2% of our crops are picked by hand any more, and crops like iceberg lettuce are garbage anyway, almost no nutritional value at all, and suck up lots of water to boot. Gangs and sweatshops always want cheap labor, so do warehouses and restaurants, construction, nursing homes, etc., anything to avoid having to pay for legal labor.
LOL. Meanwhile, people can't afford their groceries or pay their rents.
Neither party wants to stop illegal immigration. Trump is the only president I remember that bragged he had solved the problem.

Funny that during his Presidency he was villified for his policies toward illegal immigration. And here you are saying he did nothing to stop it....

How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

I recently visited Mexico and talked to the locals about politics. Interesting a lot of Mexicans actually are happy to live in Mexico and have no desire to move to the US. There is a strong middle class with good housing. I actually met people who moved from the US to Mexico and have stayed in Mexico. Although you hear all the time about all the Mexicans wanting to come to America, what you don't hear is the US Citizens moving to Mexico. California residents are moving to Baja California for cheaper housing and working from the US. Canadian and US Citizens are retiring in Mexico. 30 million+ Americans visit Mexico each year, Mexico benefits greatly from American tourism. After I visited Mexico I was surprised how financially well off many Mexicans are and how it is not this country filled with nothing but dirt poor people wanting to illegally come to the USA.

America benefits from Mexicans coming over there just as much as Mexico benefits from American Citizens relocating to Mexico. Mexico's economy is actually growing and they are getting a stronger middle class. When you take all this in perspective itt seems like Economics 101, both countries are using each other to their economic advantage and benefiting greatly. The United States benefits actually greatly from illegal immigration, it works in economic favor and helps keep prices low.

When you realize this the whole perspective the threat of illegal Mexicans immigrating to the United States doesn't seem as threatening as the media will make you believe.
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I recently visited Mexico and talked to the locals about politics. Interesting a lot of Mexicans actually are happy to live in Mexico and have no desire to move to the US. There is a strong middle class with good housing. I actually met people who moved from the US to Mexico and have stayed in Mexico. Although you hear all the time about all the Mexicans wanting to come to America, what you don't hear is the US Citizens moving to Mexico. California residents are moving to Baja California for cheaper housing and working from the US. Canadian and US Citizens are retiring in Mexico. 30 million+ Americans visit Mexico each year, Mexico benefits greatly from American tourism. After I visited Mexico I was surprised how financially well off many Mexicans are and how it is not this country filled with nothing but dirt poor people wanting to illegally come to the USA.

America benefits from Mexicans coming over there just as much as Mexico benefits from American Citizens relocating to Mexico. Mexico's economy is actually growing and they are getting a stronger middle class. When you take all this in perspective itt seems like Economics 101, both countries are using each other to their economic advantage and benefiting greatly. The United States benefits actually greatly from illegal immigration, it works in economic favor and helps keep prices low.

When you realize this the whole perspective the threat of illegal Mexicans immigrating to the United States doesn't seem as threatening as the media will make you believe.
For the most part, it has nothing to do with Mexicans. It is about tons of illegals coming up from Central America through Mexico.
You Declared yourself to be pro choice nitwit

Yes, I'm pro-choice, illiterate racist moron. Government needs to stay out of it. Pro-lifers like you need to convince people to follow your views, not run to the government to do it for you like you do everything else. You have no idea what a libertarian is, clearly because of your racism and overt stupidity
How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

Seriously ? The illegals are working somewhere. They aren’t all working for Trump at his golf courses.

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