The Left: " Employers Are Responsible For Illegal Immigration"

You think saying you are making it up is thin skinned? Wow, you are a baby

You didn’t say I was making it up. You said I was accusing you of being a republican, which I wasn’t.

What time did you start drinking?
You didn’t say I was making it up. You said I was accusing you of being a republican, which I wasn’t.

What time did you start drinking?

So you went on a rant about Republicans in response to my post, but you weren't calling me a Republican. Grow up, Nancy
How can hypocrite liberals blame private companies for illegal alien invaders when they allow and promote 'sanctuary' cities? If the federal government is responsible for immigration at the local law enforcement level, what sort of moron thinks putting that burden on private industry is somehow legitimate?
And you sit there lying like a true MAGAT why, exactly?

I haven't posted on the site the last eight months or so, I forgot how totally stupid Democrats on the site are. I agree with Trump on one issue and voted for Trump once, and I'm a MAGAT. Words have no meaning when you run everything together
I haven't posted on the site the last eight months or so, I forgot how totally stupid Democrats on the site are. I agree with Trump on one issue and voted for Trump once, and I'm a MAGAT. Words have no meaning when you run everything together
When you must lie to support your position you're MAGAT.

Now why don't you point to the post where I said I support hiring illegals?
Or just admit you lied.
I'm good either way.
How can hypocrite liberals blame private companies for illegal alien invaders when they allow and promote 'sanctuary' cities? If the federal government is responsible for immigration at the local law enforcement level, what sort of moron thinks putting that burden on private industry is somehow legitimate?
No one comes here illegally for the free cheese.
They come for jobs.
If there were no jobs, they wouldn't bother coming.
Rather than blame the rats for eating the garbage
Why not just clean up the garbage?

For those of you stupid enough to think I'm calling people rats (I mean except for MAGATS) it's called an analogy.
When you must lie to support your position you're MAGAT.

Now why don't you point to the post where I said I support hiring illegals?
Or just admit you lied.
I'm good either way.

LOL, talking about a liar. You argued companies need to hire illegals. Why are you arguing that if it isn't your argument, dumbshit?

So are you going to flip sides and join me in calling for arresting people who hire illegals or are you going to keep playing games? I don't give a shit what party they support
No one comes here illegally for the free cheese.
They come for jobs.
If there were no jobs, they wouldn't bother coming.
Rather than blame the rats for eating the garbage
Why not just clean up the garbage?

For those of you stupid enough to think I'm calling people rats (I mean except for MAGATS) it's called an analogy.
So what? It's the sole responsibility of the federal government to enforce our immigration laws. To thrust that burden on private industry is beyond failure, it is a disgrace to everything the nation should stand for. Yet the same people that would force private citizens to do the government's job, excuse local governments from the same standards. Liberals in America are trash, no need for any analogy.
You're right. Democrats have many other means other than just employment for attracting illegals to come here illegally.
Only the worst political hack look for solutions and cause based on political affiliation.

It makes sense to take away the motivation of jobs, where possible.
It is easier and cost effective to go after the demand (employers) than the supply (illegal immigrants). Unless you are a pathetic political hack.
Only the worst political hack look for solutions and cause based on political affiliation.

It makes sense to take away the motivation of jobs, where possible.
It is easier and cost effective to go after the demand (employers) than the supply (illegal immigrants). Unless you are a pathetic political hack.

Or we could just build a wall
Only the worst political hack look for solutions and cause based on political affiliation.

It makes sense to take away the motivation of jobs, where possible.
It is easier and cost effective to go after the demand (employers) than the supply (illegal immigrants). Unless you are a pathetic political hack.
Where possible? It's that sort of cowardly approach, with absolutely zero resolve that created this whole mess. You folks don't want a solution, you want to pretend you care when clearly you do not.
The wall will be more secure if people do not have motivation to get to the other side.
That's just stupid. Sure, Virginia, thousands of people would just walk through a wall as if it were there. Sure they would.

But we just need to make them not want to come to the richest country in the world.

You're an intellectual child. So prove me wrong, let's build the wall and show me how it doesn't work

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