The Left: " Employers Are Responsible For Illegal Immigration"

Democrats hate job providers, because they associate them with Republicans. I also would like employers punished for hiring illegals, punished enough to make it unprofitable. Jail time for multiple offenses.

The difference is that I want that as part of a comprehensive effort to stop the flow of illegals, that includes punishing states for providing welfare to illegals, punishing people for illegally crossing and barriers to make it more difficult to just walk in.

Since punishing employers is absolutely the only thing Democrats support in that effort, I have to conclude that it is the job providing that they object to, not the illegal immigration.

Most employers don't hire illegals, that's a red herring. We know who does, it's not like they are sneaking anything
Unemployment benefits and employers?

Do you consider reading your posts before hitting that reply button?

Funny, I don't see any legislation on this coming from the House. Why is that?

And you're so pro hiring illegal immigration why exactly?
How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

So why are they coming here?
They are “sanctuary cities” because they allow illegals to report crimes, and seek medical treatment without fear of being reported to ICE. Municipal and state law enforcement will not use resources to hold or report illegals to immigration.

Contrary to Republican beliefs, that this is done to thwart immigration enforcement, this is done to prevent local crime. Illegals are frequently targets of robbery and rape in jurisdictions where reporting these crimes will lead to deportation.

Being allowed to access medical care ensures outbreaks of infectious diseases don’t spread.

Republicans want illegal immigration as a wedge issue. Nothing drives the base to the polls faster than the Southern Border.

Why didn’t we hear about problems along the southern border Obama was in office? The only thing we heard when Obama was in office was that he was lying about his deportation figures.

After he took office, Trump even bragged about having the lowest number of illegal border crossings in 50 years saying illegals were now afraid to try to come because HE was now President.

Two years later, Trump was declaring a national emergency at the southern Border. That’s ALL on Trump as is the human trafficking, chaos, homelessness and other issues along the Southern Border that have persisted since.
They also give them health insurance, driver's licenses, let them vote, and now want to give them unemployment insurance. But it's those damned Republican businesses who give illegals the incentive to come here.
And this are not eligible for benefits
Well, not all of them work under the table. But, the point is, not only do employers hire illegals over the table, but Democrats are wiling to give them unemployment benefits to boot.
How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

You cannot argue that if private companies did not hire illegals, many illegals would not come. That is private companies owned by people from all political parties.
Illegals have different motivation for coming to the US but employment is probably the largest. If they knew there was no employment they would not try to come.

There would not be tons of illegal drugs coming across the border unless there was high demand by Americans for the drugs.

If you reduce the demand you reduce the problem.

This is not rocket science.
Well, they’re sure as hell not coming to Canada because they can’t get work here. Our government requirements on verification of eligibility to work are very stringent. The moment you submit withholding to anyone without a proper SIN card for them in their file, Rev Canada is at your door and there’s a $10,000 fine, per employee.

You can’t go to a hospital for treatment without a government issued health insurance card. You can’t apply for any social benefits programs without a SIN number.

It’s Estimated we have 30,000 illegals in Canada. Mostly students who overstayed their visas. It’s estimated you have 11 million illegals. Even allowing for the difference in population sizes that’s like Canada having 300,000 illegals to your 11 million.

Verification is the key. And so is hammering those who are hiring illegals.
They aren't going to Canada because they are basically walking from Central America and they know Democrats will give them whatever they want in the US, so why walk another 1500 miles?
Well, not all of them work under the table. But, the point is, not only do employers hire illegals over the table, but Democrats are wiling to give them unemployment benefits to boot.
No State I am aware of allows illegals to collect unemployment. MANY pay into that system as well as well as social security and Medicare and get nothing in return
They aren't going to Canada because they are basically walking from Central America and they know Democrats will give them whatever they want in the US, so why walk another 1500 miles?
What they want are JOBS jackass… and we provide them.
Most of these illegal immigrants are working in the RESIDENTIAL construction industry. (Building houses)

So...DoctorHorton, Beazer, and many many more are truly the employer. It's done through someone with a tax ID number and these people pay the highest tax rate in America.

One LEGAL person who is bilingual hires the illegals and gets paid....the rest are paid flat cash rates. Because without a legal identity they can't even get a bank account.

Because if a taco stand hires an illegal immigrant, it's as clear as day on the books what has happened for 7 years. However, the contract labor who are building subdivisions are gone like yesterdays fart by the time enough red flags are raised to warrant a look. But the McMansion subdivisions were built for a "reasonable " cost.

Even your house assemblers (where house walls are built in a factory and assembled on site) are assembled by illegals....the factory workers are legit...just not paid much.
I don't know what you're talking about. That's about as close to democracy as you're going to get.
Ask yourself why we call our representatives "representatives". Who are they supposed to be representing? If you believe they are supposed to represent the people in their voting districts, then name one representative that isn't representing their own political party and/or their major campaign donors instead.
You are actually Karine Jean-Pierre, aren't you? Are you shuffling papers on your desk too?

No, I’m much taller and whiter, also older. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest the Republican narrative around illegal immigration truly is.

Not only do Democratic policies reduce
the number of illegals coming across the border, the fines and orders issued against the employers help reduce the cost of net cost of immigration enforcement.
You cannot argue that if private companies did not hire illegals, many illegals would not come. That is private companies owned by people from all political parties.
Illegals have different motivation for coming to the US but employment is probably the largest. If they knew there was no employment they would not try to come.

There would not be tons of illegal drugs coming across the border unless there was high demand by Americans for the drugs.

If you reduce the demand you reduce the problem.

This is not rocket science.
You're right. Democrats have many other means other than just employment for attracting illegals to come here illegally.
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No, I’m much taller and whiter, also older. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest the Republican narrative around illegal immigration truly is.

Not only do Democratic policies reduce
the number of illegals coming across the border, the fines and orders issued against the employers help reduce the cost of net cost of immigration enforcement.

What do I agree with Republicans on? You have no idea, yet you never end proving your ignorance and stupidity about making it up ... badly ...
Ask yourself why we call our representatives "representatives". Who are they supposed to be representing? If you believe they are supposed to represent the people in their voting districts, then name one representative that isn't representing their own political party and/or their major campaign donors instead.
I still don't know what you're talking about. Most citizens know which end of the political spectrum they are on and vote accordingly. They vote for Democrats if they align with Democrat policies and Republicans if they align with Republican policies and Democrats pass laws that fulfill their party's wishes and Republicans do the same. The system is not perfect and no matter what you do, it will never be perfect.

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