The Left: " Employers Are Responsible For Illegal Immigration"

They do come here for jobs.

I mean really, Republicans may as well send out the welcome mat. All the talk of open borders, free rides to other states, food for the trip etc, it's like an advertisement poster for illegals. They probably think Repubs will be waiting at the border with a basket of flowers and an Amazon gift certificate.
Dims are the ones sending out the welcome mat.
So your point is Republicans don't care about employers hiring illegals.

That makes you part of the problem.

Good job pointing that out.
Maybe you can link to Republican sanctuary cities and states, Republicans wanting to give illegals driver's licenses, allowing them to vote in local elections, giving them health insurance, and wanting to give them unemployment insurance.
1) great idea let’s remove jobs!! that will teach them!
2) likely a republican, a dembot could never actually own a business
😂 Plenty of Democrats start businesses..

Maybe you can link to Republican sanctuary cities and states, Republicans wanting to give illegals driver's licenses, allowing them to vote in local elections, giving them health insurance, and wanting to give them unemployment insurance.
I don't agree with sanctuary cities but they are a constitutional right.

Here is a republican state.

Access to healthcare is very limited but if you think letting people die in the streets because they are legal is the way to go turn good for you.

Illegals get unemployment insurance? Are you sure?
The only president to grant amnesty to illegals, thus giving them legal status, allowing them to be "naturalized" and VOTE, was Ronald W. Reagan.
And concervstives will never do it again because democrats lied and to this day failed to keep their side if the bargain
I don't agree with sanctuary cities but they are a constitutional right.

Here is a republican state.

Access to healthcare is very limited but if you think letting people die in the streets because they are legal is the way to go turn good for you.

Illegals get unemployment insurance? Are you sure?
They wouldn't be dying in our streets if they weren't in our streets.
How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

Check out the first chart in this link. Notice how illegal immigration dropped after Bill Clintonnwent gung Ho on charging employers. Bill holds the record for prosecutions.

Then in 2001 W ends all prosecutions and illegal crossings take off as if jet propelled.

Obama takes office in 2009 and begins prosecuting employers and by 2017, when Trump takes over illegal crossings are at lowest level in 50 years.

Trump stopped all prosecutions and by 2019 illegal crosding spiked again spiked and a national emergency declared.

If they can’t find jobs when they get to your country, they’re not going.
How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

This is a lie.

The ‘left’ has claimed no such thing.

What liberals have correctly stated is that employers who hire immigrants not authorized to work in the United States contribute to undocumented immigrants coming into the country.
With rare exceptions.

Jun 20, 2018 — ICE arrests nearly 150 meat plant workers in latest immigration raid in Ohio ... Immigration officials lined up dozens of workers,

Federal agents carried out one of the largest immigration raids in recent history this week, arresting nearly 700 workers at chicken processing plants in Mississippi.

And the rare exception

Aug 1, 2019 — The former owner of a Tennessee meat processing plant that was the site of a massive immigration raid was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Even the guy that went to jail did so for tax evasion and not hiring illegals.
It is not a partisan thing. Neither party has ever pushed doing anything to companies that hire illegals other than a minor slap on the wrist
There you go.
Criminalize the hiring of undocumented workers.
1st offense $10k fine per person
2nd 2 years in federal prison per person for the owners, CEO and hiring manager.

Start puttng rich people and executives in prison and there'll be no need for reform.
None of that matters. At the end of the day we only have illegals here because our government allowed them to be here.

Each party can point fingers at the other but in the end it's the fault of the administration in charge

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