The Left: " Employers Are Responsible For Illegal Immigration"

Each party can point fingers at the other but in the end it's the fault of the administration in charge
Republicans point at Democrats and Democrats point at Republicans. In the end they are both right. They are both at fault more than any administration.
Huh? All Americans get representation in the House and Senate.
I don't know of any representative that adequately represents citizens in their respective voting districts. They all tell you when they campaign for office exactly what political beliefs they will represent if they get (re)elected. In other words, they all represent their own beliefs. If their political beliefs are close to yours, you might believe they are representing you, but you would be wrong. They are still just representing their own political beliefs.
I don't know of any representative that adequately represents citizens in their respective voting districts. They all tell you when they campaign for office exactly what political beliefs they will represent if they get (re)elected. In other words, they all represent their own beliefs. If their political beliefs are close to yours, you might believe they are representing you, but you would be wrong. They are still just representing their own political beliefs.
I don't know what you're talking about. That's about as close to democracy as you're going to get.
The bottom line is still, that illegals come here to work. And if you remove that incentive, you remove the reason to come here.

What percent of slaughterhouse workers are undocumented?

Slaughterhouse Labor — Food & Power
Nearly 30% of slaughterhouse workers were born outside the United States and many are undocumented. Meatpacking is one of the most dangerous professions in the world.

Curious, who do you think owns meat packing plants? Republicans or Democrats?
Doesn’t matter. They both do it and it ain’t gonna stop .
Check out the first chart in this link. Notice how illegal immigration dropped after Bill Clintonnwent gung Ho on charging employers. Bill holds the record for prosecutions.

Then in 2001 W ends all prosecutions and illegal crossings take off as if jet propelled.

Obama takes office in 2009 and begins prosecuting employers and by 2017, when Trump takes over illegal crossings are at lowest level in 50 years.

Trump stopped all prosecutions and by 2019 illegal crosding spiked again spiked and a national emergency declared.

If they can’t find jobs when they get to your country, they’re not going.
Democrats are the ones making sanctuary cities and states, giving illegals health insurance, letting them vote in local elections, and now want to pay them unemployment. How much of this happened during the Bill Clinton years?
This is a lie.

The ‘left’ has claimed no such thing.

What liberals have correctly stated is that employers who hire immigrants not authorized to work in the United States contribute to undocumented immigrants coming into the country.
Please reread this thread where many of your colleagues have done just that.
There you go.
Criminalize the hiring of undocumented workers.
1st offense $10k fine per person
2nd 2 years in federal prison per person for the owners, CEO and hiring manager.

Start puttng rich people and executives in prison and there'll be no need for reform.
But democrats would refuse to do this, which is what this thread is all about. Hell, California wants to pay illegals unemployment benefits. As such, I don't see California agreeing to go after employers. The left only want to go after employers in red states.
California being idiots does not change the fact people come here because there are people more than willing to hire them and our Fed Govt never does anything more than a slap on a wrist to these companies.

AND, this is not a left/right political issue, as much as some want to make it. It's a business issue, and we need to decide whether they are held accountable or not.

Politics ruins everything it touches.
Democrats are the ones making sanctuary cities and states, giving illegals health insurance, letting them vote in local elections, and now want to pay them unemployment. How much of this happened during the Bill Clinton years?

Sanctuary cities are giving nothing to illegals. They’re just not reporting them to ICE. They’re not getting welfare or food stamps, or other social programs. They’re not getting Medicaid either. About the only thing they do get is schools for their children, and emergency health care.

These people are not coming for health insurance or to vote for Democrats. They’re coming for jobs, so they can send American dollars back to their families in Mexico.

They can’t send “American social programs” home to their families, they can only send cash that their employer is paying them. The moment they can’t get a job when they cross the border is the moment they make the decision to stay at home.

300,000 Mexicans went home when the Great Recession hit and unemployment hit 10%. It’s all about the Benjamins.
Sanctuary cities are giving nothing to illegals. They’re just not reporting them to ICE. They’re not getting welfare or food stamps, or other social programs. They’re not getting Medicaid either. About the only thing they do get is schools for their children, and emergency health care.

These people are not coming for health insurance or to vote for Democrats. They’re coming for jobs, so they can send American dollars back to their families in Mexico.

They can’t send “American social programs” home to their families, they can only send cash that their employer is paying them. The moment they can’t get a job when they cross the border is the moment they make the decision to stay at home.

300,000 Mexicans went home when the Great Recession hit and unemployment hit 10%. It’s all about the Benjamins.
Why are there sanctuary cities then if they are not giving anything to illegals?
California being idiots does not change the fact people come here because there are people more than willing to hire them and our Fed Govt never does anything more than a slap on a wrist to these companies.

Yes, poor people are only going to rich countries if they are sure they are going to get a job. I'd say you're paying attention, but wow, you're not
Why are there sanctuary cities then if they are not giving anything to illegals?

They are “sanctuary cities” because they allow illegals to report crimes, and seek medical treatment without fear of being reported to ICE. Municipal and state law enforcement will not use resources to hold or report illegals to immigration.

Contrary to Republican beliefs, that this is done to thwart immigration enforcement, this is done to prevent local crime. Illegals are frequently targets of robbery and rape in jurisdictions where reporting these crimes will lead to deportation.

Being allowed to access medical care ensures outbreaks of infectious diseases don’t spread.

Republicans want illegal immigration as a wedge issue. Nothing drives the base to the polls faster than the Southern Border.

Why didn’t we hear about problems along the southern border Obama was in office? The only thing we heard when Obama was in office was that he was lying about his deportation figures.

After he took office, Trump even bragged about having the lowest number of illegal border crossings in 50 years saying illegals were now afraid to try to come because HE was now President.

Two years later, Trump was declaring a national emergency at the southern Border. That’s ALL on Trump as is the human trafficking, chaos, homelessness and other issues along the Southern Border that have persisted since.
Yes, poor people are only going to rich countries if they are sure they are going to get a job. I'd say you're paying attention, but wow, you're not

Well, they’re sure as hell not coming to Canada because they can’t get work here. Our government requirements on verification of eligibility to work are very stringent. The moment you submit withholding to anyone without a proper SIN card for them in their file, Rev Canada is at your door and there’s a $10,000 fine, per employee.

You can’t go to a hospital for treatment without a government issued health insurance card. You can’t apply for any social benefits programs without a SIN number.

It’s Estimated we have 30,000 illegals in Canada. Mostly students who overstayed their visas. It’s estimated you have 11 million illegals. Even allowing for the difference in population sizes that’s like Canada having 300,000 illegals to your 11 million.

Verification is the key. And so is hammering those who are hiring illegals.
Well, they’re sure as hell not coming to Canada because they can’t get work here. Our government requirements on eligibility to work are very stringent in the moment you submit withholding to anyone without a proper insurance card there at your door and there’s a $10,000 fine.

You can’t go to a hospital for treatment without a government issued health insurance card. You can’t apply for any social benefits programs without a SIN number.

Estimated we have 30,000 illegals in Canada. Mostly students who overstayed their visas.

You are actually Karine Jean-Pierre, aren't you? Are you shuffling papers on your desk too?
Democrats hate job providers, because they associate them with Republicans. I also would like employers punished for hiring illegals, punished enough to make it unprofitable. Jail time for multiple offenses.

The difference is that I want that as part of a comprehensive effort to stop the flow of illegals, that includes punishing states for providing welfare to illegals, punishing people for illegally crossing and barriers to make it more difficult to just walk in.

Since punishing employers is absolutely the only thing Democrats support in that effort, I have to conclude that it is the job providing that they object to, not the illegal immigration.
But democrats would refuse to do this, which is what this thread is all about. Hell, California wants to pay illegals unemployment benefits. As such, I don't see California agreeing to go after employers. The left only want to go after employers in red states.
Unemployment benefits and employers?

Do you consider reading your posts before hitting that reply button?

Funny, I don't see any legislation on this coming from the House. Why is that?

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