The Left Going Full Anti-America

How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™

Did you know the Pledge was not adopted by Congress until the 1940's?

So for me it is not a big deal...
You know what that means... it means our founders and all before 1940 who didnā€™t do a pledge were all America haters. Can you believe that?
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™

Did you know the Pledge was not adopted by Congress until the 1940's?

So for me it is not a big deal...
You know what that means... it means our founders and all before 1940 who didnā€™t do a pledge were all America haters. Can you believe that?

So am I and I would not say it because God was in the pledge...
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.

They freaking picketed the national 4th of july celebration. I wouldn't say they have warm feelings for America at this point.
Why not? You know they werenā€™t protesting ā€œAmericaā€ they had other issues that they were protesting. Letā€™s be honest here
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™

Hey man I warned you all. I saw the writing on the wall with the full court press support of AOC, the push will remain as global socialists want their piece of the U.S taxpayer pie.

The far left might as well just be agents of Communist China.
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.

So the answer is to ban it for everyone ? These assholes can stay seated then, I could care fucking less, but to end it because they are "afraid" it may hurt the feelings of the new immigrants, FUCK THAT !
They arenā€™t banning it for everyone, they voted to stop doing it before their city council meetings.

Might as well be a ban, if they make sure NO ONE can now do it.
The demographics ball is already rolling, eventually the Constitution won't matter at all. This Union will be breaking up, it's just a matter of time. We will be lucky if we end up like Brazil.
The demographics ball is already rolling, eventually the Constitution won't matter at all. This Union will be breaking up, it's just a matter of time. We will be lucky if we end up like Brazil.

There is no doubt we are fracturing before our eyes, and the left is driving it with a huge wedge.
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.

So the answer is to ban it for everyone ? These assholes can stay seated then, I could care fucking less, but to end it because they are "afraid" it may hurt the feelings of the new immigrants, FUCK THAT !
They arenā€™t banning it for everyone, they voted to stop doing it before their city council meetings.

Might as well be a ban, if they make sure NO ONE can now do it.
What are talking about? They hold meetings. They don't want to do it before their meetings anymore. Anybody can do it whenever and wherever they want. Why are you overreacting?
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.

So the answer is to ban it for everyone ? These assholes can stay seated then, I could care fucking less, but to end it because they are "afraid" it may hurt the feelings of the new immigrants, FUCK THAT !
They arenā€™t banning it for everyone, they voted to stop doing it before their city council meetings.
Which means a patriotic city council member can't say the pledge at their work place....
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.

So the answer is to ban it for everyone ? These assholes can stay seated then, I could care fucking less, but to end it because they are "afraid" it may hurt the feelings of the new immigrants, FUCK THAT !
They arenā€™t banning it for everyone, they voted to stop doing it before their city council meetings.
Which means a patriotic city council member can't say the pledge at their work place....
They held a vote and made the call. If other members are voted in and feel they want to do it again they can vote to do it. This isnā€™t very complicated.

And yes if somebody wanted to do the pledge they can do the pledge. Just do it in their office before the meeting. Nobodyā€™s going to arrest them
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
No, sociopath. Donald and his minions hate this country

now kindly piss off

How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
No, sociopath. Donald and his minions hate this country

now kindly piss off

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How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.
Nobody is forcing anyone to take the pledge. People are free to be commie assholes.
They should be sent away.

We all know these brown skinned recent invaders dont give a damn about this country EXCEPT what they can take from the Taxpayer
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How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.

So the answer is to ban it for everyone ? These assholes can stay seated then, I could care fucking less, but to end it because they are "afraid" it may hurt the feelings of the new immigrants, FUCK THAT !
They arenā€™t banning it for everyone, they voted to stop doing it before their city council meetings.
Which means a patriotic city council member can't say the pledge at their work place....
They held a vote and made the call. If other members are voted in and feel they want to do it again they can vote to do it. This isnā€™t very complicated.

And yes if somebody wanted to do the pledge they can do the pledge. Just do it in their office before the meeting. Nobodyā€™s going to arrest them
That is not the point.

Doing it in your office and being confined to that when the pledge has everything to do with your job invalidates that job.

What's next, are they are going to outlaw using holy books at swearing in ceremonies too?
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.
Nobody is forcing anyone to take the pledge. People are free to be commie assholes.
They should be sent away.

We all know these brown skinned recent invaders dont give a damn about this country EXCEPT what they can 5ake from the Taxpayer
You kidding me with that statement?! Go away, youā€™re wasting space with that stupidity
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.

So the answer is to ban it for everyone ? These assholes can stay seated then, I could care fucking less, but to end it because they are "afraid" it may hurt the feelings of the new immigrants, FUCK THAT !
They arenā€™t banning it for everyone, they voted to stop doing it before their city council meetings.
Which means a patriotic city council member can't say the pledge at their work place....
They held a vote and made the call. If other members are voted in and feel they want to do it again they can vote to do it. This isnā€™t very complicated.

And yes if somebody wanted to do the pledge they can do the pledge. Just do it in their office before the meeting. Nobodyā€™s going to arrest them
That is not the point.

Doing it in your office and being confined to that when the pledge has everything to do with your job invalidates that job.

What's next, are they are going to outlaw using holy books at swearing in ceremonies too?
You can be sworn in on whatever book you want. And the pledge does not have everything to do with their job. Itā€™s a group chant that they no longer wanted to do. Like the national anthem before sporting events. Some do it some donā€™t. Not a big deal
If these new immigrants feel it's NOT "welcoming", then they shouldn't be allowed in, in the first place.

I swear to fucking god I hate guilt ridden liberals. These are the worst fucking people EVER produced in any western country !

We should exclude anyone with a Marxist mindset from immigrating here. And reinstate HUAC.

That would let the Muslim Somalians right on in still. I'm telling you, we as Americans are going to have a big problem with alleged Somalian "refugees".
They're here to invade, not assimilate. I say as many as possible should be deported. Asylum is over.

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