The Left Going Full Anti-America

How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™

Did you know the Pledge was not adopted by Congress until the 1940's?

So for me it is not a big deal...
You know what that means... it means our founders and all before 1940 who didnā€™t do a pledge were all America haters. Can you believe that?
And more stupidity

Grandpa as much you and I agree a lot of times let me say this to you and that is you live now but the Pledge is not that Americano...
That is not the point.

Doing it in your office and being confined to that when the pledge has everything to do with your job invalidates that job.

What's next, are they are going to outlaw using holy books at swearing in ceremonies too?
You can be sworn in on whatever book you want. And the pledge does not have everything to do with their job. Itā€™s a group chant that they no longer wanted to do. Like the national anthem before sporting events. Some do it some donā€™t. Not a big deal

Why are they in America, then? GTFO if you can't swear allegiance to America, seriously. What do you/they swear allegiance to, then?

Allah? Beelzebub? Karl Marx? The American Dollar? What?! :mad:
Why are you saying they canā€™t swear allegiance to America?! Where did that come from?

She's saying she doesn't want to.
What exactly did she say?

Ah, you probably already knew the original was deleted.

She equates the US pledge of allegiance to pledging allegiance to Israel.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter

Annnd, there was hellacious blowback when the city council in her district echoed her sentiments and banned the pledge in her district.

Which is what the OP that I didn't read before is about. :9-21:

Constituents in Omar's district protesting about the city council banning the pledge.
What Socialism Meant for My Great-Grandfather. It is written by Helen Raleigh, an immigrant from China, is the owner of an investment advisory firm.

Though many villagers shared similar economic conditions, a government worker came to my great-grandfatherā€™s village and divided everyone into five classes: landlords, rich peasants, middle peasants, poor peasants and laborers. Then a work team organized ā€œspeak bitternessā€ struggle sessions so the poor could vent their frustration against the ā€œrich.ā€

Well that sounds familiar. Americaā€™s leftists have been doing that, like, forever.
If policy can not make standing and reciting
the Pledge of Allegiance mandatory,
Then policy should not be able to ban the same.

If you want to partake, do, if not, donā€™t
You can be sworn in on whatever book you want. And the pledge does not have everything to do with their job. Itā€™s a group chant that they no longer wanted to do. Like the national anthem before sporting events. Some do it some donā€™t. Not a big deal

Why are they in America, then? GTFO if you can't swear allegiance to America, seriously. What do you/they swear allegiance to, then?

Allah? Beelzebub? Karl Marx? The American Dollar? What?! :mad:
Why are you saying they canā€™t swear allegiance to America?! Where did that come from?

She's saying she doesn't want to.
What exactly did she say?

Ah, you probably already knew the original was deleted.

She equates the US pledge of allegiance to pledging allegiance to Israel.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter

Annnd, there was hellacious blowback when the city council in her district echoed her sentiments and banned the pledge in her district.

Which is what the OP that I didn't read before is about. :9-21:

Constituents in Omar's district protesting about the city council banning the pledge.
She obviously doesnā€™t like the pledge of allegiance... but that doesnā€™t mean she didnā€™t take her oath of office or dedication to her country seriously.
Why are they in America, then? GTFO if you can't swear allegiance to America, seriously. What do you/they swear allegiance to, then?

Allah? Beelzebub? Karl Marx? The American Dollar? What?! :mad:
Why are you saying they canā€™t swear allegiance to America?! Where did that come from?

She's saying she doesn't want to.
What exactly did she say?

Ah, you probably already knew the original was deleted.

She equates the US pledge of allegiance to pledging allegiance to Israel.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter

Annnd, there was hellacious blowback when the city council in her district echoed her sentiments and banned the pledge in her district.

Which is what the OP that I didn't read before is about. :9-21:

Constituents in Omar's district protesting about the city council banning the pledge.
She obviously doesnā€™t like the pledge of allegiance... but that doesnā€™t mean she didnā€™t take her oath of office or dedication to her country seriously.

Yes it does.
Why are you saying they canā€™t swear allegiance to America?! Where did that come from?

She's saying she doesn't want to.
What exactly did she say?

Ah, you probably already knew the original was deleted.

She equates the US pledge of allegiance to pledging allegiance to Israel.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter

Annnd, there was hellacious blowback when the city council in her district echoed her sentiments and banned the pledge in her district.

Which is what the OP that I didn't read before is about. :9-21:

Constituents in Omar's district protesting about the city council banning the pledge.
She obviously doesnā€™t like the pledge of allegiance... but that doesnā€™t mean she didnā€™t take her oath of office or dedication to her country seriously.

Yes it does.
No it doesnā€™t

We gonna keep debating like pre schoolers?! Or do you care to explain yourself?
The Left Going Full Anti-America
You mean it gets worse?
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?
That's a good question. Even if there WAS something odd or wrong with it, you'd think the 4th would command a lot of tolerance and leeway. Ridiculing a 4th celebration is about 12 magnitudes worse than questioning McCain or some passing alleged comment about a gold star family, which the Left were ballistic about!
The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.
I always figured they would hang themselves. Can't wait to see where these loons are at by the time of next November!
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
No, sociopath. Donald and his minions hate this country

now kindly piss off

America is not about death threats to children like you Leftards love to do.
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
No, sociopath. Donald and his minions hate this country

now kindly piss off


Oh, shillian? Show me an example of leftists being patriotic and loving America...I'll wait..:rolleyes:

Who in the fuck left right wing, conservative, racist in charge to say who is American and who isn't.
its not about who is or isnt an American
its about who is deserving to call themselves an American and spewing nothing but hate and condemnation for America makes you undeserving
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™

Theyā€™ve been anti-American for as long as I can remember. Theyā€™ve just always done a good job of hiding it. But now they are mentally insane, and donā€™t care how crazy they look. They are now open about their hatred of America, especially with whites, Christians, and capitalism. For decades liberal policies have let foreign trash flow into our country. They now feel they have the majority so they donā€™t have to hide their disdain. They may actually right, they may have enough foreign and illegal alien votes they can win. If that happens, theyā€™ll move quickly to eradicate their enemies. Similar to how Muslims do it when they become the majority in a nation.
If these new immigrants feel it's NOT "welcoming", then they shouldn't be allowed in, in the first place.

I swear to fucking god I hate guilt ridden liberals. These are the worst fucking people EVER produced in any western country !
Funny because everyone else in the modern world believes the problem is ugly American brainwashed ignoramuses who have no clue what is actually going on in the world. but thanks for 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, the corrupt World depression of 2008 and 1929, ruining the middle class and infrastructure etcetera etc in a ridiculous giveaway to the rich. Change the channel and try reality.
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
here in Trump country we don't say the pledge of allegiance before these meetings either. Another ridiculous propaganda meme to Gin up the hater dupes...
There is a proselytization for theocracy embedded in the Pledge of Allegiance that violates the U.S. Constitution, whether or not it is made mandatory to recite it. We will always screw the theologian-pimp back, in any way possible, for such arrogance.
How does the Pledge Of Allegiance offend anyone who chooses to live in America?

The Left are in full hate America mode now and using the stupidest excuses to do it.

A city in Rep. Ilhan Omarā€™s (D-MN) district recently voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of city council meetings in order to be more welcoming to an increasingly ā€œdiverse community.ā€ In response, citizens have mounted a forceful protest.

Ilhan Omarā€™s Constituents Protest City's Ban On ā€˜Pledge Of Allegianceā€™
Not a big deal. If they donā€™t want to do the pledge then they shouldnā€™t have to. Doesnā€™t mean they hate America, donā€™t be a drama queen about it.
Oh for sure! What a dumb position. And you have stupid athletes throwing the flag down and walking on it! Omar the idiot hates America.
If they are offended they should leave post haste. No one is forcing them to stay
Going? The Left has already GONE full anti-America years ago. No offense, but your thread title is in the wrong tense.

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