The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Those are facts dumb dumb. You can't refute them.
  1. There wasn’t a single fact in your ignorant post
  2. I did refute them 😂
See? You’re so deeply uneducated (and indoctrinated by disinformation). It’s sad. Really sad.

All you had to do was Google it too - but in typical left-wing fashion, you were too lazy. Leftists don’t want to know the truth. How embarrassing for you.
View attachment 831728
Yeah that link doesn't support your previous Bingo argument.
Those are facts dumb dumb. You can't refute them.
You’re the perfect example of why PragerU is so important. Public education failed you. It’s embarrassing really.
You’re the perfect example of why PragerU is so important. Public education failed you. It’s embarrassing really.
You and PragerU are morons. 😄

The question of who invented slavery is stupid. It's like asking who invented language. Civilizations and cultures can develop language and slavery independently and that's what all of them did. People in Africa enslaved other people in Africa, people in Asia enslaved people in Asia and Europeans enslaved other Europeans. It's a stupid strawman to suggest that anyone is accusing white people of inventing slavery. It's also stupid to blame African slavers in an attempt to excuse European slavers. All slavers are guilty. The only ones trying to make arguments on behalf on any slavers are you and the morons at PragerU.
The question of who invented slavery is stupid.
Ha! It’s suddenly “stupid” once someone educates you that black people had more slaves than all other races combined.

Which proves you’re just desperate to find something to demonize white people over :rolleyes:
It's a stupid strawman to suggest that anyone is accusing white people of inventing slavery.
But not nearly as stupid as crying about any white person having slaves since that was the norm at the time. I promise you, 200 years from now “woke” jack-asses will vilify you for owning a dog or cat. Because that’s what ignorant wokeism does: it applies current thinking to past centuries to make itself feel “superior” :rolleyes:

Who gives a fuck if Christopher Columbus owned an automobile in an era where everyone owned an automobile? Answer: nobody rational would. Now replace “automobile” with “slave”.
It's also stupid to blame African slavers in an attempt to excuse European slavers. All slavers are guilty. The only ones trying to make arguments on behalf on any slavers are you and the morons at PragerU.
I don’t need to “make an argument” around slavery. Do you know why?
  1. I never owned a slave
  2. In that era, slavery was normal. Your faux “outrage” several hundred years later for a false sense of moral superiority is comical
  3. The facts speak for themselves. Black men introduced the Europeans to slavery. Facts matter.
Ha! It’s suddenly “stupid” once someone educates you that black people had more slaves than all other races combined.
No one needed a PragerU to teach them about history except Republican Simps because the rest of learned about slavery in grade school. 😄

Btw, that thing you just said about blacks having more slaves than all other races combined is just stupid shit you pulled out of your ass.
Which proves you’re just desperate to find something to demonize white people over :rolleyes:

But not nearly as stupid as crying about any white person having slaves since that was the norm at the time. I promise you, 200 years from now “woke” jack-asses will vilify you for owning a dog or cat. Because that’s what ignorant wokeism does: it applies current thinking to past centuries to make itself feel “superior” :rolleyes:
Morality isn't a property of time you moron.
Who gives a fuck if Christopher Columbus owned an automobile in an era where everyone owned an automobile? Answer: nobody rational would. Now replace “automobile” with “slave”.
Yep. Slaves and automobiles. No difference between the two at all.... 😄
I don’t need to “make an argument” around slavery. Do you know why?
  1. I never owned a slave
  2. In that era, slavery was normal. Your faux “outrage” several hundred years later for a false sense of moral superiority is comical
  3. The facts speak for themselves. Black men introduced the Europeans to slavery. Facts matter.
Black people did not introduce Europeans to slavery you dumb Simp. You ever heard of the Roman Empire you moron? 😄 For fuck's said put down the internet and read a damn book.
You have to understand, the only fascists are the opponents of the democrat party

And always remember, sure the Nazis called themselves socialists and embraced socialist policies, but they were all conservatives in sheep's clothing

There, I just fixed getting all the Left wing talking points in one swoop.

You're welcome.
No you didn't. The nazi strive for pure form needs neither "the Left" nor conservatism because its deceptions relied on the introduction of lack, as Hardt and Negri explain....'taking away the meaning of the relation between necessary labor and surplus labor. At this very moment, socialism becomes impossible.'
(Labor of Dionysus: Critique of State Form, p. 205.6)
Of course cosplayers just move right along to their next fantasy....
I’ve got the receipts, snowflake. You literally had no clue about the history of slavery. After I educated your uneducated ass (for free), you’re now pretending like you knew all along :lmao:

Fortunately for me, I have the receipts!

Yep. Slaves and automobiles. No difference between the two at all.... 😄
Nice strawman. Nobody claimed they were the “same”. The analogy exposed how gross and disingenuous you are in declaring faux “moral superiority” by applying 21st Century views to people who lived 600 years ago.

Sit the fuck down, you fake, lying, uneducated, ass-clown.
I’ve got the receipts, snowflake. You literally had no clue about the history of slavery. After I educated your uneducated ass (for free), you’re now pretending like you knew all along :lmao:

Fortunately for me, I have the receipts!

View attachment 832803
What is that a receipt of other than me calling you an idiot? 😄
Nice strawman. Nobody claimed they were the “same”. The analogy exposed how gross and disingenuous you are in declaring faux “moral superiority” by applying 21st Century views to people who lived 600 years ago.

Sit the fuck down, you fake, lying, uneducated, ass-clown.
Sorry but only fucking morons try to argue that the Founders understood taxation without representation to be tyranny while at the same time being clueless to the deplorable nature of slavery. That's a stupid argument. Try thinking of a better one.
What is that a receipt of other than me calling you an idiot? 😄

Sorry but only fucking morons try to argue that the Founders understood taxation without representation to be tyranny while at the same time being clueless to the deplorable nature of slavery. That's a stupid argument. Try thinking of a better one.

You're a total retard.
Your posts are nothing but ignorance, stupidity and hate.
What is that a receipt of other than me calling you an idiot? 😄
Only a leftist would deny that they called accurate historical fact to be “backwater homeschool nonsense” while looking at a photograph of themselves stating accurate historical fact to be “backwater homeschool nonsense” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You can’t make this shit up! You people actually believe that if you just deny all reality, it somehow alters reality to what you wish it would be.

“That man with a penis and testicles isn’t a man - that’s a real woman!”

“Fascist ANTIFA - violently assaulting anyone exercising their basic 1st Amendment rights - aren’t fascists at all, the are the freedom fighters!”

“That’s not a baby and we’re not murdering it - it’s a fetus and we’re just making life better”
Only a leftist would deny that they called accurate historical fact to be “backwater homeschool nonsense” while looking at a photograph of themselves stating accurate historical fact to be “backwater homeschool nonsense” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You didn't present any history. You presented a strawman argument from PragerU like a dumb Bingo.
You can’t make this shit up! You people actually believe that if you just deny all reality, it somehow alters reality to what you wish it would be.

“That man with a penis and testicles isn’t a man - that’s a real woman!”

“Fascist ANTIFA - violently assaulting anyone exercising their basic 1st Amendment rights - aren’t fascists at all, the are the freedom fighters!”

“That’s not a baby and we’re not murdering it - it’s a fetus and we’re just making life better”
See. All those morons taught you were strawman arguments. You're only providing evidence against yourself, dummy.
You didn't present any history. You presented a strawman argument from PragerU like a dumb Bingo.

See. All those morons taught you were strawman arguments. You're only providing evidence against yourself, dummy.

Your avatar reeks of fascism

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