The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Bwahahaha!!! Wait. Wait. Wait. You think the “Roman Empire” never made it to Africa?!?

OMG…no wonder you have a rainbow fist for your avatar. You are the epitome of ineducated. I’m dead. Dead. I cannot stop laughing. 💀💀💀

Africa was PART of the “Roman Empire” 🤣🤣🤣

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Nice strawman. The question isn't whether the Roman empire eventually made it to Africa, it's whether or not Africans taught them about slavery like you claim. They didn't. You're a moron. An obvious one. 😄
I can quote you admitting that you think Africans introduced Europeans to slavery because you're just that stupid. 😄
Do you now understand…

A. Why an education is so important

B. Why humility is so important

You’re so smug. So arrogant. And you don’t even know anything about the content you’re popping off about 😂
Nice strawman. The question isn't whether the Roman empire eventually made it to Africa, it's whether or not Africans taught them about slavery like you claim. They didn't. You're a moron. An obvious one. 😄
Bwahahaha!! You keep crying “strawman” every time I show the world how you are deeply uneducated :lmao:
There's not much left of our country. The Mexican-Venezuelan-Cubans-Haitians-West-Africans Illegals are all moving here, today! :26::adoreheart::smoke::icon_rolleyes:
There is no “argument”. You didn’t know anything about this subject matter. I educated you. You lack the humility to learn and move on. 🤷‍♂️
No. I don't know about the Africans teaching Europeans about slavery. By all means, explain how that went down as far as your understanding is concerned. 😄
Hitler abandoned the German socialists in 1926.... as Mussolini had done in 1919.

In 1933 Hitler purged the German government of Socialists, Communists, Jews and Democrats. Look at the Fascists of the 20th century. Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.
They're desperate to paint the opposite picture.

The parallels we're seeing can only be denied by liars and cultists.
They're desperate to paint the opposite picture
Literally what the left is doing. Thankfully, conservatives have all of the facts, receipts, logic, and common sense.

When challenged to explain how on God’s green Earth fascism could possibly be to the right of libertarianism, Surada responded with the fall-down-hilarious “I don’t have to” 😂

You want to take a crack at that one, Mac1958?? The Tea Party is to the right of the Republican Party because they believe in smaller government, with less power, per the US Constitution. And the Libertarian Party is to the right of the Tea Party because they believe in even smaller government with even less power. So now please explain to the class how fascism - total government control - is to the right of libertarianism. No? Can’t do it? Didn’t think so.
Tell us all again how the Roman Empire had slaves “before” ever making it to Africa… #RainbowFist! 😂
I defer to you on this. Please. Tell us all how the Africans taught the Europeans about slavery. Let us know about the African philosophers that influenced the Greek philosopher Aristotle and his beliefs on slavery. 😄 We're all ears.
Literally what the left is doing. Thankfully, conservatives have all of the facts, receipts, logic, and common sense.

When challenged to explain how on God’s green Earth fascism could possibly be to the right of libertarianism, Surada responded with the fall-down-hilarious “I don’t have to” 😂

You want to take a crack at that one, Mac1958?? The Tea Party is to the right of the Republican Party because they believe in smaller government, with less power, per the US Constitution. And the Libertarian Party is to the right of the Tea Party because they believe in even smaller government with even less power. So now please explain to the class how fascism - total government control - is to the right of libertarianism. No? Can’t do it? Didn’t think so.
Boom! When challenged to explain it, Mac1958 goes immature with the fake, sarcastic “laugh” (🙄) and runs away! Mic-drop. So easy to defeat people on the wrong side of the facts. So easy.
I defer to you on this. Please. Tell us all how the Africans taught the Europeans about slavery.
I literally did already. It was the post that you hilariously called “backwater homeschooled nonsense”. Then I posted proof, you Googled more, and you’ve been backpedaling ever since 😂
I literally did already. It was the post that you hilariously called “backwater homeschooled nonsense”. Then I posted proof, you Googled more, and you’ve been backpedaling ever since 😂
Do you mean this post?

See? You’re so deeply uneducated (and indoctrinated by disinformation). It’s sad. Really sad.

All you had to do was Google it too - but in typical left-wing fashion, you were too lazy. Leftists don’t want to know the truth. How embarrassing for you.
View attachment 831728
That doesn't mean that's when slavery in Europe began you dumb Simp. They are talking about the beginning of the Atlantic Slave trade. Fucking Christ you're stupid.

Just a quick reminder that the left has embraced fascism in its purest form - even going so far as to honor actual Nazis and give them standing ovations
Isn't if fascinating how everyone who "protests" (ie riot) for left-wing causes has a long criminal history? It's almost like the left-wing ideology attracts dirt-bags. It's also almost like Kyle Rittenhouse was completely justified in acting in self-defense.
It's a shame he didn't kill them.

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