The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Prager U? If they report it, it's a lie.
When you can’t dispute the message - attack the messenger. The fascist playbook of the left.

PragerU’s content is 1,000% accurate. If it wasn’t, you’d be able to prove otherwise. Thanks for playing, fascist!
They did?? Then why did your uneducated ass keep pointing to the “Roman Empire” as “proof” that slavery didn’t originate in Africa? 🤣🤣🤣
Because Roman's had slaves before they made it to Africa you moron. Like I said, read a damn book. 😄
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Including weaponizing government against anyone who refuses to bow to their fascist ideology.

If you have ever wondered how Germans allowed Hitler to take power, just look at brainless democrats in this forum and you can see how. They are egging it on here in America in their blind stupidity.
Wrong answer. Fascism was embraced by hard LEFT Italian conservative.

And today, Mussolini would be a stout Maga King. Not worry, you have Jailbird Rump for that position. Just remember, Mussulini ended up hanging upside down in the Public Square. I think we are being kind to Rump with just taking all his ill gotten gains from him and, possibly, giving him 3 squares, a cot and library privileges.

Glad you brought up the inventor of the Fascist Government. While he didn't actually invent it, he did take over an entire country using it's' 14 points. You Magats currently have 12 of the 14 points and are trying to do the other 2 making Rump King doing away with President. GW had something to say about that.
If you have ever wondered how Germans allowed Hitler to take power, just look at brainless democrats in this forum and you can see how. They are egging it on here in America in their blind stupidity.
Seriously, I always wondered that until Obama took office. At that point, their fascist leader was in power so the bat-shit crazy left felt they no longer had to hide who they were and their true intentions.

Ever since then, the left has shown all of us how an Adolf Hitler comes into power.
And today, Mussolini would be a stout Maga King.
Nope. Fascism was left-wing back then (Nazi is short for National Socialists) and fascism is still left-wing today.

You cannot have small, limited government totalitarian government. Literally impossible as the two are diametrically opposed.

But…Joseph Goebbels would be super proud of your bullshit propaganda here!
Note how the left always resorts to violence to achieve their political agenda. The left has embraced fascism in its purest form.
Note how the left always resorts to violence to achieve their political agenda. The left has embraced fascism in its purest form.

The Left is the personification of Evil in America today
What is that a receipt of other than me calling you an idiot? 😄

Sorry but only fucking morons try to argue that the Founders understood taxation without representation to be tyranny while at the same time being clueless to the deplorable nature of slavery. That's a stupid argument. Try thinking of a better one.
The Nazis also believed in "euthanizing" anyone who couldn't serve the needs of the state. The left is so gross and so extreme now...
Says the child who didn't know the history of slavery and didn't know that the Roman Empire included parts of Africa :lmao:
Your make believe will never cover over the fact that you think Africans introduced Europeans about slavery.

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