The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

George Soros is the typical fascist antisemite - committed to leveraging all of the typical tools used by fascists: propaganda, disinformation, violence, etc.

Elon Musk is about to bring the hammer down and he and his entire evil network. Unlike George Soros (and the entire left), the data/analytics do not lie.
Just a reminder that the left has embraced fascism in it's purest form...
“Our institutions are so corrupt right now,” says Boghossian. “College campuses are echo chambers; students not only don't hear the other side of the issue, but they think they're better people because they don't, so it's an indoctrination mill — a social justice factory.”
This is exactly what the Nazis did. Just propaganda 24x7, and using violence and other tactics to ensure nobody else could be heard.
Just like the Nazis were, the left in the US today is deeply antisemitic. You cannot help but laugh at the profound stupidity of Jews who actually vote Democrat 🤦‍♂️
So typical of the left across the globe - implement policies that allows small children to be brutally murdered by illegal aliens, then eliminate the basic freedom of speech of citizens.

The left has embraced fascism in its purest form…
The Projection Meter is now fully pinned. Again.
Apparently, so is the asshole meter. You’re literally violating USMB rules. You added nothing of value and didn’t even remotely attempt to discuss the subject matter. Just pure trolling like a fuck’n jerk.

Some people post because they have something to say. Others post because they just have to say something. You’re the latter. The asshole who can’t add anything of value. Can’t even dispute what is being said.
Just like his mentor, Barack Obama (who ushered in the era of the left embracing fascism in its purest form)…

The same type of tactics used by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. The left has completely embraced fascism in its purest form…

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