The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Your make believe will never cover over the fact that you think Africans introduced Europeans about slavery.
It's all there in black & white for the world to see 😂

I'm truly amazed that you would rather to continue to embarrass yourself than have the humility to quietly slip away and actually learn for once.
It's all there in black & white for the world to see 😂

I'm truly amazed that you would rather to continue to embarrass yourself than have the humility to quietly slip away and actually learn for once.
It is. Tell me again how Africans introduced Europeans to slavery. 😄
It is. Tell me again how Africans introduced Europeans to slavery. 😄
Tell us all again how the Roman Empire is “proof” that Africans didn’t introduce Europeans to slavery :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I proved multiple times that you’re completely uneducated about this content (but that doesn’t stop you from commenting anyway!)
Imagine believing that you don’t have a right to “hate” whatever you want to hate in the United States. Well that is the position of the fascists we call “Democrats”

Tell us all again how the Roman Empire is “proof” that Africans didn’t introduce Europeans to slavery :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
By the fact that they had slaves before they reached northern Africa. Then of course there are the ancient Greeks. I suppose all the philosophizing Plato and Aristotle did over slavery they learned from Africans? Did you learn that history from Kanye and the Black Israelites? 😄
I proved multiple times that you’re completely uneducated about this content (but that doesn’t stop you from commenting anyway!)
You've only proved what fucking loon you are. 😄
By the fact that they had slaves before they reached northern Africa. Then of course there are the ancient Greeks. I suppose all the philosophizing Plato and Aristotle did over slavery they learned from Africans? Did you learn that history from Kanye and the Black Israelites? 😄

You've only proved what fucking loon you are. 😄
This is still going?

I expect Patriot to call me a leftist and a loon for this, but for the rest of you, here goes.

The unifying ideology shared by all of the left wing is that society must reward everyone equally, without consideration to whether or not they deserve it. The unifying ideology by all of the right wing is for a structured society with different people fulfilling different roles, without consideration to how each person wants to rank that society. It's been like this for hundreds of years.

'Fascist' is often used as an insult these days, but in political science, it is almost always defined as extreme authoritarian nationalism. Both the left and the right have extremists and authoritarians, but nationalism is exclusive to the right. Nationalism is the belief that your group (that is, nation) of people deserve more from society than any other. It can be a very powerful force in an oppressed people, but fascism grows within a non-oppressed group, where it is the kind of belief system that starts wars.

Nationalism wants nothing to do with equality. The last thing extreme nationalists want are to be put on the same level as another, "inferior" group of people. They believe their people are better.

The reasons why Patriot believes that fascism is from the left is a) he believes the left is authoritarian (under one authority, a strongman ruler, enemy to democracy), which is fine, those are his beliefs, but also b) because he subscribes to the theories of a post-war Austrian economist named Freidrich Hayek. Hayek was a rabid anti-socialist who wanted a socially acceptable way of equating the socialists that he hated with the Nazis, who were everyone's favorite bad guys at the time. He developed an alternate way or organizing the political world which redefined all authoritarians as part of the left wing, and all supporters of ultimate freedom on the right.

Hayek's theories got some play in the political world, but ultimately failed to convince the entire community to reshape their thinking. These days, it is occasionally dredged up by people who want to portray all socialism as evil. It does not reflect the common political science definitions of 'fascism' and 'left wing,' though.

Just dropping in, as I occasionally do, to remind you all that when Patriot says 'fascism,' he is actually making a case for the left embracing 'authoritarianism,' which is not the same thing.

Have a good week. Enjoy the thread.
Are you trying to do another reversal of parties once again?
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form…
The news has made the point clear, with an assist from social media. The point of transmania is the license to harm. I dare you. It will be the last mistake you ever make. The point of that threat is the pleasure of making it.
The left uses violence to achieve all of their political goals.
The unifying ideology shared by all of the left wing is that society must reward everyone equally, without consideration to whether or not they deserve it.
This is your latest desperate attempt :lmao:

The Tea Party is to the right of the Republican Party because they believe in smaller government with less power than the Republican Party does. The Libertarian Party is to the right of the Tea Party because they believe in smaller government with less power than the Tea Party does. Sovereign Citizens are to the right of the Libertarian Party because they believe in smaller government with less power than the Libertarian Party does.

With those indisputable facts laid out, I challenged you to explain to the class how totalitarian fascism (total government control) could possibly be to the right of Sovereign Citizens. Your reply? “I don’t have to”.

Mic-drop. Game over. You’re wrong and you know you’re wrong (but that doesn’t stop you from peddling your disinformation 🤷‍♂️)
Evangelical christianity banded together over decades to become the largest group within the GOP. They are trained from birth to accept fantasy over reality. There's your "somewhere along the line"

Please.....go explain this to someone who cares about your OPINION.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form…

The left uses violence to achieve all of their political goals.

How can they ?

They are the biggest bunch of pussies you'll find on the earth.

Still one of my favorites:

People have reached their breaking point with fascists and they are fighting back…
As if any more evidence was needed at this point. We all know it.
"I was afraid to have Thomas Sowell and Jordan Peterson books on my bookshelf,” 23-year-old Rikki Schlott says of her college days.
That's because the left has embrace fascism in its purest form 🤷‍♂️
Literally calling for the murder of Jews…gee…where I have I heard that before?? 🤔

Oh wait! That’s right. The fascists of Germany back in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

Just a reminder that the left truly has embraced fascism in its purest form…

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