The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

I’m sorry you’re uneducated and didn’t know that Nazi was short for National SOCIALISTS but that’s what liberalism does: it lowers the bar and destroys public education 🤷‍♂️
thats the 1920's nazis.
The time of strasserism.
Otto Strasser & Gregor Strasser.
But in the 1930's Hilter put a stop to that; this is the real nazis that oppose strasserism.
thats the 1920's nazis.
The time of strasserism.
Otto Strasser & Gregor Strasser.
But in the 1930's Hilter put a stop to that; this is the real nazis that oppose strasserism.
Here we go again. The left’s favorite go to for their failures is “that wasn’t real socialism” :rolleyes:
Here we go again. The left’s favorite go to for their failures is “that wasn’t real socialism” :rolleyes:
When the nazis were gaining power, aka not in power yet, they cast a wide net. They had to attract the working class. Due to that, strasserism formed. But after Hitler solidified power, the strassers were kicked out. One of them was killed at krystalnacht, and the other socialists were sent to dachau.

Perhaps the best example of what Hitler thought of socialism is Hilter's response to the Strassers. Get your history correct.
You have to understand, the only fascists are the opponents of the democrat party

And always remember, sure the Nazis called themselves socialists and embraced socialist policies, but they were all conservatives in sheep's clothing

There, I just fixed getting all the Left wing talking points in one swoop.

You're welcome.
those soviet socialist Republics must have been republican by your simple minded reasoning.
those soviet socialist Republics must have been republican by your simple minded reasoning.

Most were dictators which was the results when Socialism goes too far. But the Nazis were also Dictators when Fascism goes too far. When you take the right and the left too far, they both lead to dictators.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form - complete with propaganda like outrageously false accusations against anyone viewed as “political opposition”

There is nothing even remotely “racist” about PragerU. Nothing. And it’s accurate content, not “propaganda” 🙄
Sure. Nothing at all propagandaish about a cartoon depicting Columbus suggesting that it's wrong to judge him for being a murderous slaver and colonizer. 😄
When the nazis were gaining power, aka not in power yet, they cast a wide net. They had to attract the working class.
So exactly like the Democrats “we’re a big tent” today?? Thank you for proving yet again that the left has embraced fascism in its purest form!
But after Hitler solidified power, the strassers were kicked out. One of them was killed at krystalnacht, and the other socialists were sent to dachau.
After Saddam Hussein’s coup, he executed many members of the Ba’ath Party. That’s just what tyrants do when their paranoia views someone as a potential threat to their power.

Get your history right. Get your facts straight.
Sure. Nothing at all propagandaish about a cartoon depicting Columbus suggesting that it's wrong to judge him for being a murderous slaver and colonizer. 😄
Sure - nothing at all propagandish about depicting Christopher Columbus as a “murderous slaver” 😂

And nothing screams “woke snowflake” more than the comical term “colonizer”. It’s communisms favorite propaganda for demonizing that what every society throughout mankind has ever done.

Liberals: “Progress baby!! Progress!”

Also liberals: “You people are evil ‘colonizers’ for making progress!”

You can’t make this shit up 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 #JuxtaProgressive
Sure - nothing at all propagandish about depicting Christopher Columbus as a “murderous slaver” 😂
That's not propaganda, those are just facts. Propaganda is suggesting that being a murderous slaver is wrong. That I also do.
And nothing screams “woke snowflake” more than the comical term “colonizer”. It’s communisms favorite propaganda for demonizing that what every society throughout mankind has ever done.
No, not every society has invaded another's and set about slaughtering their people and claiming their resources for their own, though plenty have. That's a poor excuse though and really more of admission that he was a murderous slaver rather than any sort of rational refutation.
Liberals: “Progress baby!! Progress!”
I'm not the one incapable of having adult conversations.....
Also liberals: “You people are evil ‘colonizers’ for making progress!”
You look ridiculously weak attacking that strawman you've erected rather than addressing me directly.
You can’t make this shit up 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 #JuxtaProgressive
What exactly is made up again? Columbus wasn't a murderer or a slaver?
That's not propaganda, those are just facts. Propaganda is suggesting that being a murderous slaver is wrong. That I also do.
It’s the furthest thing from “fact” imaginable. It’s tragic how deeply uneducated you rainbow fist avatar virtue-signalers are.

Slavery started with black men in Africa enslaving the tribes they overthrew. When white men landed with pelts, spices, etc. - that black men wanted, they gave white men some of their enslaved black men.

Damn shame you are so uneducated.
You look ridiculously weak attacking that strawman you've erected rather than addressing me directly.
I get it…you got owned with your own words and like all on the left, all you can do is throw a tantrum and scream “strawman”.

No strawman at all there. Progress is finding land and building upon it. That’s what the Europeans did. Next?
So exactly like the Democrats “we’re a big tent” today?? Thank you for proving yet again that the left has embraced fascism in its purest form!

After Saddam Hussein’s coup, he executed many members of the Ba’ath Party. That’s just what tyrants do when their paranoia views someone as a potential threat to their power.

Get your history right. Get your facts straight.
democrats support democracy.
and democracy is the opposite of fascism.
democrats support democracy.
Uh…no they don’t. Democrats support totalitarianism.
It’s a damn shame you just parrot disinformation & propaganda all day.
and democracy is the opposite of fascism.
Exactly. Which is why the left loves fascism so much.
Uh…no they don’t. Democrats support totalitarianism.
It’s a damn shame you just parrot disinformation & propaganda all day.

Exactly. Which is why the left loves fascism so much.
democracy is a government by & for the people.
And people being able to vote for their representatives.
The other shit you bring up is just whataboutisms.
It’s the furthest thing from “fact” imaginable. It’s tragic how deeply uneducated you rainbow fist avatar virtue-signalers are.
Those are facts dumb dumb. You can't refute them. All you can do is display your impotent rage at the mention of them.
Slavery started with black men in Africa enslaving the tribes they overthrew. When white men landed with pelts, spices, etc. - that black men wanted, they gave white men some of their enslaved black men.

Damn shame you are so uneducated.
I sure as fuck wasn't educated in whatever backwater home school that taught you that nonsense. 😄
I sure as fuck wasn't educated in whatever backwater home school that taught you that nonsense. 😄
See? You’re so deeply uneducated (and indoctrinated by disinformation). It’s sad. Really sad.

All you had to do was Google it too - but in typical left-wing fashion, you were too lazy. Leftists don’t want to know the truth. How embarrassing for you.

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