The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

If I call a bucket of manure a rose, will you accept that and lie out how it smells?
Will you accept that you’re actually holding a rose and lying about it?
I want everyone to keep the property that he has acquired for himself according to the principle: benefit to the state precedes benefit to the individual. But the state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain its right to control the owners of property. - Adolf Hitler
Hmmm…the collective over the individual? Appointed by the state? The state will always retain ties right to control people? That sure sounds left-wing!!

Facts matter. Everything you said was wrong (either because you’re a liar or because you’re ignorant of the subject matter - either one doesn’t bode well for you).

Nazi was short for National Socialists. And fascism is totalitarianism. Both are the polar opposite of right-wing, which is an ideology of maximum personal liberty and small, limited government.
Short of Dictatorship (which both nearly became) you can't have a Fascist with ideals because he is against Unions and are pro Corporates.
I already posted Hitler’s quote about the government controlling all things private (including corporations).

Now here is very left-wing FDR and George Meany both vehemently opposing unions in government as well. Remember, Hitler believed everything should serve the government with government control of everything, so of course he opposed unions (just like FDR & George Meany did when it came to government).
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Democrats don't want anyone who might report the truth to the American people. They are following the Adolf Hitler playbook.
Since the Democrats encourage and protect domestic terrorists, citizens were forced to secure their own neighborhood. And they did. They seriously took care of business against the #2 domestic terrorist threat in the U.S. today. This is how ANTIFA needs to be handled everywhere they go.
This should be mandated for everyone on the fascist left…
The university also agreed to send its censoring officials to remedial First Amendment training taught by DeJong’s lawyers.
We’ve allowed the fascist left to trample basic rights for far too long.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. The same people who literally screamed "fuck Trump" for 5 years now will not tolerate "Let's Go Brandon".

Hard right Italian conservatives embraced fascism.

You should actually study Modern European history.
Will you accept that you’re actually holding a rose and lying about it?

Hmmm…the collective over the individual? Appointed by the state? The state will always retain ties right to control people? That sure sounds left-wing!!

Facts matter. Everything you said was wrong (either because you’re a liar or because you’re ignorant of the subject matter - either one doesn’t bode well for you).

Nazi was short for National Socialists. And fascism is totalitarianism. Both are the polar opposite of right-wing, which is an ideology of maximum personal liberty and small, limited government.
Hitler split from the socialists in 1926. In 1933 Hitler purged the German government of socialists communists, Jews and democrats. He put them in Dachau.

Your education is really poor.
Hard right Italian conservatives embraced fascism.
Adolf Hitler was hard-left. Nazi was short for National SOCIALISTS
You should actually study Modern European history.
You should actually study basic political science. The further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all - anarchy. Fascism is total government control, you uneducated clown. That’s left-wing.
Hitler split from the socialists in 1926.
No, he didn’t. No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it will never come true.
In 1933 Hitler purged the German government of socialists communists, Jews and democrats. He put them in Dachau.
Saddam Hussein killed many members of the Ba’ath Party. Did he “split” from them, jack-hole? No, tyrants kill anyone they view as a threat to their totalitarian power. They aren’t loyal to people who share their ideology, you uneducated buffoon. We’ve established that already but it’s left you with nothing, so you continue your repugnant tactics: ignore facts and lie.
Your education is really poor.
Sadly, your education is completely nonexistent. I gave you Hitler’s exact quotes. You refused to address them because you know it proves you wrong.
You have to understand, the only fascists are the opponents of the democrat party

And always remember, sure the Nazis called themselves socialists and embraced socialist policies, but they were all conservatives in sheep's clothing

There, I just fixed getting all the Left wing talking points in one swoop.

You're welcome.
You have to realize that THE LEFT is a creation of the F B I and the pink haired retards are working for the corrupt establishment to end Western civilization. Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, Communism are all leftist ideologies and all of them are controlled and infiltrated by the Feds. The Feds are using the Democrats and Left in order to garner political power because the Stupid people ( eg; Hood Rats) are all leftists and easy to manipulate.
You have to realize that THE LEFT is a creation of the F B I and the pink haired retards are working for the corrupt establishment to end Western civilization. Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, Communism are all leftist ideologies and all of them are controlled and infiltrated by the Feds. The Feds are using the Democrats and Left in order to garner political power because the Stupid people ( eg; Hood Rats) are all leftists and easy to manipulate.
First the fascist left tried to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice. And then, when that didn’t work, they tried to get one to abdicate his responsibilities.

There is no low that the left will not stoop to in order to ensure their fascist ideology rules the United States.
The Democrats are seriously ramping up their fascism…
Officials will also be investigating board members, be creating new laws to fight banning books that are generally considered wildly inappropriate for children, and have issued a lawsuit against the school district that’s challenging a policy that requires schools to notify families when a child claims to identify as transgender.
“Investigating board members”? Fascists hate it when they can’t control other people’s children (after they’ve killed their own).
The fascist left deeply hates not being able to strip people of their constitutional rights. And they try to punish anyone who fights for those rights.
The fascist left deeply hates not being able to strip people of their constitutional rights. And they try to punish anyone who fights for those rights.
100% correct

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