The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

here, just to remind everyone what Mrs. Clinton said in the third debate about accepting election results:

"Wallace: But, sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact, one of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how hard fought a campaign is that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?

Trump: What I’m saying is that I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense, okay?

Clinton: Well Chris, let me respond to that because that’s horrifying. You know, every time Donald thinks things aren't going in his direction, he claims whatever it is, is rigged against him. The FBI conducted a yearlong investigation into my e-mails. They concluded there was no case. He said the FBI was rigged. He lost the Iowa caucus, he lost the Wisconsin primary, he said the Republican primary was rigged against him. Then, Trump University gets sued for fraud and racketeering. He claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. There was even a time when he didn't get an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row and he started tweeting that the Emmys were rigged against him
Trump: Should have gotten it.


Clinton: This is a mind-set. This is how Donald thinks, and it's funny, but it's also really troubling. That is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even finished--"

Now everyone look at the hypocrisy that is the left after these comments. This was after the supposed hack.


She conceded immediately fool.
then why'd she get in with the recount in three states? Why is her side promoting fake news about russians?

Why all the popular vote news?

Excuse me, but.....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

"She" isn't in the recount in three states. She has representatives involved with the process just as Trump does.

There is nothing fake about the Russian story.

^^^^^useful idiot^^^^^^^^^^^^ just what the leftists ordered. amazing.

Tell us some more about Comey's testimony.

find the questioning done by Trey Gowdy. You found Chaffetz, see if you can find Gowdy's. Then post it, you might just have a learning moment.
here, just to remind everyone what Mrs. Clinton said in the third debate about accepting election results:

"Wallace: But, sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact, one of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how hard fought a campaign is that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?

Trump: What I’m saying is that I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense, okay?

Clinton: Well Chris, let me respond to that because that’s horrifying. You know, every time Donald thinks things aren't going in his direction, he claims whatever it is, is rigged against him. The FBI conducted a yearlong investigation into my e-mails. They concluded there was no case. He said the FBI was rigged. He lost the Iowa caucus, he lost the Wisconsin primary, he said the Republican primary was rigged against him. Then, Trump University gets sued for fraud and racketeering. He claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. There was even a time when he didn't get an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row and he started tweeting that the Emmys were rigged against him
Trump: Should have gotten it.


Clinton: This is a mind-set. This is how Donald thinks, and it's funny, but it's also really troubling. That is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even finished--"

Now everyone look at the hypocrisy that is the left after these comments. This was after the supposed hack.


She conceded immediately fool.
then why'd she get in with the recount in three states? Why is her side promoting fake news about russians?

Why all the popular vote news?

Excuse me, but.....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What fake news is her campaign promoting? What fake news is SHE promoting?
it was in my post, read it.

Yes. And there is no fake news that she or her campaign is promoting.

bullshit, the NY times, CNN, MSNBC, KOS, huffpuff, and Wash Post are all part of her "campaign". Are you as ignorant as you seem to be?
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said that she never sent any classified data on her private server, was that true?

Comey; There was classified data in some of those e-mails.

Which one of the supposed "crimes" are you referencing?
Perjury, influence peddling, bribery, violation of national security laws. No corruption? Sure.

violation of national security laws. I held a top secret and SAP clearance for years, if I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

question for you: Why do you hold the Clintons above the laws that apply to the rest of us?

I don't.
Comey testified that he believes Clinton did not commit a crime.

Question for you.
Why don't you have faith in our FBI? Why can't you believe him?
why'd bill meet the DOJ on the back of an airplane and the FBI allowed it?

I only know the same as everyone else.

Another Clinton conspiracy theorist for you Mac.
which is nothing therefore making it faked

She conceded immediately fool.
then why'd she get in with the recount in three states? Why is her side promoting fake news about russians?

Why all the popular vote news?

Excuse me, but.....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

"She" isn't in the recount in three states. She has representatives involved with the process just as Trump does.

There is nothing fake about the Russian story.

^^^^^useful idiot^^^^^^^^^^^^ just what the leftists ordered. amazing.

Tell us some more about Comey's testimony.

find the questioning done by Trey Gowdy. You found Chaffetz, see if you can find Gowdy's. Then post it, you might just have a learning moment.

What I posted refutes exactly everything you said.
then why'd she get in with the recount in three states? Why is her side promoting fake news about russians?

Why all the popular vote news?

Excuse me, but.....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

"She" isn't in the recount in three states. She has representatives involved with the process just as Trump does.

There is nothing fake about the Russian story.

^^^^^useful idiot^^^^^^^^^^^^ just what the leftists ordered. amazing.

Tell us some more about Comey's testimony.

find the questioning done by Trey Gowdy. You found Chaffetz, see if you can find Gowdy's. Then post it, you might just have a learning moment.

What I posted refutes exactly everything you said.
it did?
"She" isn't in the recount in three states. She has representatives involved with the process just as Trump does.

There is nothing fake about the Russian story.

^^^^^useful idiot^^^^^^^^^^^^ just what the leftists ordered. amazing.

Tell us some more about Comey's testimony.

find the questioning done by Trey Gowdy. You found Chaffetz, see if you can find Gowdy's. Then post it, you might just have a learning moment.

What I posted refutes exactly everything you said.
it did?

Review and get back to me.
^^^^^useful idiot^^^^^^^^^^^^ just what the leftists ordered. amazing.

Tell us some more about Comey's testimony.

find the questioning done by Trey Gowdy. You found Chaffetz, see if you can find Gowdy's. Then post it, you might just have a learning moment.

What I posted refutes exactly everything you said.
it did?

Review and get back to me.
why? It didn't
The left has been unwilling, the right has been unwilling, unless of course the other sides decides to do what they want, and that doesn't happen.

You go on with the childish insults, and you point out half of one of the many problems, but you won't admit that the problem is partisan, it's not left wing, it's not right wing, it's partisan, and those who are partisan are the problem, and those who are partisan spend their whole time of their sad little lives insulting people because it's all they've got.
Yup. The point of my sig.

Well Mac, now we know why when you started this thread, the far leftists went off the deep end. I am sure all the usual suspect-astro turfers already knew what was in the pipeline, and your thread just put them in the correct light as their ridiculous narrative moved along. You really stepped into it this time, and for being an independent leaning left, you sure have the lefties wanting to dismiss everything you say at best, wanting to shut you up permanently at worst.

Just a question---------->when you resided on the left, were you also a parrot like these people? They all post over, and over, and yet their talking points are exactly the same. Very seldom do we see something different, although I have to admit Candycorn has thought out of the box somewhat.
I guess that's why I know them so well. Yeah, I was pretty bad. My first year in college I was your standard-issue long haired, pot smoking, mushroom-eating, Birkenstock-wearing, Grateful Dead-listening, rich person-hating kid. Then in my second year (I was a broadcast journalism major) I met the guy who'd be my professor, mentor and father figure.

He taught us in journalism classes how to question everything, avoid falling into ideological traps, recognize bullshit, carefully gather information, carefully analyze it, and present it carefully and comprehensively. I did that for about 18 years and later became a financial advisor, which (not so ironically) requires essentially the same skillset. And while in the media, believe me, I lived day in and day out with people like this.

So yeah, I think the reason they feel the way they do about me is because I know them so well. Not my problem.

Uh no.

The reason some feel that you’re a feckless piece of shit is because you behave like…a feckless piece of shit.

Amazingly…when Ms. Clinton was being accused of running a child trafficking ring..where was your “recognition of bullshit”
When she was accused of being Yoko Ono’s lover?
When she was accused of murder?
When she was accused of having Parkinson’s Disease?
When she was accused of having to wear a catheter?

Somehow, I don’t recall a thread detailing the right wing “losing it’s shit”…

Hence the charge of being feckless. We must have had the same professor because your bullshit is recognizable from a mile away. And to think…you yourself voted for Ms. Clinton.
Always good to see the personal attacks, thanks.

Well, it has the added benefit of being truthful.
Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.

Perjury, influence peddling, bribery, violation of national security laws. No corruption? Sure.

If there was, she would have been charged.

Bullshit. The Obama AG would never charge a Democrat for anything, not even murder.
here, just to remind everyone what Mrs. Clinton said in the third debate about accepting election results:

"Wallace: But, sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact, one of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how hard fought a campaign is that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?

Trump: What I’m saying is that I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense, okay?

Clinton: Well Chris, let me respond to that because that’s horrifying. You know, every time Donald thinks things aren't going in his direction, he claims whatever it is, is rigged against him. The FBI conducted a yearlong investigation into my e-mails. They concluded there was no case. He said the FBI was rigged. He lost the Iowa caucus, he lost the Wisconsin primary, he said the Republican primary was rigged against him. Then, Trump University gets sued for fraud and racketeering. He claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. There was even a time when he didn't get an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row and he started tweeting that the Emmys were rigged against him
Trump: Should have gotten it.


Clinton: This is a mind-set. This is how Donald thinks, and it's funny, but it's also really troubling. That is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even finished--"

Now everyone look at the hypocrisy that is the left after these comments. This was after the supposed hack.


She conceded immediately fool.
then why'd she get in with the recount in three states? Why is her side promoting fake news about russians?

Why all the popular vote news?

Excuse me, but.....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What fake news is her campaign promoting? What fake news is SHE promoting?
it was in my post, read it.

Yes. And there is no fake news that she or her campaign is promoting.
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said that she never sent any classified data on her private server, was that true?

Comey; There was classified data in some of those e-mails.

Which one of the supposed "crimes" are you referencing?
Perjury, influence peddling, bribery, violation of national security laws. No corruption? Sure.

violation of national security laws. I held a top secret and SAP clearance for years, if I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

question for you: Why do you hold the Clintons above the laws that apply to the rest of us?

I don't.
Comey testified that he believes Clinton did not commit a crime.

Question for you.
Why don't you have faith in our FBI? Why can't you believe him?

Comey admitted that she committed crimes and then claimed they were not indictable because she didn't "intend" to violate the law and was merely "careless". Do you buy that shit? If so, try this after being stopped for going 70 in a 25 zone. "but officer, you can give me a ticket, I didn't intend to go over the speed limit, I was just careless" See how far that gets you.

One would think that you would be a little more clear on these details by now.

I agree, where is Russian proof!
Yup. The point of my sig.

Well Mac, now we know why when you started this thread, the far leftists went off the deep end. I am sure all the usual suspect-astro turfers already knew what was in the pipeline, and your thread just put them in the correct light as their ridiculous narrative moved along. You really stepped into it this time, and for being an independent leaning left, you sure have the lefties wanting to dismiss everything you say at best, wanting to shut you up permanently at worst.

Just a question---------->when you resided on the left, were you also a parrot like these people? They all post over, and over, and yet their talking points are exactly the same. Very seldom do we see something different, although I have to admit Candycorn has thought out of the box somewhat.
I guess that's why I know them so well. Yeah, I was pretty bad. My first year in college I was your standard-issue long haired, pot smoking, mushroom-eating, Birkenstock-wearing, Grateful Dead-listening, rich person-hating kid. Then in my second year (I was a broadcast journalism major) I met the guy who'd be my professor, mentor and father figure.

He taught us in journalism classes how to question everything, avoid falling into ideological traps, recognize bullshit, carefully gather information, carefully analyze it, and present it carefully and comprehensively. I did that for about 18 years and later became a financial advisor, which (not so ironically) requires essentially the same skillset. And while in the media, believe me, I lived day in and day out with people like this.

So yeah, I think the reason they feel the way they do about me is because I know them so well. Not my problem.

Uh no.

The reason some feel that you’re a feckless piece of shit is because you behave like…a feckless piece of shit.

Amazingly…when Ms. Clinton was being accused of running a child trafficking ring..where was your “recognition of bullshit”
When she was accused of being Yoko Ono’s lover?
When she was accused of murder?
When she was accused of having Parkinson’s Disease?
When she was accused of having to wear a catheter?

Somehow, I don’t recall a thread detailing the right wing “losing it’s shit”…

Hence the charge of being feckless. We must have had the same professor because your bullshit is recognizable from a mile away. And to think…you yourself voted for Ms. Clinton.
Always good to see the personal attacks, thanks.

Well, it has the added benefit of being truthful.
Or not
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

The left has been unwilling, the right has been unwilling, unless of course the other sides decides to do what they want, and that doesn't happen.

You go on with the childish insults, and you point out half of one of the many problems, but you won't admit that the problem is partisan, it's not left wing, it's not right wing, it's partisan, and those who are partisan are the problem, and those who are partisan spend their whole time of their sad little lives insulting people because it's all they've got.
Trump was not GOP so I voted for a candidate that was on his own. You know this correct? This wasn't partisan on either side. This was a businessman that neither party backed. And he is anti establishment and why I voted for him.

Trump was anti-establishment, but had he been Democrat anti-establishment then a lot of Republicans would not have voted for him, and lots of Democrats would have. This is the strange thing about this. Also, many people voted for him because they said this, and then when people call for a change in the way the elections are carried out replied, straight after the election results were in, that no, they didn't want this because they wanted to keep the status quo.

What people tell me, and what people say, are two very different things.
Here's what Mac is trying to say:

He's throwing a fit in the OP at the Left for acting like the Right. He's singling out the Left because he thinks the Left should know better,

because he knows we on the Left are smarter and more informed and more sensible. He finds it disturbing when he thinks (I emphasize 'thinks') liberals are suddenly acting as idiotically as the rightwingers do constantly.

He doesn't throw fits when the Right goes off on their conspiracy nonsense because, like the rest of us, he knows that rightwingers don't know any better and are ineducable,

so why bother?
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

They been acting cocky and condescending for 8 years. And they were so sure Hillary was a shoe in. I couldn't believe the polls were so close when you saw the dismal attendance at Hillary and Kaine's rallies compared to the huge crowds Trump was drawing.

I'm still in disbelief at how the tantrums and hissy fits started election night and, instead of calming down, they've gone from crying to stomping their feet to getting downright vicious. They truly have lost their shit. And that's just the media.

It's like they want people to forget what Hillary and the rest of them said about accepting the results. They no longer care about the fact that it was a fair election. They aren't concerned with disenfranchising voters. They have bullied electors, started petitions and are acting scary crazy.

Many of my lib friends continue to listen to MSNBC and CNN and they already bitch about the job Trump is going to do. Calling for impeachment already. Incredible. They constantly want to diss Trump and they have fallen for the whole Russian hacking bullshit. Some say Trump is secretly a Russian agent. A few of my lib friends are willing to give him a chance. The biggest lunatics are those out there protesting still and literally getting into people's faces and wanting to argue or even shove people. One woman I know is actually in therapy because she can't deal. Her father voted for Trump and she has declared that their relationship is over and she will never have anything to do with him again. Oh, the drama!

Watching these people, it looks like a spoof and it's hard to believe people can really act that way.
Last edited:
Well Mac, now we know why when you started this thread, the far leftists went off the deep end. I am sure all the usual suspect-astro turfers already knew what was in the pipeline, and your thread just put them in the correct light as their ridiculous narrative moved along. You really stepped into it this time, and for being an independent leaning left, you sure have the lefties wanting to dismiss everything you say at best, wanting to shut you up permanently at worst.

Just a question---------->when you resided on the left, were you also a parrot like these people? They all post over, and over, and yet their talking points are exactly the same. Very seldom do we see something different, although I have to admit Candycorn has thought out of the box somewhat.
I guess that's why I know them so well. Yeah, I was pretty bad. My first year in college I was your standard-issue long haired, pot smoking, mushroom-eating, Birkenstock-wearing, Grateful Dead-listening, rich person-hating kid. Then in my second year (I was a broadcast journalism major) I met the guy who'd be my professor, mentor and father figure.

He taught us in journalism classes how to question everything, avoid falling into ideological traps, recognize bullshit, carefully gather information, carefully analyze it, and present it carefully and comprehensively. I did that for about 18 years and later became a financial advisor, which (not so ironically) requires essentially the same skillset. And while in the media, believe me, I lived day in and day out with people like this.

So yeah, I think the reason they feel the way they do about me is because I know them so well. Not my problem.

Uh no.

The reason some feel that you’re a feckless piece of shit is because you behave like…a feckless piece of shit.

Amazingly…when Ms. Clinton was being accused of running a child trafficking ring..where was your “recognition of bullshit”
When she was accused of being Yoko Ono’s lover?
When she was accused of murder?
When she was accused of having Parkinson’s Disease?
When she was accused of having to wear a catheter?

Somehow, I don’t recall a thread detailing the right wing “losing it’s shit”…

Hence the charge of being feckless. We must have had the same professor because your bullshit is recognizable from a mile away. And to think…you yourself voted for Ms. Clinton.
Always good to see the personal attacks, thanks.

Well, it has the added benefit of being truthful.
Or not
They're angry with me.

Here's what Mac is trying to say:

He's throwing a fit in the OP at the Left for acting like the Right. He's singling out the Left because he thinks the Left should know better,

because he knows we on the Left are smarter and more informed and more sensible. He finds it disturbing when he thinks (I emphasize 'thinks') liberals are suddenly acting as idiotically as the rightwingers do constantly.

He doesn't throw fits when the Right goes off on their conspiracy nonsense because, like the rest of us, he knows that rightwingers don't know any better and are ineducable,

so why bother?
Here's what Mac is trying to say:

He's throwing a fit in the OP at the Left for acting like the Right. He's singling out the Left because he thinks the Left should know better,

because he knows we on the Left are smarter and more informed and more sensible. He finds it disturbing when he thinks (I emphasize 'thinks') liberals are suddenly acting as idiotically as the rightwingers do constantly.

He doesn't throw fits when the Right goes off on their conspiracy nonsense because, like the rest of us, he knows that rightwingers don't know any better and are ineducable,

so why bother?

One big assed box is needed for all these lefty loons who just can't believe Hillary, that piss poor candidate, lost. LOL
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

They been acting cocky and condescending for 8 years. And they were so sure Hillary was a shoe in. I couldn't believe the polls were so close when you saw the dismal attendance at Hillary and Kaine's rallies compared to the huge crowds Trump was drawing.

I'm still in disbelief at how the tantrums and hissy fits started election night and, instead of calming down, they've gone from crying to stomping their feet to getting downright vicious. They truly have lost their shit. And that's just the media.

It's like they want people to forget what Hillary and the rest of them said about accepting the results. They no longer care about the fact that it was a fair election. They aren't concerned with disenfranchising voters. They have bullied electors, started petitions and are acting scary crazy.

Many of my lib friends continue to listen to MSNBC and CNN and they already bitch about the job Trump is going to do. Calling for impeachment already. Incredible. They constantly want to diss Trump and they have fallen for the whole Russian hacking bullshit. Some say Trump is secretly a Russian agent. A few of my lib friends are willing to give him a chance. The biggest lunatics are those out there protesting still and literally getting into people's faces and wanting to argue or even shove people. One woman I know is actually in therapy because she can't deal. Her father voted for Trump and she has declared that their relationship is over and she will never have anything to do with him again. Oh, the drama!

Watching these people, it looks like a spoof and it's hard to believe people can really act that way.

Just remember that the people who have taken over the party and turned it into a regional party are not traditional liberals. These are nasty, intolerant, bigoted narcissists, distortions, caricatures, and a narcissist hates being rejected and marginalized.

Will they learn anything from this? Will any of them finally look in the mirror? A few have, but not enough to make a difference YET, from what I can see.

I'll remain hopeful.
Last edited:
Here's what Mac is trying to say:

He's throwing a fit in the OP at the Left for acting like the Right. He's singling out the Left because he thinks the Left should know better,

because he knows we on the Left are smarter and more informed and more sensible. He finds it disturbing when he thinks (I emphasize 'thinks') liberals are suddenly acting as idiotically as the rightwingers do constantly.

He doesn't throw fits when the Right goes off on their conspiracy nonsense because, like the rest of us, he knows that rightwingers don't know any better and are ineducable,

so why bother?

One big assed box is needed for all these lefty loons who just can't believe Hillary, that piss poor candidate, lost. LOL
Well, I knew how bad she was. On my personal scorecard, on a scale of 1 to 10 I had her at about -12. The thing is, I also had Trump at about a -14.

Their hatred of Trump, though, is every bit as visceral as that of the Republicans and Obama, and then amplified by the shock of the loss and rejection.

I've said it a few times on this thread, and it's the reason I posted it - I'm surprised at the behavior because I thought they were better than this.

I'm really, really terrible at predicting politics.

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