The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

This piece of shit should be brought up on charges if anyone actually attacks ICE agents or riots. Brought up on charges for inciting violence/riots and permanently removed from office.
Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti...said that ignoring criminal behavior will somehow make the city safer and encouraged illegal aliens to both riot and attack ICE agents in opposition to normal immigration enforcement.
This is how disgusting and disturbed the left has become. Their "leaders" have no civility, no decency, and no ideas. All they have is violence.

LA Mayor Encourages Illegal Aliens To Riot And Attack ICE Agents
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency
Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process? SHOULDN'T THIS SCARE THE H*LL OUT OF ALL OF US WHO APPRECIaTE FREEDOM? (okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Six months ago, the Left was mocking the Right for saying this kind of stuff.

I don't think this is so ridiculous.

The problem with Trump is there is no way to predict what he will or wont do or try to do. He has shown that he does not operate in a normal political way and has NO desire to.. There is no basis up which to base any predictions. There is no way of knowing whether rhetoric is rhetoric or a call to action.

In other words, you elected a Lunatic...

Not I.
IF Trump is a lunatic, I'd trade places with him gladly.

These ideological imbeciles thank that by merely saying it is so that they prove a successful author and billionaire and tV Star is a failure and a loon; no, they only prove that they are the loons.

Yeah so is Vanna White (millionaire not billionaire).
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?
6 months later and NOTHING has changed
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?
6 months later and NOTHING has changed

Except now Kushner is implicated, your messiah obstructed justice, A GOP congress is holding surprisingly aggressive hearings and there is a special prosecutor. You haven't been sober in six months since the Chefs lost yet again. Ha ha ha
A GOP congress is holding surprisingly aggressive hearings and there is a special prosecutor.
It's speaks volumes that progressives find it "surprising" a party would investigate one of their own. That's because it would never happen under the Dumbocrats.
I'd show him something about knocking out. He'd have his jaw wired shut.

No grabbing or nothin' CLACK! Ni Ni.

That chin is a hard target, though.
Just when you thought these people couldn't be any more bat-shit crazy. Sweetheart...a person blocking you on Twitter does not deny you your 1st Amendment rights. Let's hope that President Trump is wise enough to bring a counter-suit forcing her to pay for all of the legal costs associated with this - including all of his legal fees. Would be epic to see this bat-shit crazy progressive homeless because her assets were sold off to pay for the legal costs of her frivolous and insane lawsuit. :laugh:

Nevertheless, She Tweeted: #BlockedByTrump Singer-Songwriter Holly Figueroa O’Reilly Talks Free-Speech Crusade
Just when you thought these people couldn't be any more bat-shit crazy. Sweetheart...a person blocking you on Twitter does not deny you your 1st Amendment rights. Let's hope that President Trump is wise enough to bring a counter-suit forcing her to pay for all of the legal costs associated with this - including all of his legal fees. Would be epic to see this bat-shit crazy progressive homeless because her assets were sold off to pay for the legal costs of her frivolous and insane lawsuit. :laugh:

Nevertheless, She Tweeted: #BlockedByTrump Singer-Songwriter Holly Figueroa O’Reilly Talks Free-Speech Crusade

Lol! Some people just need to get a life, I think. :dunno:
The fascists continue their violence and intimidation (not to mention their racism - punching a black man in the face for being black). Kudos to this conservative for sending this fascist to the ground.

WATCH: Antifa Tranny Throws Punch At Patriot - What Happens Next Is EPIC!

The zealot wouldn't let the guy talk. He just kept screaming so that no one would hear a contrary opinion.

Yep. Typical. This is who they are.

got bitch slapped too. he deserved it for all the shit he (she) was talking.

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