The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

For zealots, anything is justified..
But at some point the adults in t he Democratic Party MUST regain control.

At some point the adults see that the Marxist agitation bull shit is only bringing more and more failure and lost pork/patronage and they cut the idiots lose and regain control of the party for the good of the party itself.

The problem is that Marxist will run any organization that they control into self-destruction in the name of their ideology, for the 'good' of their cause, as they see it. If the Donors are of a similar mindset, the Democrats are fucked.
This whole issue bugs me, because the future of the Dems is essentially hinging on Trump, of all people.

If things go well over the next few years, yeah, the Dems may have to jettison/marginalize their psychos and replace them with normal, decent adults.

But if Trump fucks this up, all the psychos will be right back at the forefront and they may NEVER go away.

I'd sure like to get back to the days when liberals were open-minded, curious, tolerant, patriotic, and just decent.

You know. Liberal.

The psychos right now are in the Trump administration.
Thanks but I'll choose the "psycho" Rex Tillerson to be dealing with the mullahs over the Pickle Lady's lap poodle 'Mr. Stolen Valor' John 'Chamberlain' Kerry anyday.
He's the posterboy for LIB coward pussies. Iran/China/Russia and even the leaders of fucking Gambia ate Kerry's lunch everytime they had any dealings with him. When the fucking 'Stolen Valor' asshole left China someone had stolen the contents of his suitcases and filled them with 'Good Fortune' phony paper money.
Fucking clown didn't find out until his personal maid opened the suitcases back at the Pickle Lady's french castle.
You would have been happy with Eric Holder the Gold Star fucking race whore looking under beds trying to find 'Whitey's' KKK outfit at Ferguson.
There really is a God. BONOBO and his merry band of Socialist asslickers are soon going to be as relevant as a popcorn fart in the wind.
I am worried about Valerie Jarrett though. What's she going to do on a Thursday night with all those latex gloves and jars of Vaseline now that Obama won't be around?
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Libs are having the most horrible reaction I've ever seen. To say that they are coming unglued or having a meltdown doesn't begin to describe it.

I've seen all the lib posts on my FB and they've been hostile for as long as I can remember, even after Obama's last election. Lately, it's a whole new low. It doesn't take much to set some of them off. Disagree on any little thing and you're likely to get a lecture at the very least. At worst, some people are getting attacked.

One lib friend had a cow when another friend posted an article about Hillary collapsing. She immediately attacked Trump and said he was fat so people should worry more about his health. I thought that was over the top.

Now, it's even worse. If you say the most innocent thing, even express sadness after the recent attack, you'll get pounced on and reminded that some white guy once shot up a church or something.

Every single thing is now viewed through a political lens with many libs.

There are some clear rules if you don't want an unpleasant confrontation.

Bash wealthy white people.
Bash Trump.
Bash all Republicans.
Bash capitalism.
Bash Israel.
Bash Christians.
Bash a strong military.
Bash cops.
Show NO sympathy for the slain cops. Do not openly support police.
Do not discuss violence in Chicago or other inner cities. You may only talk about white people who commit mass shootings. NEVER talk about radical Islamist attacks.
Bash all whistleblowers who expose Dem corruption.

Praise Obamacare.
Praise Islam. (since Obama's election, this has replaced praising atheists)
Praise big government and cradle to grave care.
Praise Obama and all Dems.
Praise the radical groups burning down cities and attacking people.
Praise open borders and do not distinguish between illegal aliens and legal immigrants.
Praise higher taxes and pretend that anyone not receiving welfare isn't paying their fair share.
Applaud insults toward cops, such as the disgusting painting some Dem congress people want displayed.
Praise whistleblowers or fake news who expose Republicans.

If you can't follow those simple rules, your life will be hell if libs have anything to say about it.
Speaking of completely lost its shit....WTF is this?!? Old Ashley Judd sure as hell isn't handing her "white" millions over to African-Americans but hey - she's not afraid to ask to have to change her emojis!

Bat. Shit. Crazy.

Liberal actress is fighting ‘white privilege’ by targeting … emojis

Another example of how they constantly look for something to construe as racist. Nothing is safe these days. For heaven's sake, we can't even serve certain foods or dress a certain way without being accused of cultural appropriation.

New offenses are invented daily to ensure that the accusations will stick. They've already declared that people are racist by virtue of being born white.

Bleach emojis were called racist, claiming it was a desire to make everything white, which is the only acceptable shade.

We are being hit from all angles. Recently, a college professor claimed that parents who read to their children are giving them an "unfair advantage" over children whose parents do not read to them. He was saying that children of illegal aliens who don't read English or people who went to the crappy schools and can't read to their children are being put at a disadvantage by us privileged folks who had a better education.

The parents who never finished school and did poorly while they attended are the ones putting their children at a disadvantage. They have children and often can't support or educate them, so the left's answer is apparently for everyone to lower their standards so as not to make them feel bad.

That is the basis of socialism when you think about it. It's not about elevating people but bringing others down to the lowest level so everyone is more equal.

When the left looks at Trump, they see a privileged white guy. Never mind his family made their money in the private sector, which is everyone's right.

Pelosi is also wealthy and has increased her wealth by using her position. The left is okay with that because she's one of them.

Clinton's made money by using their political clout. The left approves of them, too.

Libs told us to suck it when Obama was in office and the word 'butthurt' got tossed around a lot. Now, they are on the losing end and aren't dealing with it as well as the right did.

When it's them with the hurt feelings, everyone is supposed to baby them and only say things they want to hear. That means there will never be any discussion about the truth of why Hillary and Dems across the country were rejected. It means they will continue to not only attack Trump but anyone who doesn't join them in their attempt to destroy him and all who support him.

Some Dems are boycotting the inauguration. No Repubs did that despite having sharp disagreements on how he would lead.

You can't expect the same level of maturity from the left and they prove that every single day.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Libs are having the most horrible reaction I've ever seen. To say that they are coming unglued or having a meltdown doesn't begin to describe it.

I've seen all the lib posts on my FB and they've been hostile for as long as I can remember, even after Obama's last election. Lately, it's a whole new low. It doesn't take much to set some of them off. Disagree on any little thing and you're likely to get a lecture at the very least. At worst, some people are getting attacked.

One lib friend had a cow when another friend posted an article about Hillary collapsing. She immediately attacked Trump and said he was fat so people should worry more about his health. I thought that was over the top.

Now, it's even worse. If you say the most innocent thing, even express sadness after the recent attack, you'll get pounced on and reminded that some white guy once shot up a church or something.

Every single thing is now viewed through a political lens with many libs.

There are some clear rules if you don't want an unpleasant confrontation.

Bash wealthy white people.
Bash Trump.
Bash all Republicans.
Bash capitalism.
Bash Israel.
Bash Christians.
Bash a strong military.
Bash cops.
Show NO sympathy for the slain cops. Do not openly support police.
Do not discuss violence in Chicago or other inner cities. You may only talk about white people who commit mass shootings. NEVER talk about radical Islamist attacks.
Bash all whistleblowers who expose Dem corruption.

Praise Obamacare.
Praise Islam. (since Obama's election, this has replaced praising atheists)
Praise big government and cradle to grave care.
Praise Obama and all Dems.
Praise the radical groups burning down cities and attacking people.
Praise open borders and do not distinguish between illegal aliens and legal immigrants.
Praise higher taxes and pretend that anyone not receiving welfare isn't paying their fair share.
Applaud insults toward cops, such as the disgusting painting some Dem congress people want displayed.
Praise whistleblowers or fake news who expose Republicans.

If you can't follow those simple rules, your life will be hell if libs have anything to say about it.
I posted a story about a Hollywood lefty who was terrified that a plumber who MIGHT have been a Trump supporter was in his house. We have "entertainers" refusing to "entertain" because they disagree with a guy politically. Restaurants posting signs saying they won't serve Trump supporters. Friendships ending, families literally breaking up. And PLENTY of examples provided on this thread. Something new every day.

I think the hardcore Left thought the long battle was over, that our march towards a traditional Euro-social democracy was now in place. Add to that a man who offended every sensibility they have, and supporters of his who gleefully shoved their PC religion right in their face. I guess this is a mix of shock and shame that comes with the realization that so many disagree with them. They're lashing out and it's permeating the culture.

These people have never understood that you can't force people to agree with you by insulting and attacking and intimidating and punishing them at every opportunity. You actually have to do the heavy lifting of changing hearts and minds.

Full disclosure, I voted against Trump too. But holy crap. I'm nearly as surprised by their behavior as I was by his victory.
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Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

is that what you're seeing?

interesting... i'm seeing things based on actual information from actual intel .... unlike the right's actual loony made up insanity

but i think they should keep listening to donald the sociopath and let the country end up a russian satellite.

it's all good
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

is that what you're seeing?

interesting... i'm seeing things based on actual information from actual intel .... unlike the right's actual loony made up insanity

but i think they should keep listening to donald the sociopath and let the country end up a russian satellite.

it's all good

Turning into a nutty conspiracy theorist, eh Jillian? :D
We are being hit from all angles. Recently, a college professor claimed that parents who read to their children are giving them an "unfair advantage" over children whose parents do not read to them. He was saying that children of illegal aliens who don't read English or people who went to the crappy schools and can't read to their children are being put at a disadvantage by us privileged folks who had a better education.

The parents who never finished school and did poorly while they attended are the ones putting their children at a disadvantage. They have children and often can't support or educate them, so the left's answer is apparently for everyone to lower their standards so as not to make them feel bad.

That is the basis of socialism when you think about it. It's not about elevating people but bringing others down to the lowest level so everyone is more equal.
That is progressivism in a nutshell - always lowering the bar. When women or minorities were unable to pass some sort of physical test to be a police officer, firefighter, soldier, etc. - what did progressives do? Demanded that the standards be lowered until the particular group of concern was able to pass it.
is that what you're seeing? interesting... i'm seeing things based on actual information from actual intel .... unlike the right's actual loony made up insanity

but i think they should keep listening to donald the sociopath and let the country end up a russian satellite. it's all good
I don't get it jillian - why are you so terrified of Russia?
  • You progressives cheered wildly when Barack Obama campaigned in 2008 to "repair relations with Russia". Obama fails miserably (as usual), Donald Trump achieves what you wanted - and now you're pissed?!?
  • As Secretary of State, Hitlery Clinton presented Russia with a ridiculous Staples "Reset" button. You progressives cheered even louder. Why are you so upset that a Republican delivered exactly what you wanted?
  • If Russia is soooooo dangerous, why did Hitlery Clinton oversee the transfer of precious U.S. uranium mines to Russia as Secretary of State in exchange for massive contributions to her Clinton Foundation? You know - uranium....the stuff used to make nuclear bombs. Now we can make less of them and Russia can make more of them.
  • During the 2012 debates, Mitt Romney called Russia our "number one geopolitical threat". Obama mocked him. You progressives mocked him. Now you are proclaiming that Russia is in fact our "number one geopolitical threat"?!?
Gee jillian - partisan hack much? This is really embarrassing for you. Donald Trump is a life-long liberal, but you've been duped into hating him simply because he ran with a little "R" behind his name. Donald Trump achieves the exact foreign policy you desired - but again you've been duped into being pissed off at him simply because he ran with a little "R" behind his name.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

is that what you're seeing?

interesting... i'm seeing things based on actual information from actual intel .... unlike the right's actual loony made up insanity

but i think they should keep listening to donald the sociopath and let the country end up a russian satellite.

it's all good

Mac1958, This is the perfect example of what you are talking about and she is blind to it! This is lunacy at its worst.
Continuing the search for clues to the behaviors...

Democrats’ real fury is over their own collapse | New York Post

The most persuasive theory is that it has nothing to do with meddling by the Russians or James Comey or the crustiness of Trump’s campaign or his personal behavior. Rather, it’s something other than politics. It’s almost psychiatric.

This was an insight I first heard from one of my journalistic mentors, Robert Bartley, editor of The Wall Street Journal. Shortly before he died, he wrote two columns on the anger of the Democrats. Bartley comprehended that the Democrats’ fury went beyond politics and “must have deeper, subconscious roots.” His theory was that they were unable to deal with a sense they were losing their “birthright.”

What he meant was that, as he put it, “base Democrats think of themselves as the best people: the most intelligent and informed, the most public spirited, the most morally pure.” If that’s what’s at stake, no wonder they’re so devastated.

The Democratic Party, he wrote, “has descended into a collection of interest groups not bound together by any ideals.” It was floundering before the American people. “We see scions of inherited wealth berating the ‘rich,’ ” Bartley wrote. “We see supposed champions of civil rights standing in the schoolhouse door to prevent vouchers that might give a break to black children in the District of Columbia.”
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.
I have a few friends who are democrats. One of them losses his shit constantly over politics. Gotten to the point I try to avoid him more often than not. Everyone else seems just fine. Life goes on
Continuing the search for clues to the behaviors...

Democrats’ real fury is over their own collapse | New York Post

The most persuasive theory is that it has nothing to do with meddling by the Russians or James Comey or the crustiness of Trump’s campaign or his personal behavior. Rather, it’s something other than politics. It’s almost psychiatric.

This was an insight I first heard from one of my journalistic mentors, Robert Bartley, editor of The Wall Street Journal. Shortly before he died, he wrote two columns on the anger of the Democrats. Bartley comprehended that the Democrats’ fury went beyond politics and “must have deeper, subconscious roots.” His theory was that they were unable to deal with a sense they were losing their “birthright.”

What he meant was that, as he put it, “base Democrats think of themselves as the best people: the most intelligent and informed, the most public spirited, the most morally pure.” If that’s what’s at stake, no wonder they’re so devastated.

The Democratic Party, he wrote, “has descended into a collection of interest groups not bound together by any ideals.” It was floundering before the American people. “We see scions of inherited wealth berating the ‘rich,’ ” Bartley wrote. “We see supposed champions of civil rights standing in the schoolhouse door to prevent vouchers that might give a break to black children in the District of Columbia.”
Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals "Think"
Continuing the search for clues to the behaviors...

Democrats’ real fury is over their own collapse | New York Post

The most persuasive theory is that it has nothing to do with meddling by the Russians or James Comey or the crustiness of Trump’s campaign or his personal behavior. Rather, it’s something other than politics. It’s almost psychiatric.

This was an insight I first heard from one of my journalistic mentors, Robert Bartley, editor of The Wall Street Journal. Shortly before he died, he wrote two columns on the anger of the Democrats. Bartley comprehended that the Democrats’ fury went beyond politics and “must have deeper, subconscious roots.” His theory was that they were unable to deal with a sense they were losing their “birthright.”

What he meant was that, as he put it, “base Democrats think of themselves as the best people: the most intelligent and informed, the most public spirited, the most morally pure.” If that’s what’s at stake, no wonder they’re so devastated.

The Democratic Party, he wrote, “has descended into a collection of interest groups not bound together by any ideals.” It was floundering before the American people. “We see scions of inherited wealth berating the ‘rich,’ ” Bartley wrote. “We see supposed champions of civil rights standing in the schoolhouse door to prevent vouchers that might give a break to black children in the District of Columbia.”
Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals "Think"
yeah I love his speech on tells you exactally how fucked up the left is.

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