The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

I've read that the United States will soon look like Allepo now that Trump will be president.

I've read that both legal and illegal immigrants will be rounded up and shipped back home. If they ever return, they will be shot and killed.

I've read that African Americans will be hanging from trees, put back into chains or shipped to Africa.

I've read that women will now be forced to become barefoot and pregnant.

It truly is amazing how people are reacting to this. I seriously do not know where people are getting these ideas or coming to conclusions that what I posted is going to happen.

Can anyone tell me?

It's crazed liberals and their using fear to control people.
Which ones have hired thugs to assault members of the Democratic Party?

Presumably that would be Rump. But that's OK ------ he never pays people he hires anyway.

Never? Hmmm.
Yeah, you are responding to an idiot.

If Pogo doesnt like some one (usually because they are a successful conservative) then they are evil, they always fail (except when harming people) and they are buffoons.

But, of course the only real buffoons are the libtard arm chair critics posting from their parent's basement.
Which ones have hired thugs to assault members of the Democratic Party?

Presumably that would be Rump. But that's OK ------ he never pays people he hires anyway.

Never? Hmmm.
Yeah, you are responding to an idiot.

If Pogo doesnt like some one (usually because they are a successful conservative) then they are evil, they always fail (except when harming people) and they are buffoons.

But, of course the only real buffoons are the libtard arm chair critics posting from their parent's basement.

Pogo is okay though. He's funny at least. He is a liberal though. :rolleyes-41: That might cancel out his point earned for his sense of humor.
Pogo is okay though. He's funny at least. He is a liberal though. :rolleyes-41: That might cancel out his point earned for his sense of humor.

Well, I guess stupidity in a libtards postings can be an acquired taste, lol.

ChriL, just dont start repeating his blithering sounds, OK? Please?
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency
Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process? SHOULDN'T THIS SCARE THE H*LL OUT OF ALL OF US WHO APPRECIaTE FREEDOM? (okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Six months ago, the Left was mocking the Right for saying this kind of stuff.
Last edited:
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency
Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process? SHOULDN'T THIS SCARE THE H*LL OUT OF ALL OF US WHO APPRECIaTE FREEDOM? (okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Six months ago, the Left was mocking the Right for saying this kind of stuff.

I don't think this is so ridiculous.

The problem with Trump is there is no way to predict what he will or wont do or try to do. He has shown that he does not operate in a normal political way and has NO desire to.. There is no basis up which to base any predictions. There is no way of knowing whether rhetoric is rhetoric or a call to action.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency
Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process? SHOULDN'T THIS SCARE THE H*LL OUT OF ALL OF US WHO APPRECIaTE FREEDOM? (okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Six months ago, the Left was mocking the Right for saying this kind of stuff.

I don't think this is so ridiculous.

The problem with Trump is there is no way to predict what he will or wont do or try to do. He has shown that he does not operate in a normal political way and has NO desire to.. There is no basis up which to base any predictions. There is no way of knowing whether rhetoric is rhetoric or a call to action.

In other words, you elected a Lunatic...
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency
Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process? SHOULDN'T THIS SCARE THE H*LL OUT OF ALL OF US WHO APPRECIaTE FREEDOM? (okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Six months ago, the Left was mocking the Right for saying this kind of stuff.

I don't think this is so ridiculous.

The problem with Trump is there is no way to predict what he will or wont do or try to do. He has shown that he does not operate in a normal political way and has NO desire to.. There is no basis up which to base any predictions. There is no way of knowing whether rhetoric is rhetoric or a call to action.

In other words, you elected a Lunatic...

Not I.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency
Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process? SHOULDN'T THIS SCARE THE H*LL OUT OF ALL OF US WHO APPRECIaTE FREEDOM? (okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Six months ago, the Left was mocking the Right for saying this kind of stuff.

I don't think this is so ridiculous.

The problem with Trump is there is no way to predict what he will or wont do or try to do. He has shown that he does not operate in a normal political way and has NO desire to.. There is no basis up which to base any predictions. There is no way of knowing whether rhetoric is rhetoric or a call to action.

In other words, you elected a Lunatic...

Not I.
IF Trump is a lunatic, I'd trade places with him gladly.

These ideological imbeciles thank that by merely saying it is so that they prove a successful author and billionaire and tV Star is a failure and a loon; no, they only prove that they are the loons.
successful author and billionaire and tV Star


"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

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