The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.

Theyve been fed so much fake news about Trump they must think Adolf Hitler was elected. I see them progressively losing it more and more in the next couple years. Soon they will be handcuffing themselves to inannamate objects and possibly some moving ones while in Public. Hide the matches and gasoline too

Most liberals believe Trump to be far WORSE than Adolf Hitler...
lying fuck

The Hitler-ification of Donald Trump

Don't compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler.

Why Donald Trump is Worse Than Hitler

Worse Than Hitler? Danish Politician 'Sorry' for 'Unethical' Trump Comment

Opinion | Yes, You Should Be Comparing Trump to Hitler

Maher Implies Trump is Worse Than Hitler, Warns 'Tuesday Is Win or Go Home for Democracy'

Michael Moore compares Trump to Hitler in new documentary       

What My Escape From Hitler’s Germany Taught Me About Trump’s America

A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany

I have about 68 million more examples I can cite, shall I continue?

Hitler killed 6 milliopn Jews yoiu stupid fuck.

Trump cab liem assaukt women, satreal money, make fraudulkent tax returns, hire Barron to be attry gen, etc etc etc.

Would not be worse rthan Hitler.

Does Trump do some of the same thiings your buddy Hitler did? Like disenfranchise the free press & dupe a bunch of feeble minded fucks? You betcha.

The defense rests it's case your honor...
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.

Theyve been fed so much fake news about Trump they must think Adolf Hitler was elected. I see them progressively losing it more and more in the next couple years. Soon they will be handcuffing themselves to inannamate objects and possibly some moving ones while in Public. Hide the matches and gasoline too

Most liberals believe Trump to be far WORSE than Adolf Hitler...
Of course not.....

But he is far WORSE than any other President we have had
and to some he's the best.

the problem isn't if trump is the best OR worst.

the problem is we've lost the ability to respectfully disagree along the way to where we are today. we don't attack ideas anymore, we attack people. then we change ideas and circumstances around to fit how we feel vs. us learning to live with how it is.
We attack the lies.

Let me know when just one of you fucking ignorant uneducated dumbass Trumpettes can debate without being such lying fucks.
you attack what you don't like and call them lies.

ergo - i am still correct in what i said. when you're ready to stop pushing your emogenda let me know and we can actually debate. when all you do is go TRUMP SUCKS it only means you're not worth debating.

your call.
Theyve been fed so much fake news about Trump they must think Adolf Hitler was elected. I see them progressively losing it more and more in the next couple years. Soon they will be handcuffing themselves to inannamate objects and possibly some moving ones while in Public. Hide the matches and gasoline too

Most liberals believe Trump to be far WORSE than Adolf Hitler...
Of course not.....

But he is far WORSE than any other President we have had
and to some he's the best.

the problem isn't if trump is the best OR worst.

the problem is we've lost the ability to respectfully disagree along the way to where we are today. we don't attack ideas anymore, we attack people. then we change ideas and circumstances around to fit how we feel vs. us learning to live with how it is.
We attack the lies.

Let me know when just one of you fucking ignorant uneducated dumbass Trumpettes can debate without being such lying fucks.
you attack what you don't like and call them lies.

ergo - i am still correct in what i said. when you're ready to stop pushing your emogenda let me know and we can actually debate. when all you do is go TRUMP SUCKS it only means you're not worth debating.

your call.

Funny chit.

Trump is running up the debt. Argue that he isn't.

Trump lied about his campaign's contact with the Russians. Argue that he did not

Trump is took children from those seeking asylum. Argue he did not

Trump has directed thousands in government funds to his own companies.

The Trump family benefited by tens of millions with his tax cut despite sating it would hurt him

Trump's tariffs has hurt US businesses & hurt exporters in particular

Trump is a dumbass climate change denier.

Trump directed Cohen to pay hush money to two women during the campaign.

Trump does not care that MBS had a journalist that worked for the Washington Post killed.

Trump got duped by NK kim yet still loves the guy.

Pick a subject & try to argue it without your typical lies.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.

Theyve been fed so much fake news about Trump they must think Adolf Hitler was elected. I see them progressively losing it more and more in the next couple years. Soon they will be handcuffing themselves to inannamate objects and possibly some moving ones while in Public. Hide the matches and gasoline too

Most liberals believe Trump to be far WORSE than Adolf Hitler...

Fine...where is your link to unbiased polls from well-respected polling organizations that back up this claim (that I believe you just made up)?

Without that...your statement means little to nothing.

Listen, I get it, you absolutely should be embarrassed - but ignoring or pretending your party isn't batchit crazy won't fix the problem. You need to face reality and start finding solutions.

My party? I have never voted for a Dem or a Rep in my entire life...I despise both major parties.

And you still have not posted a link to a well-respected polling firm that backs up you earlier, matter-of-fact statement.
Sorry you have been misinformed by GOP garbage propaganda...
if the biggest house takeover in 40 years was any indication of things to come...
It’s not an “indication of things to come”. Want to know why? Because it didn’t happen. Barack Obama lost 61 seats in the House in 2010. So how can you call a laughable 27 seats “the biggest takeover in 40 years”?
Sorry you have been misinformed by GOP garbage propaganda...
The person who can’t back a single one of their outrageous claims constantly whines about “propaganda”. It’s almost like you don’t have enough words in your vocabulary to post without using that word. :laugh:
Dems received 9 million more votes
Which apparently resulted in half a dozen less seats in the Senate... :lmao:
Dems had to defend 26 Senate seats, Republicans only 7
So? If the people were so for your Dumbocrats and so against President Trump, you would have won all 7 Republican seats. Not lose Dumbocrat seats.

Buttsoiler playing with the Extreme-o-Vision goggles again. This is the hilarious part.
The left becoming more radical by the day.
“I could explain the devastation, humiliation and tyranny that results from him having a philosophy that sees people not as individuals but only as part of groups, and that tries to interpret the Constitution apart from the values of the Declaration of Independence. Of course, progressives, liberals and the courts are doing that now! I wonder where that will lead? History clearly tells us – if only we still knew that history.”
I can’t tell if the left is too ignorant of history to know better, or so devious they are trying to cover their sad and ugly history. It’s tough to say since the left is known for being both ignorant and devious.
“The city plans to pull down four statues, those of Jefferson Davis, PGT Beauregard, the Crescent City White League and Robert E. Lee,” he noted. “I hope they tell the folks in New Orleans that all of these monuments honor Democrats, and that the Confederacy was led solely by Southern leaders of the Democrat Party. In a Democrat city like New Orleans, I can’t understand why Democrat leaders want old venerated Democrat heroes taken down!”
The left has become so unhinged
The left is driven by a desire to interpret all of history through the eyes of 21st century progressive dogma. In their eyes, everything about the American past is bad and shameful and must be driven into the dirt.”
Yet another sad and disgusting era in the left’s long history of being sad and disgusting.

Democrats erasing history in American South - WND - WND
The Left should truly acknowledge their hatred for Trump..... aggregate all the money he gave to your causes and against Republicans and return it to Trump.
Sorry you have been misinformed by GOP garbage propaganda...
The person who can’t back a single one of their outrageous claims constantly whines about “propaganda”. It’s almost like you don’t have enough words in your vocabulary to post without using that word. :laugh:
God you're full of s***. I backup everything while you do nothing but spew garbage. Like all GOP voters you have no clue.

The most important political story of the last 35 years. GOP garbage propaganda. You have no real journalists, just High School grad bought off x Coke head DJs. Okay maybe Shepard Smith. Rush Limbaugh Savage Levin Infowars are total disgrace. Started when the fairness doctrine was repealed. 2 minutes of debate would kill all those idiots.
Sorry you have been misinformed by GOP garbage propaganda...
The person who can’t back a single one of their outrageous claims constantly whines about “propaganda”. It’s almost like you don’t have enough words in your vocabulary to post without using that word. :laugh:
God you're full of s***. I backup everything while you do nothing but spew garbage. Like all GOP voters you have no clue.

The most important political story of the last 35 years. GOP garbage propaganda. You have no real journalists, just High School grad bought off x Coke head DJs. Okay maybe Shepard Smith. Rush Limbaugh Savage Levin Infowars are total disgrace. Started when the fairness doctrine was repealed. 2 minutes of debate would kill all those idiots.
75% of those on the exchanges get plans for less than $100 a month. Latest example
The left becoming more radical by the day.
“I could explain the devastation, humiliation and tyranny that results from him having a philosophy that sees people not as individuals but only as part of groups, and that tries to interpret the Constitution apart from the values of the Declaration of Independence. Of course, progressives, liberals and the courts are doing that now! I wonder where that will lead? History clearly tells us – if only we still knew that history.”
I can’t tell if the left is too ignorant of history to know better, or so devious they are trying to cover their sad and ugly history. It’s tough to say since the left is known for being both ignorant and devious.
“The city plans to pull down four statues, those of Jefferson Davis, PGT Beauregard, the Crescent City White League and Robert E. Lee,” he noted. “I hope they tell the folks in New Orleans that all of these monuments honor Democrats, and that the Confederacy was led solely by Southern leaders of the Democrat Party. In a Democrat city like New Orleans, I can’t understand why Democrat leaders want old venerated Democrat heroes taken down!”
The left has become so unhinged
The left is driven by a desire to interpret all of history through the eyes of 21st century progressive dogma. In their eyes, everything about the American past is bad and shameful and must be driven into the dirt.”
Yet another sad and disgusting era in the left’s long history of being sad and disgusting.

Democrats erasing history in American South - WND - WND
The racists are dying off thank God and this will help. Ask minorities
Theyve been fed so much fake news about Trump they must think Adolf Hitler was elected. I see them progressively losing it more and more in the next couple years. Soon they will be handcuffing themselves to inannamate objects and possibly some moving ones while in Public. Hide the matches and gasoline too

Most liberals believe Trump to be far WORSE than Adolf Hitler...
Of course not.....

But he is far WORSE than any other President we have had
and to some he's the best.

the problem isn't if trump is the best OR worst.

the problem is we've lost the ability to respectfully disagree along the way to where we are today. we don't attack ideas anymore, we attack people. then we change ideas and circumstances around to fit how we feel vs. us learning to live with how it is.
We attack the lies.

Let me know when just one of you fucking ignorant uneducated dumbass Trumpettes can debate without being such lying fucks.
you attack what you don't like and call them lies.

ergo - i am still correct in what i said. when you're ready to stop pushing your emogenda let me know and we can actually debate. when all you do is go TRUMP SUCKS it only means you're not worth debating.

your call.
I don't believe you were lying because you don't know the garbage you spew is total b*******. Read something super dupe...
A walk down memory lane here............They lost their shit and never got it back.........
Hilarious when the GOP has 36 people under indictment. everything you know is wrong and it would be obvious to anyone with a brain that the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, and Wrecking the world economy. Without garbage propaganda there would be no GOP.

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