The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

A walk down memory lane here............They lost their shit and never got it back.........
Nobody in the real world has any idea what you were talking about stop... Your orange idiot hero he's on his way out along with all his crook lawyers. It would be about time you people figure it out that your party is a lying disaster and we could get back to some actual progress, after 35 years of giveaway to the rich thanks to you brainwashed functional morons...
Trump lied about his campaign's contact with the Russians.
God you're full of s***. I backup everything while you do nothing but spew garbage. Like all GOP voters you have no clue.
Really? Because I haven’t seen a single link by you in this thread prior to this post I’m responding to now. Meanwhile, I’ve posted like 30. And I’m the face of those links (which prove you’ve been duped by a failed ideology), you hysterically scream “propaganda”. :laugh:
Giveaway to the rich and ridiculous propaganda.
If you search this thread for posts by Francis using the term “propaganda”, it comes back with a hilarious 17 posts. Just in this thread. :laugh:


Poor Francis is in such a tizzy now, he can’t think of anything else to explain away reality.
The Left should truly acknowledge their hatred for Trump..... aggregate all the money he gave to your causes and against Republicans and return it to Trump.
WE hate those who are trying to destroy America. You love them.

We hate liars, you love them
Most liberals believe Trump to be far WORSE than Adolf Hitler...
Of course not.....

But he is far WORSE than any other President we have had
and to some he's the best.

the problem isn't if trump is the best OR worst.

the problem is we've lost the ability to respectfully disagree along the way to where we are today. we don't attack ideas anymore, we attack people. then we change ideas and circumstances around to fit how we feel vs. us learning to live with how it is.
We attack the lies.

Let me know when just one of you fucking ignorant uneducated dumbass Trumpettes can debate without being such lying fucks.
you attack what you don't like and call them lies.

ergo - i am still correct in what i said. when you're ready to stop pushing your emogenda let me know and we can actually debate. when all you do is go TRUMP SUCKS it only means you're not worth debating.

your call.

Funny chit.

Trump is running up the debt. Argue that he isn't.

Trump lied about his campaign's contact with the Russians. Argue that he did not

Trump is took children from those seeking asylum. Argue he did not

Trump has directed thousands in government funds to his own companies.

The Trump family benefited by tens of millions with his tax cut despite sating it would hurt him

Trump's tariffs has hurt US businesses & hurt exporters in particular

Trump is a dumbass climate change denier.

Trump directed Cohen to pay hush money to two women during the campaign.

Trump does not care that MBS had a journalist that worked for the Washington Post killed.

Trump got duped by NK kim yet still loves the guy.

Pick a subject & try to argue it without your typical lies.
I see iceberg ran away & is hiding in his Mommy's basement again.
Giveaway to the rich and ridiculous propaganda.
If you search this thread for posts by Francis using the term “propaganda”, it comes back with a hilarious 17 posts. Just in this thread. :laugh:

View attachment 234617

Poor Francis is in such a tizzy now, he can’t think of anything else to explain away reality.
It is only the most important story in the United States the last 30 years. Absolute garbage propaganda from Fox, Rush Limbaugh Savage Alex Jones Levin hannity heritage etcetera etc. You live on an imaginary planet full of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation. None of which reach the real world of Journalism and law enforcement around the world. Wake up, brainwashed functional moron. Sorry about reality.
The Left should truly acknowledge their hatred for Trump..... aggregate all the money he gave to your causes and against Republicans and return it to Trump.
WE hate those who are trying to destroy America. You love them.

We hate liars, you love them

Name a guy or gal you support that did not lie???
Obama didn't lie, what you call lies are predictions that Congress changed years later. Meanwhile everything you know is a lie. Myriad phony scandals and phony character assassination and phony information.Without BS propaganda there would be no GOP as it is now, run by Fox. All Trump had to do to get elected was repeat all that crap.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.

I know a few people like that. Most of my liberal friends have been fairly quiet lately. I suspect that the left got too crazy for them so they don't talk politics but a few of my FB friends have marched right off crazy cliff with the radical leftists. One keeps calling for "Democratic Socialism" and bashes Trump at every turn. Yea, anyone who questions the posts gets their head bit off. I am tempted to say something about Venezuela just so she unfriends me.

Some just look for something to be offended by every day. The same ones suffering from Trump derangement syndrome are the same ones repeating the daily talking points. Some radical leftist incoming congress pukes are promising to investigate Trump until they find a reason to impeach him. Sad part is that their supporters cheer this total waste of time and money.

Anything that is not completely in lockstep with their agenda is attacked and they are desperately searching for anything to criticize. Lately, it's been an attack on the song, "Baby, It's Cold Outside", and even picking on Rudolph and other Christmas movies. Of course, they are picking on Christmas/Christians in general. A couple Muslim congress woman just picked on Pence for being a Christian. Can you imagine if that were in reverse? Someone's head would be on a platter- literally.

Of course, they find a reason to lose their shit every day. Apparently, just being alive is all they need to be offended every second of every day. Just when you think it can't get worse, they fall apart over the tiniest thing. You really have to stretch your imagination just to try and see how they managed to be offended. They have learned how to turn virtually everything into a scandal, conspiracy theory or other offense. No one or nothing is safe from their mental illness.

The Left should truly acknowledge their hatred for Trump..... aggregate all the money he gave to your causes and against Republicans and return it to Trump.
WE hate those who are trying to destroy America. You love them.

We hate liars, you love them

Name a guy or gal you support that did not lie???
Obama didn't lie, what you call lies are predictions that Congress changed years later. Meanwhile everything you know is a lie. Myriad phony scandals and phony character assassination and phony information.Without BS propaganda there would be no GOP as it is now, run by Fox. All Trump had to do to get elected was repeat all that crap.

You must believe that tripe, you regurgitate it so often. I've heard of people like that, but never thought I'd actually see it in action.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.

I know a few people like that. Most of my liberal friends have been fairly quiet lately. I suspect that the left got too crazy for them so they don't talk politics but a few of my FB friends have marched right off crazy cliff with the radical leftists. One keeps calling for "Democratic Socialism" and bashes Trump at every turn. Yea, anyone who questions the posts gets their head bit off. I am tempted to say something about Venezuela just so she unfriends me.

Some just look for something to be offended by every day. The same ones suffering from Trump derangement syndrome are the same ones repeating the daily talking points. Some radical leftist incoming congress pukes are promising to investigate Trump until they find a reason to impeach him. Sad part is that their supporters cheer this total waste of time and money.

Anything that is not completely in lockstep with their agenda is attacked and they are desperately searching for anything to criticize. Lately, it's been an attack on the song, "Baby, It's Cold Outside", and even picking on Rudolph and other Christmas movies. Of course, they are picking on Christmas/Christians in general. A couple Muslim congress woman just picked on Pence for being a Christian. Can you imagine if that were in reverse? Someone's head would be on a platter- literally.

Of course, they find a reason to lose their shit every day. Apparently, just being alive is all they need to be offended every second of every day. Just when you think it can't get worse, they fall apart over the tiniest thing. You really have to stretch your imagination just to try and see how they managed to be offended. They have learned how to turn virtually everything into a scandal, conspiracy theory or other offense. No one or nothing is safe from their mental illness.

Just saying you are totally full of crap, superdupe. 90% of that stuff is just b******* reportage from your propaganda machine. It's certainly not on CNN or MSNBC or anywhere else...
The Left should truly acknowledge their hatred for Trump..... aggregate all the money he gave to your causes and against Republicans and return it to Trump.
WE hate those who are trying to destroy America. You love them.

We hate liars, you love them

Name a guy or gal you support that did not lie???
Obama didn't lie, what you call lies are predictions that Congress changed years later. Meanwhile everything you know is a lie. Myriad phony scandals and phony character assassination and phony information.Without BS propaganda there would be no GOP as it is now, run by Fox. All Trump had to do to get elected was repeat all that crap.

You must believe that tripe, you regurgitate it so often. I've heard of people like that, but never thought I'd actually see it in action.
So how is Hillary's trial coming, super duper LOL. None of your garbage goes anywhere in the real world of Journalism and law enforcement.
Obama didn't lie
Nobody....and I mean more easily super duped than brainless Franco.
President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.
All on record. All indisputable. Obama lied. And lied. And lied. And lied. And lied.

Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance

Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?
They are mentally diseased after a public education and college indoctrination by liberal professors.

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