The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Nothing is more kookier or insane than a damn birther, and yet, I don't recall the OP uttering a disparaging word about those nutjobs.

Just gives you some perspective of where he's coming from.

Yup, nothing worse than being from looney-town, oh wait, that's where you're from.

that can't be, because correll, being a loon... lives there; & i'm pretty sure he would live anywhere near a black dude.
the dude that mowed down those protesters & killed one girl in charlottesville thought he was justified. thankfully the judge thought otherwise.
Who can blame him? After two years of violent assaults from you Antifa fascist assholes, people snap. I’m shocked it didn’t happen sooner. You assholes start fights and then act “appalled” when it ends with you getting your asses kicked.

Well, I blame him. I don't consider "Look how bad THEY'RE acting" to be an excuse. What kind of people others decide to be should have no bearing on what kind of person YOU decide to be.

But I also have no patience with people who want to pounce on HIS actions like sharks on chum while completely ignoring everything prior to that.
Hey...I never said it was “right”. I merely said people snap. And they do. There is only so much a person can take. The left is a bunch of fascist assholes who have turned to violence. It was bad enough when they destroyed the U.S. Constitution of We the People because they the fascists didn’t like it.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.
What conspiracy theories are those on the left, right-wing conspiracy Nut Job? How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc do you believe that have never reached the real world?and I suppose every respected journalists in the world and law-enforcement are protecting them... I love it
How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc
Um...none. There have been 0 “phony scandals” about Hitlery or MaObama. In fact, the only thing “phony” was proven to be the left’s claims that they were sooooo “innocent”.
So by definition you believe there is a conspiracy protecting them... Conspiracy Nut Job LOL
How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc
Um...none. There have been 0 “phony scandals” about Hitlery or MaObama. In fact, the only thing “phony” was proven to be the left’s claims that they were sooooo “innocent”.
So by definition you believe there is a conspiracy protecting them...
So by continue to deny reality. :lmao:
So why is your incredible bs propaganda machine the only place where all these crimes happened, super duper?law enforcement investigated and found nothing ever except garbage GOP propaganda and idiots like you.
How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc
Um...none. There have been 0 “phony scandals” about Hitlery or MaObama. In fact, the only thing “phony” was proven to be the left’s claims that they were sooooo “innocent”.
So by definition you believe there is a conspiracy protecting them...
So by continue to deny reality. :lmao:
So once again you have no argument at all, you believe an incredible pile of garbage and you don't mind spewing lies, and you disrespect American institutions. Great job!
you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?
Antifa is a nonentity

Small group rarely active

Has someone stolen this account and trying to make the original owner look like a moron?
Show me recent activity

Fight breaks out as masked protesters storm 'alt right' talk at King’s College London

Perspective | At Unite the Right, black-clad antifa again give peaceful protesters a bad name
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.
What conspiracy theories are those on the left, right-wing conspiracy Nut Job? How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc do you believe that have never reached the real world?and I suppose every respected journalists in the world and law-enforcement are protecting them... I love it
There were several on the first page of the section when I posted this.

And yes, the right wing had done exactly the same thing. That was part of my point.

Always funny, how similar you wings can be in your behaviors. Peas in a pod.

Thanks for asking.
Dems received 9 million more votes
Which apparently resulted in half a dozen less seats in the Senate... :lmao:

b4 the election it was a 49-51 (R) majority. now it's 52-48 i think? that's not as much a loss as you are stating... & only until 2020. this last election the (D)s had to spend their time fighting to keep their seats more than anything else. every member of the house needs to run for reelection every 2 years. in 2020 a hell of a lot more (R)s will be up for re-election.... & if the biggest house takeover in 40 years was any indication of things to come... the (R)s will be clawing to keep their seats.
Last edited:
This is too funny. Trump, a Republican, is already said to have violated campaign finance laws...
Is that you latest now, Real DICK? Remember when you were screaming and crying about “Russian Collusion”? :laugh:

The collusion is coming.

Trump: "No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"

I bet you think that was a true statement.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Their grip on reality was always rather tenuous. And now, they have completely lost it. Just be thankful that USMB is keeping them occupied and off the public streets where they could do real physical damage to others.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.
What conspiracy theories are those on the left, right-wing conspiracy Nut Job? How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc do you believe that have never reached the real world?and I suppose every respected journalists in the world and law-enforcement are protecting them... I love it
There were several on the first page of the section when I posted this.

And yes, the right wing had done exactly the same thing. That was part of my point.

Always funny, how similar you wings can be in your behaviors. Peas in a pod.

Thanks for asking.
Name one Democratic conspiracy theory, s*******. And cut the crap...
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.
What conspiracy theories are those on the left, right-wing conspiracy Nut Job? How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc do you believe that have never reached the real world?and I suppose every respected journalists in the world and law-enforcement are protecting them... I love it
There were several on the first page of the section when I posted this.

And yes, the right wing had done exactly the same thing. That was part of my point.

Always funny, how similar you wings can be in your behaviors. Peas in a pod.

Thanks for asking.
Name one Democratic conspiracy theory, s*******. And cut the crap...
Meanwhile the entire imaginary GOP world is based on imaginary garbage character assassination and conspiracy theories... That is about to collapse as is Trump's Administration elected by that crap.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.
What conspiracy theories are those on the left, right-wing conspiracy Nut Job? How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc do you believe that have never reached the real world?and I suppose every respected journalists in the world and law-enforcement are protecting them... I love it
There were several on the first page of the section when I posted this.

And yes, the right wing had done exactly the same thing. That was part of my point.

Always funny, how similar you wings can be in your behaviors. Peas in a pod.

Thanks for asking.
Name one Democratic conspiracy theory, s*******. And cut the crap...
Post 6 of this thread, right away, s*******.

Your ideology has completely blinded you.

Not my problem.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
I have a dear friend who was kind of a mainstream Democrat, up until about a year ago.

But since then, she's gotten progressively (no pun intended) nuttier and nuttier, to the point now where she puts up five to seven posts a day on Facebook with online signature initiatives, all kinds of "articles" from every progressive group on the planet, on and on.

A few months ago I offered up a little resistance to one of them and she went crazy. Since then I just leave her be.
What conspiracy theories are those on the left, right-wing conspiracy Nut Job? How many phony scandals about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc do you believe that have never reached the real world?and I suppose every respected journalists in the world and law-enforcement are protecting them... I love it
There were several on the first page of the section when I posted this.

And yes, the right wing had done exactly the same thing. That was part of my point.

Always funny, how similar you wings can be in your behaviors. Peas in a pod.

Thanks for asking.
Name one Democratic conspiracy theory, s*******. And cut the crap...
Post 6 of this thread, right away, s*******.

Your ideology has completely blinded you.

Not my problem.
You are totally full of s*** oh, there are no conspiracy theories from the left. Except for Rich greedy a****** GOP billionaires lying and thieving for themselves, with the help of brainwashed ignorant jackasses like you. You want GOP conspiracy theories? They include everything you know about Hillary Obama holder Lerner the CIA the FBI James Comey, ridiculous character assassination that have all been investigated and nothing has been found except GOP lies.

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