The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

how'z about both sides stop? for their own good............

What exactly are we supposed to stop? Talking? Cause most of the Antifa riots have been to shut down conservative speakers.

uh-huh. tell that to the people mowed down. tell that to the ones bearing torches.

Oh, I see what you are doing. You are tying to make an equivalence between Antifa and the White Supremacists.

That is somewhat reasonable as they are both full of hate and violence.

The differences.

1. Antifa is embraced by the mainstream left in this country.

2. Antifa is supported by the democratic party and it's elected officials, generally.

3. Antifa is a large well funded operation.

4. White supremacists are the opposite.

1) opinionated bullshit not backed up by statistical facts from a credible source

2) more opinionated bullshit still not backed up by statistical facts from a credible source.

3) please provide credible verifiable unbiased source supporting that

4) opinionated bullshit yet again. however, stephen miller, steve bannon, & sebastian gorka were & still are trump's buddies.

1. Supported by the many mainstream dems in this country, and on this site who support antifa

2. supported by the many times that dem mayor or lib administrators have worked with antifa for various purposes.

3. Nation wide, well organized, often with provided weapons. Looks well funded to me.

4. YOur smearing of mainstream people as white supremacists does not reflect well on you.

lol... wow you have no comprehension skills whatsoever. go & praise tarriff man some more, it's the only thing you do well.
i am a pacifist. i've told you that.

If you were a pacifist, you would not be defending Antifa like you have been doing.
It's easy for me to denounce BOTH Antifa and NeoNazis for being the thugs they are, but
you are such an idiot partisan that you feel the need to defend one of them simply because the thuggery comes from the left and you are a blind leftist.

You are no better than some idiot who would defend Neo Nazis by bringing up ANTIFA.

oh for god's sake how stupid. not once have i ever defended them. are you kidding me?

wtf is wrong with you? i was making a MOCK comparison... & how BOTH EXTREMIST SIDES DO NOT REPRESENT THE LEFT OR THE RIGHT.

got it now? god damn the poorly educated are rampant on this thread.
What exactly are we supposed to stop? Talking? Cause most of the Antifa riots have been to shut down conservative speakers.

uh-huh. tell that to the people mowed down. tell that to the ones bearing torches.

You think all them "torch-bearers" represent the "right" in America?

No, at this point, it's anyone who clings to American ideals, which is a lot of people.

You can say what you want, see? I'm not gonna "bash you, the fash" because you're expressing your view.

Now when somebody comes in that does that, umm..we're gonna kill 'um. Is that not reasonable?

you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?

I'm going back to check that. :1peleas:
uh-huh. tell that to the people mowed down. tell that to the ones bearing torches.

You think all them "torch-bearers" represent the "right" in America?

No, at this point, it's anyone who clings to American ideals, which is a lot of people.

You can say what you want, see? I'm not gonna "bash you, the fash" because you're expressing your view.

Now when somebody comes in that does that, umm..we're gonna kill 'um. Is that not reasonable?

you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?

I'm going back to check that. :1peleas:

try looking at post #1110.
You think all them "torch-bearers" represent the "right" in America?

No, at this point, it's anyone who clings to American ideals, which is a lot of people.

You can say what you want, see? I'm not gonna "bash you, the fash" because you're expressing your view.

Now when somebody comes in that does that, umm..we're gonna kill 'um. Is that not reasonable?

you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?

I'm going back to check that. :1peleas:

try looking at post #1110.

That's not what I quoted..
What exactly are we supposed to stop? Talking? Cause most of the Antifa riots have been to shut down conservative speakers.

uh-huh. tell that to the people mowed down. tell that to the ones bearing torches.

You think all them "torch-bearers" represent the "right" in America?

No, at this point, it's anyone who clings to American ideals, which is a lot of people.

You can say what you want, see? I'm not gonna "bash you, the fash" because you're expressing your view.

Now when somebody comes in that does that, umm..we're gonna kill 'um. Is that not reasonable?

you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?

What about all the support the Antifa gets from the mainstream Left?
What exactly are we supposed to stop? Talking? Cause most of the Antifa riots have been to shut down conservative speakers.

uh-huh. tell that to the people mowed down. tell that to the ones bearing torches.

Oh, I see what you are doing. You are tying to make an equivalence between Antifa and the White Supremacists.

That is somewhat reasonable as they are both full of hate and violence.

The differences.

1. Antifa is embraced by the mainstream left in this country.

2. Antifa is supported by the democratic party and it's elected officials, generally.

3. Antifa is a large well funded operation.

4. White supremacists are the opposite.

1) opinionated bullshit not backed up by statistical facts from a credible source

2) more opinionated bullshit still not backed up by statistical facts from a credible source.

3) please provide credible verifiable unbiased source supporting that

4) opinionated bullshit yet again. however, stephen miller, steve bannon, & sebastian gorka were & still are trump's buddies.

1. Supported by the many mainstream dems in this country, and on this site who support antifa

2. supported by the many times that dem mayor or lib administrators have worked with antifa for various purposes.

3. Nation wide, well organized, often with provided weapons. Looks well funded to me.

4. YOur smearing of mainstream people as white supremacists does not reflect well on you.

lol... wow you have no comprehension skills whatsoever. go & praise tarriff man some more, it's the only thing you do well.

Your inability to refute anything I said is noted.

Your moral cowardice in being unable to admit that is noted and held against you.
uh-huh. tell that to the people mowed down. tell that to the ones bearing torches.

You think all them "torch-bearers" represent the "right" in America?

No, at this point, it's anyone who clings to American ideals, which is a lot of people.

You can say what you want, see? I'm not gonna "bash you, the fash" because you're expressing your view.

Now when somebody comes in that does that, umm..we're gonna kill 'um. Is that not reasonable?

you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?
Antifa is a nonentity

Small group rarely active

Has someone stolen this account and trying to make the original owner look like a moron?
Are you kidding me?

the leading 14 threads are by Trumpanzees about the wall, indicting Hillary, "spanking" the democrat congress woman (ok it's easy and adolescent wish) other than my thread suggesting some "consolidation" take place.
Nothing is more kookier or insane than a damn birther, and yet, I don't recall the OP uttering a disparaging word about those nutjobs.

Just gives you some perspective of where he's coming from.
the dude that mowed down those protesters & killed one girl in charlottesville thought he was justified. thankfully the judge thought otherwise.
Who can blame him? After two years of violent assaults from you Antifa fascist assholes, people snap. I’m shocked it didn’t happen sooner. You assholes start fights and then act “appalled” when it ends with you getting your asses kicked.

Well, I blame him. I don't consider "Look how bad THEY'RE acting" to be an excuse. What kind of people others decide to be should have no bearing on what kind of person YOU decide to be.

But I also have no patience with people who want to pounce on HIS actions like sharks on chum while completely ignoring everything prior to that.
For good reason.

But that doesn't forgive the behaviors.

Somehow you seem content to forgive the behaviors of the folks on the right…who have actually murdered people. We seem to have missed your outrage about that; probably because you never expressed any.

I've seen him do exactly that, and several times.

However, he reserves his most scathing judgment for those on the left, or at best blames both sides equally (no matter the differences). Now, while I disagree on most everything in Mac's two-years-and-counting shtick, I agree with him, wholeheartedly, on one count: Having positioned himself on the moderate left, his first order priority is, and ought to be, to clean up in his own camp. Tearing down the other camp is easy, and there's a myriad efforts to that effect out there. Most aren't worth reading.

Where Mac goes wrong is not in scrutinizing "the Left", it's his belief that such thing as "the Left" even exists in a way so that it can be addressed in bumper-sticker judgments, and that every crackpot and goof he finds spouting crap is evidence for the insanity of "the Left". That's pushing generalization to such extremes as to be bordering on the insane.

Where he further goes wrong is to use every warning voice reminding him where he goes wrong as further evidence supporting his own shtick. That's when his world-view is becoming immune to criticism and hermetically sealed off against reasonable scrutiny.

Where Mac goes wrong, yet again, is by whining about the divisions in the country as fueled by the insane Left or Right, and leaving it at that. Fostering unity would be furthered by looking for common ground wherever it can be found, and letting even shreds of reason (on either side) stand. Instead, he condemns all sides (equally), and so roundly, even aspects that would be worth evaluating prudently won't escape, if he pays attention to that at all.

If you say so; I just point out the hypocrisy when I see it. We have one side actively murdering people on the other side and the ones getting murdered have supposedly “lost their shit”.

You just point out hypocrisy when you see it . . . unless you're seeing it in the mirror.
You think all them "torch-bearers" represent the "right" in America?

No, at this point, it's anyone who clings to American ideals, which is a lot of people.

You can say what you want, see? I'm not gonna "bash you, the fash" because you're expressing your view.

Now when somebody comes in that does that, umm..we're gonna kill 'um. Is that not reasonable?

you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?
Antifa is a nonentity

Small group rarely active

Has someone stolen this account and trying to make the original owner look like a moron?
Show me recent activity
Nothing is more kookier or insane than a damn birther, and yet, I don't recall the OP uttering a disparaging word about those nutjobs.

Just gives you some perspective of where he's coming from.
We elected one president

Yep. And none of them ever heard anything about Dylann Roof. Or Cesar Sayoc. Or Scott Roeder. Or Timothy McVeigh.

But then, he already admitted: "All I see is ..." Which actually was supposed to read, "All I 'see' is ...", to be precise. For the ability to "see" some things, and "unsee" others or not see them at all is a necessary precondition for the goof's... condition.

I have to admit, though, I get a kick out of the "Alleged reckless driver" denomination. Who comes up with these terms?

Oh, we've heard of those people. Have YOU heard that the vast majority of the people you point to as "violent right-wingers" weren't actually right-wing at all?

Yep. And none of them ever heard anything about Dylann Roof. Or Cesar Sayoc. Or Scott Roeder. Or Timothy McVeigh.

But then, he already admitted: "All I see is ..." Which actually was supposed to read, "All I 'see' is ...", to be precise. For the ability to "see" some things, and "unsee" others or not see them at all is a necessary precondition for the goof's... condition.

I have to admit, though, I get a kick out of the "Alleged reckless driver" denomination. Who comes up with these terms?

Oh, we've heard of those people. Have YOU heard that the vast majority of the people you point to as "violent right-wingers" weren't actually right-wing at all?
Yes they were
you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?

I'm going back to check that. :1peleas:

try looking at post #1110.

That's not what I quoted..

you think i said or meant something i did not say or mean. that's what it boils down to.
uh-huh. tell that to the people mowed down. tell that to the ones bearing torches.

You think all them "torch-bearers" represent the "right" in America?

No, at this point, it's anyone who clings to American ideals, which is a lot of people.

You can say what you want, see? I'm not gonna "bash you, the fash" because you're expressing your view.

Now when somebody comes in that does that, umm..we're gonna kill 'um. Is that not reasonable?

you aren't picking up what i am putting down. first of all, somewhere up a few posts - it was stated that antifa & the left are one & the same because they represent each other. so i played devil's advocate & inferred that the right & the proudboys represent each other. soooooooooooooooo if one side needs to stop.... the the other side does as well.


What ANTIFA event have the miniscule # of wacky neo-nazis or "Proud Boys" attacked?

I'm playing Devil's advocate now.

ANTIFA has no agenda other than to suppress free speech in America (and be terrorists worldwide). You know, that 1st Amendment thing that the 2nd protects?

ANTIFA has been in Ukraine throwing cocktails. This is not some joke organization.

Yeah, neither was the Klan, but my grandma held 3 of them back with 1 butcher knife, k?

You may not know about the Klan, but I do from a couple of family instances. They didn't just kill black people.

They tried to kill (hang) my great-grandfather. My grandmother stopped it with a large butcher knife.

i'll repeat what i said.

antifa is as indicative of the 'left' the same way the proudboys are indicative of the right.

meaning neither are. are you actually arguing that, marion?

What about all the support the Antifa gets from the mainstream Left?

no one i know or see or read about does. if you are talking solely about people here, i am not sure i personally can name one. if you mean in society as a generality- then you are way off base.
uh-huh. tell that to the people mowed down. tell that to the ones bearing torches.

Oh, I see what you are doing. You are tying to make an equivalence between Antifa and the White Supremacists.

That is somewhat reasonable as they are both full of hate and violence.

The differences.

1. Antifa is embraced by the mainstream left in this country.

2. Antifa is supported by the democratic party and it's elected officials, generally.

3. Antifa is a large well funded operation.

4. White supremacists are the opposite.

1) opinionated bullshit not backed up by statistical facts from a credible source

2) more opinionated bullshit still not backed up by statistical facts from a credible source.

3) please provide credible verifiable unbiased source supporting that

4) opinionated bullshit yet again. however, stephen miller, steve bannon, & sebastian gorka were & still are trump's buddies.

1. Supported by the many mainstream dems in this country, and on this site who support antifa

2. supported by the many times that dem mayor or lib administrators have worked with antifa for various purposes.

3. Nation wide, well organized, often with provided weapons. Looks well funded to me.

4. YOur smearing of mainstream people as white supremacists does not reflect well on you.

lol... wow you have no comprehension skills whatsoever. go & praise tarriff man some more, it's the only thing you do well.

Your inability to refute anything I said is noted.

Your moral cowardice in being unable to admit that is noted and held against you.

you're a loon. always have been & always will be.
Nothing is more kookier or insane than a damn birther, and yet, I don't recall the OP uttering a disparaging word about those nutjobs.

Just gives you some perspective of where he's coming from.

Yup, nothing worse than being from looney-town, oh wait, that's where you're from.

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