"The Left Is Killing Free Speech"

Had to be. Right-wing publishing at its worst: The Silencing by Kirsten Powers

Fox sure loves their angry barbie dolls...

I believe the answer to the following query will identify you correctly:

Have you read the book?
I'm reading the reviews. The cover alone is enough to keep me away. Why didn't she just wear a bikini or pose in her underwear? And $28 to read a couple hundred pages of "liberals suck and are oppressing me because I'm a Christian at Fox news"? I get that here, for free.

Stop tap-dancing.

In truth, you prognosticate and pontificate about a subject that you've admitted you have no knowledge.

As usual.
The premise of her book is nonsense. You haven't read it either so STFU, at least about that. And that is your rule, not mine.

You haven't read the book...you gasbag....you're the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.
You haven't read it either, dumbass.
2. CRANSTON, R.I. (WPRI) - The prayer banner hanging in the Cranston High School West gym that's now at the center of a lawsuit by the ACLU reads in full:

Our Heavenly Father,
Grant us each day the desire to do our best,
To grow mentally and morally as well as physically,
To be kind and helpful to our classmates and teachers,
To be honest with ourselves as well as with others,
Help us to be good sports and smile when we lose as well as when we win,
Teach us the value of true friendship,
Help us always to conduct ourselves so as to bring credit to Cranston High School West.

Though the banner has hung in the gym for decades, the ACLU points to Supreme Court decisions over the separation of church and state, as well as the Cranston School District's policy which states that "the proper setting for religious observance is the home and the place of worship."
Yeah, doesn't belong in a Public high school.
The PC Police hate this book, and therefore its author.

It was predictable. Good for her, very brave. And now, she's not the only one.
She works for Fox, and it's a right-wing attack job published by a right-wing publisher. What, exactly, is the brave part?
Great example of my point, thanks.

It's not an example of anything. Tell me what's brave about this? Am I brave if I say Bill Clinton should have kept his pants on?

As you know, she's a proud, long-time Democrat who hates seeing what has become of much of her party. Just as a proud, long-term Republican would on their side.

She wrote this knowing full well that she would be attacked, as we see here, by her own party, and that it would probably cost her certain relationships and opportunities. I call that brave, you are not required to.

Please don't be obtuse.

1. She works for Fox. She slit her own throat on that when she took the blood money.
2. I don't see anyone attacking her but me so far, and I'm mostly attacking her book, but now that I know she was fucking Anthony Weiner and thinks Jesus came to visit her the fun can begin.
You're clearly looking at this from a partisan political perspective, which means you're not going to address or admit to any of her points.

I provided the links below as further evidence that more and more committed Democrats are admitting what is happening.

They don't work for Fox.
a. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…

Which liberals on this forum refuse to debate the issues?

Oh you folks debate, usually on a different topic than is being discussed.

You try and derail threads by off topic posting and other games.

You refuse to accept facts even when pointed out in plain english and sourced to the max.

Why debate with your side, it is like trying to teach a pig to sing, it annoys the pig and waste your time...............
You are describing PoliticalChick. Virtually all of her threads quickly break down into her refusing to respond to challenges about her quotes being taken out of context and distorted, constantly deflecting, using opinions as facts and her sources being unacceptable in an academic setting, etc. This is a good example. It is a book by a biased commentator and offers agenda driven opinions. Her debating points culled from this kind of source are refuted with scientific and academically recognized source material that she ignores and simply repeats the biased source she has selected for her argument. Her supporters whine that she is being treated unfairly because she somehow should have the right to use politically biased commentary the same way as academically accepted sources that have been peer reviewed for accuracy. PolitcalChick does not debate, she lectures and misleads.
Had to be. Right-wing publishing at its worst: The Silencing by Kirsten Powers

Fox sure loves their angry barbie dolls...

Beats the hefty bulldyke, hairy-pitted baritone women the Left pokes out to whine about everything. :ack-1:
Yes, we know, what someone looks like is all that matters, at least on your side. Must every woman on Fox pass some kind of Ayn Rand teenage boy MILF test?

You brought it up. I merely presented the other side.
This is just another thread designed by one side to bash the other.

Free speech is all well and good, but you have this right to say anything you want as long as it doesn't hurt others, and then you talk complete and utter nonsense.

Yes, it's your right to do so. However, it's still complete and utter nonsense. The right does it, the left does it, they bash each other and this forum is so full to overflowing with this nonsense it's ridiculous.

Try having a decent debate. Whenever I talk about something and make my case, I get no replies. People reply to the crap, not to the decent stuff. It's ridiculous.

1. "This is just another thread designed by one side to bash the other."
You must be a trained investigator, Captain Obvious!

This is your opportunity to provide the other side.


2. "Free speech is all well and good, but you have this right to say anything you want as long as it doesn't hurt others,..."
Listen, you fascist....free speech means just that.
'If it hurts your feelings....too bad, pantywaist.

I may just post an OP on that theme.

3. "The right does it, the left does it, they bash each other and this forum is so full to overflowing with this nonsense it's ridiculous."
Here's the difference: my posts are correct as shown by your inability to refute them.

4. "Try having a decent debate."
You're in one...and losing badly.
She works for Fox, and it's a right-wing attack job published by a right-wing publisher. What, exactly, is the brave part?
Great example of my point, thanks.

It's not an example of anything. Tell me what's brave about this? Am I brave if I say Bill Clinton should have kept his pants on?

As you know, she's a proud, long-time Democrat who hates seeing what has become of much of her party. Just as a proud, long-term Republican would on their side.

She wrote this knowing full well that she would be attacked, as we see here, by her own party, and that it would probably cost her certain relationships and opportunities. I call that brave, you are not required to.

Please don't be obtuse.

1. She works for Fox. She slit her own throat on that when she took the blood money.
2. I don't see anyone attacking her but me so far, and I'm mostly attacking her book, but now that I know she was fucking Anthony Weiner and thinks Jesus came to visit her the fun can begin.
You're clearly looking at this from a partisan political perspective, which means you're not going to address or admit to any of her points.

I provided the links below as further evidence that more and more committed Democrats are admitting what is happening.

They don't work for Fox.
Her points are these bad control-freak liberals are doing things like not letting college kids stand up in history class and have their But The Holocaust Never Happened Professor opinion respected. I'm as un-PC as they come but she thinks she needs to write a book on this because highly educated people are 'cool' on people who believe the Jews have to be in Israel so that Jesus will return? Imagine...
I believe the answer to the following query will identify you correctly:

Have you read the book?
I'm reading the reviews. The cover alone is enough to keep me away. Why didn't she just wear a bikini or pose in her underwear? And $28 to read a couple hundred pages of "liberals suck and are oppressing me because I'm a Christian at Fox news"? I get that here, for free.

Stop tap-dancing.

In truth, you prognosticate and pontificate about a subject that you've admitted you have no knowledge.

As usual.
The premise of her book is nonsense. You haven't read it either so STFU, at least about that. And that is your rule, not mine.

You haven't read the book...you gasbag....you're the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.
You haven't read it either, dumbass.

I'm half way through.

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I'm reading the reviews. The cover alone is enough to keep me away. Why didn't she just wear a bikini or pose in her underwear? And $28 to read a couple hundred pages of "liberals suck and are oppressing me because I'm a Christian at Fox news"? I get that here, for free.

Stop tap-dancing.

In truth, you prognosticate and pontificate about a subject that you've admitted you have no knowledge.

As usual.
The premise of her book is nonsense. You haven't read it either so STFU, at least about that. And that is your rule, not mine.

You haven't read the book...you gasbag....you're the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.
You haven't read it either, dumbass.

I'm half way through.

Really? You actually buy this crap? Well, that makes sense. All you have to do these days is sub-title a book "liberals suck" and the drones can't pull out their VISA cards fast enough.

And tell us, exactly, what are the first ten words that begin page 122?
I'm reading the reviews. The cover alone is enough to keep me away. Why didn't she just wear a bikini or pose in her underwear? And $28 to read a couple hundred pages of "liberals suck and are oppressing me because I'm a Christian at Fox news"? I get that here, for free.

Stop tap-dancing.

In truth, you prognosticate and pontificate about a subject that you've admitted you have no knowledge.

As usual.
The premise of her book is nonsense. You haven't read it either so STFU, at least about that. And that is your rule, not mine.

You haven't read the book...you gasbag....you're the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.
You haven't read it either, dumbass.

I'm half way through.


That would explain the amount of wit you have on the subject.

Either she doesn't know any real liberals, or she's suffering from Stockholm Syndrome after working for Fox News.

And you guys aren't losing Free Speech, you're losing your default ability to lord it over the rest of us, pun intended, and have your faith be the only fucking one that matters. Talk it up, boys.

You people /your people are using the FCC and IRS as weapons against free speech. It's why Lois Lerner shut up and destroyed her emails. It's why you first pursued resuscitation of the antiquated Fairness Doctrine.....when that failed, you found some sheep's clothing in the form of Net Neutrality.
The left is the rank and file of the victim class.

They all feel like they are victims and until society has changed to their norms, the world will not be right.

The gays are overbearing, pushy and obnoxious. Our society as it stood did not accept them.

Our society is based on the classic Judea-Christian model and homosexuality was offensive to that society.

Religions are societal road maps, telling one how to interact with a specific subset of the populace.

There was not a religion that openly accepted / embraced homo's so the only logical conclusion was to destroy all religions.

The blacks fit this same scenario with their now perceived black lives matter and by their attitude are much more fucking important than whites.

Isn't that where the fucking "white privilege" shit is coming from and headed??

All these victim classes want to get their voices heard and silence those who disagree with them.

It doesn't matter that their message is predicated on lies, such as in Ferguson.

It is the message they want out, in pursuit of the society they want without any consideration for others.

Look no farther than the concerted efforts of left / black to demonize cops.

What do you folks want to say just fuck all the laws, he with the biggest / fastest gun makes the rules or he who is the biggest, meanest son-of-a-bitch makes the rule.

I mean if the cops are the bad guys, then who the fuck are the good guys??

When they silence you, then they can run over you ........................
She works for Fox, and it's a right-wing attack job published by a right-wing publisher. What, exactly, is the brave part?
Great example of my point, thanks.

It's not an example of anything. Tell me what's brave about this? Am I brave if I say Bill Clinton should have kept his pants on?

As you know, she's a proud, long-time Democrat who hates seeing what has become of much of her party. Just as a proud, long-term Republican would on their side.

She wrote this knowing full well that she would be attacked, as we see here, by her own party, and that it would probably cost her certain relationships and opportunities. I call that brave, you are not required to.

Please don't be obtuse.

1. She works for Fox. She slit her own throat on that when she took the blood money.
2. I don't see anyone attacking her but me so far, and I'm mostly attacking her book, but now that I know she was fucking Anthony Weiner and thinks Jesus came to visit her the fun can begin.
You're clearly looking at this from a partisan political perspective, which means you're not going to address or admit to any of her points.

I provided the links below as further evidence that more and more committed Democrats are admitting what is happening.

They don't work for Fox.

You really think that whether a comedian's act is liked or disliked has anything to do with 'killing' free speech?

a. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…

Which liberals on this forum refuse to debate the issues?

I wouldn't call what most of them do "debate"
On this site anything like "debate" is rare. The "now that faggots can marry I can marry my gym bag" doesn't actually count as debate.
Neither does using the word 'racist' exclusively to silence rebuttal.

However, idiots are going to be stupid and the left has an abundance.
6. 53% of the faculty on college campuses had 'cool' and/or negative feelings toward evangelicals. [http://www.jewishresearch.org/PDFs2/FacultyReligion07.pdf]

Think this sort of bigotry would be allowed if it targeted blacks or gays?

Bigotry? Pardon me?

Articulate your point.

There's a big difference between true bigotry and people on the left not enjoying the company of people who consistently claim anyone who thinks differently will be sent to burn in a firey pit by some celestial North Korea.
8. As has been posted before in these threads, and proven by Liberal/Progressive acolytes on this board, we regularly find an "aggressive, illiberal impulse to silence people." Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech"

The Left is opposed to all sorts of things, but the behavior that is most harmful to American values is the attacks on free speech, debate, and dissent.

There is no possibility, for the Left, that any disagreement is acceptable, and, in fact, may be correct.

9." Dissent from liberal orthodoxy is cast as racism, misogyny, bigotry, phobia, and, as we have seen, even violence. If you criticize the lack of due process for male college students accused of rape, you are a rape apologist.

People who are anti-abortion rights don't care about the unborn; they are misogynist who want to control women.

Those who oppose same-sex marriage don't have rational, traditional views about marriage that deserve respect or debate; they are bigots and homophobes.

When conservatives opposed the Affordable Care Act's 'contraceptive mandate' it wasn't due to a differing philosophy about the role of government...they were waging a "War on Women."
Powers, Op. Cit.

Either she doesn't know any real liberals, or she's suffering from Stockholm Syndrome after working for Fox News.

And you guys aren't losing Free Speech, you're losing your default ability to lord it over the rest of us, pun intended, and have your faith be the only fucking one that matters. Talk it up, boys.

You people /your people are using the FCC and IRS as weapons against free speech. It's why Lois Lerner shut up and destroyed her emails. It's why you first pursued resuscitation of the antiquated Fairness Doctrine.....when that failed, you found some sheep's clothing in the form of Net Neutrality.

If the FCC could be used by liberals against 'free speech', and liberals chose to use it...

wouldn't rightwing talk radio be something less than blanketing the airways 24/7 coast to coast?

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