The Left is more dangerous than ISIS

Oh, you want to be so crazy, people. But, no, you are not, or the OP is false. One or the others.
Oh, you want to be crazy people. No, you are not, or the OP is false. One or the others.
The only real difference between you and me is that you are going to shit your pants and hide when the going gets tough, and I am going to react appropriately to the madness.
View attachment 122354 In fact, ptbw, the hard right got stomped in the riot. The girl got hit because she was there: that is on her. You wusses on the far right are simply afraid of the hard left. You should be. You almost all are elfcats.
View attachment 122355
There wasn't any riot, moron.

All of Antifa came to stop the speeches in Berkeley and actually tried to spill blood, and not only did they fail at stopping the speeches, but they also admit that they lost a fight against a much smaller opposition, despite being armed.

The "girl" literally said she was looking to "collect scalps" by going to Berkley that night, and now she is whining and trying to extort money from dumbasses like you for her hurt feelings.

The alt-right was literally created to destroy the "hard left" outright. Those who call themselves "alt-right" literally consider themselves the only legitimate opposition to the left, and they are itching to kick the shit out of Antifa fags.
You have tried this before and failed. That is not going to change. So tell the truth: the alt right can't kick the crap out of anybody.
The alt-right is being held back by the Republicans.

Once the Republicans give the all clear, the alt-right will demolish all traces of the modern left.

I can't wait until some inbred thinks it is a good idea to throw rocks and shit at me. That person won't have a face to get punched after I am done with them.

I think you're right about that. My husband is losing it because of the way lefties are acting this year. He's been chomping at the bit for them to come up here and try something. I'm like, oh please, it's Alaska lol So he comes up with a new tactic, "Lets do some sightseeing in California on the way south." I gave him that look (you know that one wives give their husbands when they know they're full of shit heh)

If I were to let him, I'm quite sure he'd be thrilled to join one of those "security teams" and "let off some steam." He's been cooped up for at least 20 years now, most "violent" thing he's done is chop wood and break an interior wall in half taking down the old kitchen cabinets heh Hmmm that reminds me he hasn't fixed that shit yet... ~finds honey do list~

I'm not a Repub, but frankly I've lost my desire to "protect" these idiots who are joining terrorist groups.
There is no such thing as the "radical left" in America.

There are just Democrats, and not anywhere near as split between Bernie and Hillary now that they've had appx 100 days of Trump.

Yes, there is a radical left just as there is a radical right. And it has little to do with conservative and liberal. Bernie and Hillary were simply candidates trying to find a cohesive base. Say what you will, Trump was able to find a cohesive base and thus won the election. About 40% of the Democrat Party are radical Leftists. The other 60% are a combination of moderates to liberals, many of whom probably have more in common with Ivanka Trump than Hillary Clinton.

The 2018 midterms will swing the House and maybe even the Senate to the Democrats.

Trump will lose the 2020 election to an old yellow dog, or Satan...doesn't much matter....

And before some of you dumb asses start processing this...keep in mind I predicted Trump would win the last election in the midst of his pussy grabber controversy, and I didn't vote for Hillary.

Well, Nostradamus, I think you're due for a big miss here. The mere Senate numbers simply don't support your prediction. Democrats have 23 seats up for grabs to the Republicans 9. More than half of the Democrat seats are in states where Trump won. The 9 Republican seats are relatively safe seats. Republicans will not lose any Senate seats and could make huge gains. This is not the cycle for big Democrat gains in the Senate.

In the House, all seats are up for grabs so it's anybody's ballgame. The Democrats will have to pull off a major feat to overtake the Republican lead in the House. It's not impossible but without some huge motivational factor driving the base, it's just not likely to happen. At this point, there seems to be NO message other than "we don't like Trump!" ...That's not going to swing the House, it never does.

Anything can happen, it's still way too early to predict, but I would not be so confident in predicting some huge windfall for Democrats at this time. It's just not realistic.
Thank you for the thoughtful reply.

I can see we must first agree on what a "radical lefty" is and what a "radical righty" is, and, of course...what moderate lefties and righties are.

IMO, IT has EVERYTHING to do with Conservative VS Liberal, because you guys need to shed that dual identity crap you rebranded yourselves with after the Bush admin ended in economic disaster. You're ALL Republicans. You're not Independents, Conservatives, Libertarians, or Tea Partiers. You're mostly white, and you all vote Republican. Don't engage in identity obsfuscation.

Radical Left.....Michael Moore, Communists/Socialists et all...OWS, Rachel Maddow, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders in many cases
Moderate Left....Hillary, Joe Manchin, John Tester, Heid Hietkamp, or even Claire McKaskill and Obama in many cases.

Radical Right.....Rush, Breitbart, "Nationalists" Sean Hannity, Trey Gowdy, Ted Cruz,
Moderate Right....John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, etc.

"we don't like Trump!" does not go far enough.

We hate Trump, and we hate people who voted for him, in the same way you'd hate a noisy neighbor who makes it hard for you to sleep at night.

You can deconstruct all the blind luck that went into the Trump victory, but what counts is how sick of watching Trump's stupid face we are and how sick of his juvenile tweets we are.

He'll not win in 2020.
In terms of a real and present threat to American democracy and our future, the radical left is far more of a concern than ISIS. Some may think this is a bold statement but when you actually examine the aspects of what is currently happening, you will come to realize this truth.

ISIS has not yet infiltrated our political process the way they have across the Middle East. Perhaps it's because we're not largely Muslim? Maybe it's because we have our guard up when it comes to radical Islam? In any event, you can't say the same for the radical Left in America, they continue to be a formidable political force, controlling at least the majority of one entire major political party.

Make no mistake, the destruction the radical Left has in store for America is no less damaging than anything ISIS would do. Their entire mission is to bring down American capitalism and take full control of our judicial system through means of absolute tyranny of the courts. And the alarming truth of the matter is, they are succeeding. On college campuses all across America, the Left is silencing free speech. Wiping out any and all dissent. They have radicalized these institutions and there is no constraint on their power anymore.

On the national level, we sit helplessly, watching them run circles around the doe-eyed Republicans who refuse to challenge what they do. They flagrantly break our laws, spy on our citizens, use any means necessary to their own ends, and then run the game clock out on any attempts to hold them accountable. They control the media. They churn out one fake news narrative after another to further their agenda, and again... they are succeeding.

It's high time for America to wake up and realize, though ISIS is a dangerous threat, they are nothing compared to the radical Left in terms of a real and present danger. We MUST take back our country and this starts with recognizing the truth with regard to the threat they pose.
There is no such thing as the "radical left" in America.

There are just Democrats, and not anywhere near as split between Bernie and Hillary now that they've had appx 100 days of Trump.

The 2018 midterms will swing the House and maybe even the Senate to the Democrats.

Trump will lose the 2020 election to an old yellow dog, or Satan...doesn't much matter....

And before some of you dumb asses start processing this...keep in mind I predicted Trump would win the last election in the midst of his pussy grabber controversy, and I didn't vote for Hillary.
Your stupidity is priceless.
Your dumb ass head is full of fake Russian news.

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