The Left is more dangerous than ISIS

Boss, you made it very clear that you are fine with people dying in your nonsensical thread.

Now you are playing turnspeak from Alinksy-limbaugh, accusing others of doing what you are doing.

Be a man: stand up for what you believe. Don't be a ptbw forever, please. Be manly and a person of action and rectitude.

Please quote where I said I was "fine with" people dying? I think you will find, I never said any such thing. The whole entire purpose and intent of my thread is to hopefully avoid such a thing. I feel like, if something doesn't change, we are headed for a violent confrontation where people will die. That isn't a threat... that's not me saying I am fine with it... that's just brutal honesty.

This thread has been active for a couple of days and NYCarb has done nothing but insist on trolling with this "killing" rhetoric. I've said something to him about it and he continues to go right back to it again, as if he thinks he's getting under my skin with that. I'm now going to start reporting his posts as trolling because he refuses to stop and he keeps talking about killing people. I believe this violates a couple of forum rules.

Now, if you would like to discuss the topic, let's do so... if not, fuck the hell off.
You are quite fine with implying that people will die in your nonsense struggle as you speak with "brutal honesty" above. NYC is not trolling; he is calling you out for not being manly enough to stand by what you mean. To the topic: the left is not more dangerous than ISIS. You have nothing to demonstrate that. The fact is that the Neo-Fascist Alt Right, limp wristed as it and its followers are, wish they had balls enough to be violent like ISIS.
Last time I checked, the pussies in left wing Mecca(aka Berkeley California) got their asses kicked in their own city by a bunch of renegades and a Canadian cheerleader(Gavin, not Lauren Southern LOL).

There are plenty of real radical righties just itching for Antifa faggots to come to their hometown.
In fact, ptbw, the hard right got stomped in the riot. The girl got hit because she was there: that is on her. You wusses on the far right are simply afraid of the hard left. You should be. You almost all are elfcats.
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Excellent opening post, I marked it "winner", to bring the tally up to 12. One of the interesting things about comparing the danger of the left to the danger of ISIS, is that the left will bring the danger of ISIS right to us, which means that the danger level of the left is really the left, PLUS the danger of ISIS combined.

Thanks! Your support is much appreciated. Those winner badges far surpass any statement being made by the couple of virtue signaling trolls who keep trying to attack me.
You are quite fine with implying that people will die in your nonsense struggle as you speak with "brutal honesty" above. NYC is not trolling...

TRANSLATION: You couldn't find what you LIED and claimed I had said. Thanks for the admission you're a LIAR and can't be trusted to be the least bit honest here.

And yes, NYC is trolling just like you... and FAILING.
Translation: JakeStarkey once again kicked Boss the elfcat right and left and up and down. Either the Left is dangerous as you say, which you have said will result in war and blood and death, which you approve, or the Left is not tough and you are just yelling to yell.

The Alt Right always hates being held to the truth.
You are quite fine with implying that people will die in your nonsense struggle as you speak with "brutal honesty" above. NYC is not trolling...

TRANSLATION: You couldn't find what you LIED and claimed I had said. Thanks for the admission you're a LIAR and can't be trusted to be the least bit honest here.

And yes, NYC is trolling just like you... and FAILING.
You can deny reality all you want and claim your thread isn't about killing folks on the left, but you actually did say...

"I said a LONG time ago, and people can be triggered all they like by this, but I believe it will ultimately take bloodshed to end the threat of the Left.
You can deny reality all you want and claim your thread isn't about killing folks on the left, but you actually did say...

"I said a LONG time ago, and people can be triggered all they like by this, but I believe it will ultimately take bloodshed to end the threat of the Left.

Yep... Still not seeing anything there about "killing" anyone. Also not seeing where I am "calling for" anything or advocating it. I'm simply making an honest observation based on common sense and logic. I stand by my statement.
The crazy guy on the far right, your buddy, said it would take blood. He brought it up, and you endorsed it, bripat. Don't be stupid and get along with your life.

Fakey, no one is going to forget that you endorsed exterminating people you disagree with. You're a fascist. What we have said is merely that we will have to fight them. Big difference.

You're a fucking Nazi. Just admit it.
The crazy guy on the far right, your buddy, said it would take blood. He brought it up, and you endorsed it, bripat. Don't be stupid and get along with your life.

Fakey, no one is going to forget that you endorsed exterminating people you disagree with. You're a fascist. What we have said is merely that we will have to fight them. Big difference. ou're a fucking Nazi. Just admit it.
Godwin's law, now, huh. You are the one who wants gulags in the frozen north and killing those who can't work. If you are saying you will fight "them," then you want to kill them. In your case I have no doubt that you would kill everybody.

Not too worry, elfcat. There will never be a war because you guys simply too fucking scared. :lol:
Excellent opening post, I marked it "winner", to bring the tally up to 12. One of the interesting things about comparing the danger of the left to the danger of ISIS, is that the left will bring the danger of ISIS right to us, which means that the danger level of the left is really the left, PLUS the danger of ISIS combined.

Thanks! Your support is much appreciated. Those winner badges far surpass any statement being made by the couple of virtue signaling trolls who keep trying to attack me.
Lefties will NEVER understand the danger that they represent. It's like trying to explain to your dog that it is wrong to lick his asshole in front of people. Dogs and lefties cannot conceive certain things.
Excellent opening post, I marked it "winner", to bring the tally up to 12. One of the interesting things about comparing the danger of the left to the danger of ISIS, is that the left will bring the danger of ISIS right to us, which means that the danger level of the left is really the left, PLUS the danger of ISIS combined.

Thanks! Your support is much appreciated. Those winner badges far surpass any statement being made by the couple of virtue signaling trolls who keep trying to attack me.
Lefties will NEVER understand the danger that they represent. It's like trying to explain to your dog that it is wrong to lick his asshole in front of people. Dogs and lefties cannot conceive certain things.

THAT is so crude and uncalled for......
.but SO true
View attachment 122354 In fact, ptbw, the hard right got stomped in the riot. The girl got hit because she was there: that is on her. You wusses on the far right are simply afraid of the hard left. You should be. You almost all are elfcats.
View attachment 122355
There wasn't any riot, moron.

All of Antifa came to stop the speeches in Berkeley and actually tried to spill blood, and not only did they fail at stopping the speeches, but they also admit that they lost a fight against a much smaller opposition, despite being armed.

The "girl" literally said she was looking to "collect scalps" by going to Berkley that night, and now she is whining and trying to extort money from dumbasses like you for her hurt feelings.

The alt-right was literally created to destroy the "hard left" outright. Those who call themselves "alt-right" literally consider themselves the only legitimate opposition to the left, and they are itching to kick the shit out of Antifa fags.
You got it wrong. Us old heterosexual married men are a threat to america because we are the last generation of voters who can think beyond the realm of the lying democrats and the corporate butt kissing rethuglicans. The last election was a choice between loser one and bigmouth two...names interchangeable.
View attachment 122354 In fact, ptbw, the hard right got stomped in the riot. The girl got hit because she was there: that is on her. You wusses on the far right are simply afraid of the hard left. You should be. You almost all are elfcats.
View attachment 122355
There wasn't any riot, moron.

All of Antifa came to stop the speeches in Berkeley and actually tried to spill blood, and not only did they fail at stopping the speeches, but they also admit that they lost a fight against a much smaller opposition, despite being armed.

The "girl" literally said she was looking to "collect scalps" by going to Berkley that night, and now she is whining and trying to extort money from dumbasses like you for her hurt feelings.

The alt-right was literally created to destroy the "hard left" outright. Those who call themselves "alt-right" literally consider themselves the only legitimate opposition to the left, and they are itching to kick the shit out of Antifa fags.
You have tried this before and failed. That is not going to change. So tell the truth: the alt right can't kick the crap out of anybody.
Oh don't count on it, we are only one hundred days into watching for the time and to build a wall of support to keep from going to jail for killing a bunch of shit liberals. You idiots think we are afraid, you are seriously underestimating your most voracious enemy. You think beheading is a horrible way to die, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. you liberal shit are only electronic game warriors with the protection of liberal shit college indoctrinators. We are real, already killed some worthless shit, kill, skin, cook and eat what we want. We are not even batting an eye at slapping you shit piles down and gutting you alive to watch you squirm and pour ants in your guts to see them eat you. Hell we like fun and I am sure as you all die you will supply plenty of it. Governors and localities are where we will do the deed. castle doctrine , and improving victims right to defend against all attacks as damaging with deadly force. are the keys. then when you throw you little gas bottles we can kill you all, when you spray us with pepper spray we can cut your guts out, when three of you jump on one and start kicking us we can shoot you all down and make sure you punk asses are dead. You liberal dogshit call it a victory when thirty of you beat up ten people who disagree with you. I call that chicken shit, but we can play by your rules too. Say next time it may well be a thousand of us and a couple of hundred of you. We send in about one for every five of you and you jump them and get violent as usual, then we send in ten more for every one of you and stomp your brains out and crush your worthless skulls. HAHAHAHA have yourself a nice day now, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Oh don't count on it, we are only one hundred days into watching for the time and to build a wall of support to keep from going to jail for killing a bunch of shit liberals. You idiots think we are afraid, you are seriously underestimating your most voracious enemy. You think beheading is a horrible way to die, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. you liberal shit are only electronic game warriors with the protection of liberal shit college indoctrinators. We are real, already killed some worthless shit, kill, skin, cook and eat what we want. We are not even batting an eye at slapping you shit piles down and gutting you alive to watch you squirm and pour ants in your guts to see them eat you. Hell we like fun and I am sure as you all die you will supply plenty of it. Governors and localities are where we will do the deed. castle doctrine , and improving victims right to defend against all attacks as damaging with deadly force. are the keys. then when you throw you little gas bottles we can kill you all, when you spray us with pepper spray we can cut your guts out, when three of you jump on one and start kicking us we can shoot you all down and make sure you punk asses are dead. You liberal dogshit call it a victory when thirty of you beat up ten people who disagree with you. I call that chicken shit, but we can play by your rules too. Say next time it may well be a thousand of us and a couple of hundred of you. We send in about one for every five of you and you jump them and get violent as usual, then we send in ten more for every one of you and stomp your brains out and crush your worthless skulls. HAHAHAHA have yourself a nice day now, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I can't imagine why so many people think righties are nuts? :lol:
faun, I believe that 12icer believes what he is saying, crazy as it all is.

One flaw in his logic is that he does not have the numbers of his side.
View attachment 122354 In fact, ptbw, the hard right got stomped in the riot. The girl got hit because she was there: that is on her. You wusses on the far right are simply afraid of the hard left. You should be. You almost all are elfcats.
View attachment 122355
There wasn't any riot, moron.

All of Antifa came to stop the speeches in Berkeley and actually tried to spill blood, and not only did they fail at stopping the speeches, but they also admit that they lost a fight against a much smaller opposition, despite being armed.

The "girl" literally said she was looking to "collect scalps" by going to Berkley that night, and now she is whining and trying to extort money from dumbasses like you for her hurt feelings.

The alt-right was literally created to destroy the "hard left" outright. Those who call themselves "alt-right" literally consider themselves the only legitimate opposition to the left, and they are itching to kick the shit out of Antifa fags.
You have tried this before and failed. That is not going to change. So tell the truth: the alt right can't kick the crap out of anybody.
The alt-right is being held back by the Republicans.

Once the Republicans give the all clear, the alt-right will demolish all traces of the modern left.

I can't wait until some inbred thinks it is a good idea to throw rocks and shit at me. That person won't have a face to get punched after I am done with them.
faun, I believe that 12icer believes what he is saying, crazy as it all is.

One flaw in his logic is that he does not have the numbers of his side.
The brains and the muscle are most certainly on the side of the alt-right.

Antifa is going to be gutted; one way, or another.

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