The Left is more dangerous than ISIS

If you believe liberals like myself are more dangerous than ISIS, why WOULDN"T you want to kill me?

You're the one who keeps mentioning liberals and killing people. Why do you insist on being so dishonest? Liberals aren't dangerous. I actually have many liberal social ideas in the classical liberal sense. It's the philosophical basis for libertarianism.

That is NOT the radical Left who are Neo-Marxist-Socialist-Fascists.

ISIS is in a declared state of war with the United States. If the radical Left ever declares war on the US, I will endorse the same military means to deal with them. So far, they seem content with undermining the political structure and attempting to bring America down from the inside. Therefore, I don't think we have to kill them. We simply have to expose what they're up to and marginalize them.
Boss cans scramble all he wants, but he is talking about killing anyone who opposes his beliefs.
In terms of a real and present threat to American democracy and our future, the radical left is far more of a concern than ISIS. Some may think this is a bold statement but when you actually examine the aspects of what is currently happening, you will come to realize this truth.

ISIS has not yet infiltrated our political process the way they have across the Middle East. Perhaps it's because we're not largely Muslim? Maybe it's because we have our guard up when it comes to radical Islam? In any event, you can't say the same for the radical Left in America, they continue to be a formidable political force, controlling at least the majority of one entire major political party.

Make no mistake, the destruction the radical Left has in store for America is no less damaging than anything ISIS would do. Their entire mission is to bring down American capitalism and take full control of our judicial system through means of absolute tyranny of the courts. And the alarming truth of the matter is, they are succeeding. On college campuses all across America, the Left is silencing free speech. Wiping out any and all dissent. They have radicalized these institutions and there is no constraint on their power anymore.

On the national level, we sit helplessly, watching them run circles around the doe-eyed Republicans who refuse to challenge what they do. They flagrantly break our laws, spy on our citizens, use any means necessary to their own ends, and then run the game clock out on any attempts to hold them accountable. They control the media. They churn out one fake news narrative after another to further their agenda, and again... they are succeeding.

It's high time for America to wake up and realize, though ISIS is a dangerous threat, they are nothing compared to the radical Left in terms of a real and present danger. We MUST take back our country and this starts with recognizing the truth with regard to the threat they pose.

Find your safe space snowflake. The world too scawwry for you.
In terms of a real and present threat to American democracy and our future, the radical left is far more of a concern than ISIS. Some may think this is a bold statement but when you actually examine the aspects of what is currently happening, you will come to realize this truth.

ISIS has not yet infiltrated our political process the way they have across the Middle East. Perhaps it's because we're not largely Muslim? Maybe it's because we have our guard up when it comes to radical Islam? In any event, you can't say the same for the radical Left in America, they continue to be a formidable political force, controlling at least the majority of one entire major political party.

Make no mistake, the destruction the radical Left has in store for America is no less damaging than anything ISIS would do. Their entire mission is to bring down American capitalism and take full control of our judicial system through means of absolute tyranny of the courts. And the alarming truth of the matter is, they are succeeding. On college campuses all across America, the Left is silencing free speech. Wiping out any and all dissent. They have radicalized these institutions and there is no constraint on their power anymore.

On the national level, we sit helplessly, watching them run circles around the doe-eyed Republicans who refuse to challenge what they do. They flagrantly break our laws, spy on our citizens, use any means necessary to their own ends, and then run the game clock out on any attempts to hold them accountable. They control the media. They churn out one fake news narrative after another to further their agenda, and again... they are succeeding.

It's high time for America to wake up and realize, though ISIS is a dangerous threat, they are nothing compared to the radical Left in terms of a real and present danger. We MUST take back our country and this starts with recognizing the truth with regard to the threat they pose.
There is no such thing as the "radical left" in America.

There are just Democrats, and not anywhere near as split between Bernie and Hillary now that they've had appx 100 days of Trump.

The 2018 midterms will swing the House and maybe even the Senate to the Democrats.

Trump will lose the 2020 election to an old yellow dog, or Satan...doesn't much matter....

And before some of you dumb asses start processing this...keep in mind I predicted Trump would win the last election in the midst of his pussy grabber controversy, and I didn't vote for Hillary.
So you have plans to kill liberals.

You're the only one here who has mentioned killing anyone.

So your position is that ISIS fighters shouldn't be killed?

Whoa!!! Are you a sympathizer?

I stand by my OP. If you want to address that, fine... If not, I don't care.

You jumped in this thread trying to twist and distort, put words in my mouth that you could attack and ridicule, and generally just be a typical lefty shitheel troll. And hey, that does more to bolster the point the OP is making than anything I could say.

You pose a real and dangerous threat to our society and way of life. FAR more of a threat than a bunch of desert-dwelling shit flingers.

Naw... it spends its life on an Internet Message Board bitching, moaning and formulating weak, straw man arguments, it's no threat to anybody but itself and its own offspring.

The internal threat IMHO comes from the fact that far too many Americans look solely to politicians and government to solve problems and make their lives better (with all the attendant divisiveness and partisan infighting that comes with it) instead of looking to what got us to being the most successful economy on Earth, free enterprise, entrepreneurs and relying on our local communities and each other (in fact those things have been vilified in our society over the past couple of decades).

Politics is poison and partisan politics is a lethal poison.

And I think you better wake the fuck up and pay attention. Being a cynical jerk doesn't fix our problems or address what the radical Left is doing. It doesn't make you smarter than everybody else. Your last couple of sentences sound great and wonderful but that America is under siege from the radical Left who is hell bent on destroying it.... while folks like you sit there and act smug and cynical.
Uh-huh as opposed to impotent windbags like you that think they can change things by posting outrageous, alarmist non-sense on Internet Message Boards, what's hilarious is that you think other people should actually take your balderdash seriously.

Do me a favor and wake me up when you actually DO something that moves you closer to your stated goals, of course based on your lack of response to my earlier questions it's evident you don't even have a plan to DO anything so I expect you'll DO no more than continue to masturbate to the sound of your own keystrokes.

You know what we should do? Put everyone in stadiums around the country. 50% libs and 50% conservatives in each stadium. Put those giant boxing gloves on everyone and give everybody a pillow and let them go at it. This would surly end in laughter and then maybe, just maybe we can all focus on the real culprit in our midst. The fing government and their inability to run our nation without dividing us. Together we are stronger!
Just sayin...
You know what we should do? Put everyone in stadiums around the country. 50% libs and 50% conservatives in each stadium. Put those giant boxing gloves on everyone and give everybody a pillow and let them go at it. .

Good plan, however I think there are 2 improvements that could be made...

1.) Pass out LSD to all the participants prior to the event
2.) Pay-Per-View

There is no such thing as the "radical left" in America.

There are just Democrats, and not anywhere near as split between Bernie and Hillary now that they've had appx 100 days of Trump.

Yes, there is a radical left just as there is a radical right. And it has little to do with conservative and liberal. Bernie and Hillary were simply candidates trying to find a cohesive base. Say what you will, Trump was able to find a cohesive base and thus won the election. About 40% of the Democrat Party are radical Leftists. The other 60% are a combination of moderates to liberals, many of whom probably have more in common with Ivanka Trump than Hillary Clinton.

The 2018 midterms will swing the House and maybe even the Senate to the Democrats.

Trump will lose the 2020 election to an old yellow dog, or Satan...doesn't much matter....

And before some of you dumb asses start processing this...keep in mind I predicted Trump would win the last election in the midst of his pussy grabber controversy, and I didn't vote for Hillary.

Well, Nostradamus, I think you're due for a big miss here. The mere Senate numbers simply don't support your prediction. Democrats have 23 seats up for grabs to the Republicans 9. More than half of the Democrat seats are in states where Trump won. The 9 Republican seats are relatively safe seats. Republicans will not lose any Senate seats and could make huge gains. This is not the cycle for big Democrat gains in the Senate.

In the House, all seats are up for grabs so it's anybody's ballgame. The Democrats will have to pull off a major feat to overtake the Republican lead in the House. It's not impossible but without some huge motivational factor driving the base, it's just not likely to happen. At this point, there seems to be NO message other than "we don't like Trump!" ...That's not going to swing the House, it never does.

Anything can happen, it's still way too early to predict, but I would not be so confident in predicting some huge windfall for Democrats at this time. It's just not realistic.
Those 21 GOP opportunities are in red states that are not so red now.

Let's see what happens, hmmm? You keep ahuggin' your cognitive dissonance.
Uh-huh as opposed to impotent windbags like you that think they can change things by posting outrageous, alarmist non-sense on Internet Message Boards, what's hilarious is that you think other people should actually take your balderdash seriously.

Do me a favor and wake me up when you actually DO something that moves you closer to your stated goals, of course based on your lack of response to my earlier questions it's evident you don't even have a plan to DO anything so I expect you'll DO no more than continue to masturbate to the sound of your own keystrokes.


There's nothing "alarmist" in anything I've stated. It's clear by the agenda of the radical Left. You can either face that or not. These people want to destroy America and they are well on their way to doing that.

As for your questions, I don't see any non-rhetorical questions worth the time to answer. You asked what I was doing and I told you. My plan is to continue doing what I've been doing because that's all I can do. What's your plan? To be a cynical dick? Turn into an anarchist? What exactly is it? :dunno:
Those 21 GOP opportunities are in red states that are not so red now.

Let's see what happens, hmmm? You keep ahuggin' your cognitive dissonance.

Only 9 Republican senate seats are up in 2018. None are in "purple" states. They are all relatively safe Republican seats. Jeff Flake and Ted Cruz are probably the most contentious and, believe me, they aren't going to lose to a Democrat.
Those 21 GOP opportunities are in red states that are not so red now.

Let's see what happens, hmmm? You keep ahuggin' your cognitive dissonance.

Only 9 Republican senate seats are up in 2018. None are in "purple" states. They are all relatively safe Republican seats. Jeff Flake and Ted Cruz are probably the most contentious and, believe me, they aren't going to lose to a Democrat.
Check the recent percentages, podjo. You are whistling by the grave yard.
Check the recent percentages, podjo. You are whistling by the grave yard.

I've looked at all the races and the analysis from three major groups. None of the Republican Senate seats are really at risk this cycle. There is ALWAYS a poll somewhere that tells you what you want to hear. It's certainly NOT whistling past the graveyard to point out the Democrats have to defend 23 seats and the Republicans only have 9 to defend... that's called a FACT.
My plan is to continue doing what I've been doing because that's all I can do.
Yeah that's what I figured... more masturbation to the sound of your own keystrokes, have fun with that.....

what's your plan? To be a cynical dick? Turn into ananarchist? What exactly is it?
Plan for what? In case you hadn't noticed I'm not the one wearing a tin foil hat and babbling nonsense about how the left wingers are an existential threat larger than ISIS......


My plan is to continue doing what I've been doing because that's all I can do.
Yeah that's what I figured... more masturbation to the sound of your own keystrokes, have fun with that.....

what's your plan? To be a cynical dick? Turn into ananarchist? What exactly is it?
Plan for what? In case you hadn't noticed I'm not the one wearing a tin foil hat and babbling nonsense about how the left wingers are an existential threat larger than ISIS......



Then you are what is known as a quisling. There are just going to be a certain number of incurious dullards who don't get it. They won't wake up. Life is too easy for you and it leaves you comfortable in your ignorant bliss.

And WHAT did you figure? I explained to you that I write and call my congressmen daily. That's not masturbating to my keystrokes. I'm actively working now on an Article V convention for my state. I routinely work to expose the radical Left agenda. You want to call me names or mock me, that's fine... I don't really care. I don't do this so people will like me and think I'm cool.
Check the recent percentages, podjo. You are whistling by the grave yard.

I've looked at all the races and the analysis from three major groups. None of the Republican Senate seats are really at risk this cycle. There is ALWAYS a poll somewhere that tells you what you want to hear. It's certainly NOT whistling past the graveyard to point out the Democrats have to defend 23 seats and the Republicans only have 9 to defend... that's called a FACT.
So YOU are hearing what you want to hear. :lol:
My plan is to continue doing what I've been doing because that's all I can do.
Yeah that's what I figured... more masturbation to the sound of your own keystrokes, have fun with that.....

what's your plan? To be a cynical dick? Turn into ananarchist? What exactly is it?
Plan for what? In case you hadn't noticed I'm not the one wearing a tin foil hat and babbling nonsense about how the left wingers are an existential threat larger than ISIS......



Then you are what is known as a quisling. There are just going to be a certain number of incurious dullards who don't get it. They won't wake up. Life is too easy for you and it leaves you comfortable in your ignorant bliss.

And WHAT did you figure? I explained to you that I write and call my congressmen daily. That's not masturbating to my keystrokes. I'm actively working now on an Article V convention for my state. I routinely work to expose the radical Left agenda. You want to call me names or mock me, that's fine... I don't really care. I don't do this so people will like me and think I'm cool.
No Art V convention will be called by AL.
If you believe liberals like myself are more dangerous than ISIS, why WOULDN"T you want to kill me?

You're the one who keeps mentioning liberals and killing people. Why do you insist on being so dishonest? Liberals aren't dangerous. I actually have many liberal social ideas in the classical liberal sense. It's the philosophical basis for libertarianism.

That is NOT the radical Left who are Neo-Marxist-Socialist-Fascists.

ISIS is in a declared state of war with the United States. If the radical Left ever declares war on the US, I will endorse the same military means to deal with them. So far, they seem content with undermining the political structure and attempting to bring America down from the inside. Therefore, I don't think we have to kill them. We simply have to expose what they're up to and marginalize them.

Just for clarification, why don't you name the posters at USMB that you consider to be on the radical left.

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