The left is more responsible for Sarah Palin's popularity

So very few people agree with the left/Obama but enough of them do it that it scares you?

You either are a massive coward or you can't even keep your partisan crap flinging straight.

do you play twister?

Do you ever post anything of value?

why? are you the value posting police?:lol:
if I recall I didn't speak to you first, but you just couldn't resist throwing in your dumb two cents worth, so stop yer whining now.
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Palin is here to stay. that is what upsets the left.

I myself find it very amusing she gets under their skin as much as she does.

Go Sarah.

Stephanie, i understand what ou are saying, but seriously, there are people out there who actually thinks what she says makes sense. They are probably the same idiots who follows Rush.

Doesnt that scare you a little? They could live next to you and everything.

No she doesn't scare little minded one. She was my Governor and I know what she stands for. And she makes perfect sense to people who have any besides a lefties point of view of thing. Very few people think like you all do, you know that don't you.?
The Obama and his comrade in arms in control of our Federal Government scares me the most I have ever been in my lifetime as far as Presidents go. Even Billy boy Clinton didn't scare me as much as the Obama. And to see that you lefties agree with what and how the Obama is governing our country scares me just as much.

Stay where exactly? Not the Governor's Office in Alaska. Not FOX. Not The Discovery Channel.


*Looks beneath my desk, just to be on the safe side*

Palin is the Tiny Tim of American political life....memorable, but hardly high brow, yanno?

And Pelosi, yikes! She's the next Three Stoogies wanna-be. These two ***** make me nutz.


The left talks about Palin because the left want Palin to be the face of the right.

Now ask yourself, "why does the left want Palin to be the face of the right?" and you will realize why lefties on this board are not trying to fight you here.

Notice: No lefty is talking trash about Pawlenty, Romney or even Ron Paul! But when it comes to Sarah Palin, they are using Avatars that support her run in 2012! These are damn Lefties, must I remind you!!
It strikes me as odd how easy it is to get people talking about Sarah Palin, as if she's relevant in any tangible way. I mean, I'm a Republican, I like her, I think she'd make a better leader than Obama, but I'm not in love with the discussion of her (negative or positive) the way most liberals seem to be.

They're usually only talking about how dumb, stupid, and ignorant she is (which is more empty name-calling than hard-hitting analysis, for those of us over the age of 9), but do they not realize that any person you make a big deal about is going to be popular? The old adage of "any press is good press" has never been truer.

The reason why Sarah Palin is such a big deal is because liberals still have fake-outrage boners about everything she's ever said or done. Conversely, the reason most people are souring over Obama is because the Right isn't obsessively infatuated with who he is as a person. We're more concerned about what kind of executive he is. If the Right went on over Obama the way the Left goes on over Palin, he'd still have 50% approval ratings or better.

You cannot blame Liberals for the record ticket sales to the Sarah Palin Traveling Road Show and Theater of The Absurd.

We have our own problems.

Nancy "I Cannot Ever Open My Freaking Mouth Without Setting Back Progress By At Least a Decade" Pelosi.


Saturday Night Live - Nancy Pelosi - Video -

Both these broads, Palin and Pelosi, need to be on a melting iceberg near the South Pole, banished from our public lives. Then they can reunited as one another's Evil Twin or have their lezzie girl crushes fulfilled or WTF they are both up to.

They are like America's Tweedle Dum And Tweedle Dummmer. And THIS is the Feminist Nirvana I once marched for? Shit.

But yanno, the pair of them do make for great SNL skits! LMAO. :clap2:

Can we throw Hillary Clinton on as well? Please?
It's true. The more the Left attacks Palin, the more people on the right come to her defense. I personally find her to be a lightweight when it comes to experience (one of the same critiques I have about Obama). The attacks elevate her to a stature that experience and ability wouldn't if she were left alone.

Lightweight? Sugar Ray was a lightweight boedicca. Palin and Pelosi both lack the common sense and basic reality contact of that nitwit on E!, Bobby Bush. Neither one could carry a dictionary across the room without dropping it, nevermind read the damned thing. Lindsay Lohan has better mental health than this pair of salt and pepper shakers.

I keep telling myself, it'll be okay. Us chicks can still be proud of Ann Richards. were doing so good on the other thread and now I find out you're nothing but a common liberal peckerhead like your almost had me fooled into thinking you had a brain....

What a heart breaker you turned out to be.....:frown:
It strikes me as odd how easy it is to get people talking about Sarah Palin, as if she's relevant in any tangible way. I mean, I'm a Republican, I like her, I think she'd make a better leader than Obama, but I'm not in love with the discussion of her (negative or positive) the way most liberals seem to be.

They're usually only talking about how dumb, stupid, and ignorant she is (which is more empty name-calling than hard-hitting analysis, for those of us over the age of 9), but do they not realize that any person you make a big deal about is going to be popular? The old adage of "any press is good press" has never been truer.

The reason why Sarah Palin is such a big deal is because liberals still have fake-outrage boners about everything she's ever said or done. Conversely, the reason most people are souring over Obama is because the Right isn't obsessively infatuated with who he is as a person. We're more concerned about what kind of executive he is. If the Right went on over Obama the way the Left goes on over Palin, he'd still have 50% approval ratings or better.

You cannot blame Liberals for the record ticket sales to the Sarah Palin Traveling Road Show and Theater of The Absurd.

We have our own problems.

Nancy "I Cannot Ever Open My Freaking Mouth Without Setting Back Progress By At Least a Decade" Pelosi.


Saturday Night Live - Nancy Pelosi - Video -

Both these broads, Palin and Pelosi, need to be on a melting iceberg near the South Pole, banished from our public lives. Then they can reunited as one another's Evil Twin or have their lezzie girl crushes fulfilled or WTF they are both up to.

They are like America's Tweedle Dum And Tweedle Dummmer. And THIS is the Feminist Nirvana I once marched for? Shit.

But yanno, the pair of them do make for great SNL skits! LMAO. :clap2:

Can we throw Hillary Clinton on as well? Please?

No, I am so sorry Father Time. The pyre has already been built. Hillary MUST DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH. Palin and Pelosi annoy and amuse but Hillary does Actual Harm.


But we will begin selling tickets to her self-immolation this Friday, if that cheers you up any.
It's true. The more the Left attacks Palin, the more people on the right come to her defense. I personally find her to be a lightweight when it comes to experience (one of the same critiques I have about Obama). The attacks elevate her to a stature that experience and ability wouldn't if she were left alone.

Lightweight? Sugar Ray was a lightweight boedicca. Palin and Pelosi both lack the common sense and basic reality contact of that nitwit on E!, Bobby Bush. Neither one could carry a dictionary across the room without dropping it, nevermind read the damned thing. Lindsay Lohan has better mental health than this pair of salt and pepper shakers.

I keep telling myself, it'll be okay. Us chicks can still be proud of Ann Richards. were doing so good on the other thread and now I find out you're nothing but a common liberal peckerhead like your almost had me fooled into thinking you had a brain....

What a heart breaker you turned out to be.....:frown:

I like who I like. I am not signing up to drink any Koolaid, no matter what color it is.

Wanna go get a Malt Liquor with me, Alpha1? The "Two Fat Guys" bar is still open. You any good at pool?
I *just* got through saying, basically, the same thing.
I see her as a quitter that couldn't handle the scrutiny.
The left gives her more cred than I do.

Speaking for myself, I don't give Palin credit for anything. I compare her to, "Martha the mouth". For those of you that are too young to remember, I am referring to Martha Mitchell. She was as outrageous as Palin.

People love observing train wrecks!!! That's how I saw Martha and that's how I see Palin.
I *just* got through saying, basically, the same thing.
I see her as a quitter that couldn't handle the scrutiny.
The left gives her more cred than I do.

Speaking for myself, I don't give Palin credit for anything. I compare her to, "Martha the mouth". For those of you that are too young to remember, I am referring to Martha Mitchell. She was as outrageous as Palin.

People love observing train wrecks!!! That's how I saw Martha and that's how I see Palin.

That reminds me of this image

I *just* got through saying, basically, the same thing.
I see her as a quitter that couldn't handle the scrutiny.
The left gives her more cred than I do.

Speaking for myself, I don't give Palin credit for anything. I compare her to, "Martha the mouth". For those of you that are too young to remember, I am referring to Martha Mitchell. She was as outrageous as Palin.

People love observing train wrecks!!! That's how I saw Martha and that's how I see Palin.

That reminds me of this image


well that was soooooooo adult like.:rolleyes:
Democrats (and some Republicans) act like they're so scared of Palin attaining any type of real power. Um, for one, Sarah Palin probably has more executive (i.e. relevant) experience than any of the major Democratic contenders for President this past decade (and, for that matter, most of the serious Republican candidates in '08 as well). What are you so afraid of? What, because you disagree with her politics, that means she's going to make dumbass decisions? What's Obama's excuse?
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You still ragging on executive experience?

She's governor of the least populated state in the union.

Come 2012 Obama will have 4 years experience as president.
Well as we saw, Jimma Carter had four yrs. EXPERIENCE as President and that helped his ass out a lot.:lol:
Democrats (and some Republicans) act like they're so scared of Palin attaining any type of real power. Um, for one, Sarah Palin probably has more executive (i.e. relevant) experience than any of the major Democratic contenders for President this past decade (and, for that matter, most of the serious Republican candidates in '08 as well). What are you so afraid of? What, because you disagree with her politics, that means she's going to make dumbass decisions? What's Obama's excuse?

The scary part is that you are serious..

Her "executive experience" was mayor of a city of less than 10,000 and governor of a state of less than 1 million for slightly over two years.

Spectacular? You betcha...wink
The reason she gets the attention is that she is the only Republican shooting her mouth off. In a game of political "Whack-a-mole" Palin is the only one who continues to stick her head up.

Let another Republican show some leadership and then he or she will get attention too. Right now.....they are few and far between

I have a feeling there arent too many lefty's who are paying her money for her book or her apperaces or worse, 10k for a pic of her and bachmann.

Here is a hint, they are all righty's spending money on that tripe.

well gezze, no shit sherlock. and I would guess it's the left who is buying the Obama's self aggrandizing books. so what. and another thing, how come you all don't put down the Obama for making millions off his books, if making money off of appearances and speeches is such a horror to you all?

The president of the united states makes money because he is the president. He obviously has much more intellect that than dolt who has people who actually listen to her and agree with her. That is what astounds me.

A beauty queen half gov.

A president, constitutional lawyer, college professor etc.

Even steven eh steph? I laugh at the moomoo's who follow that idiot. Seriously, have you ever really listened to the crap she actually says. Its hard to follow but when you do break it down it makes no sense and she never, ever offers solutions to anything. I know more about foreign policy than she does, I swear.

But of course she works for fox. Lame stram media indeed.
Democrats (and some Republicans) act like they're so scared of Palin attaining any type of real power. Um, for one, Sarah Palin probably has more executive (i.e. relevant) experience than any of the major Democratic contenders for President this past decade (and, for that matter, most of the serious Republican candidates in '08 as well). What are you so afraid of? What, because you disagree with her politics, that means she's going to make dumbass decisions? What's Obama's excuse?

The scary part is that you are serious..

Her "executive experience" was mayor of a city of less than 10,000 and governor of a state of less than 1 million for slightly over two years.

Spectacular? You betcha...wink

So what? She still has more experience with dealing with a budget, dealing with staff/advisors, and making executive decisions than Obama (who effectively had none of those things prior to running), and last I checked you lefties were crazy for him.
Well as we saw, Jimma Carter had four yrs. EXPERIENCE as President and that helped his ass out a lot.:lol:

Jimmy Carter was also GOVERNOR of Georgia

I guess being governor does not help in your ability to lead a nation.

Understand, I am taking your side in this discussion! Really!!

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