The left is wrong about everything, always.

Reality always disagrees with the left.

They swore Trump wouldn’t win the primary, they swore he wouldn’t win the general, they said he couldn’t get the tax cuts, they said he’d never get > 3% GDP, they said he’d never get NK to the table.

On a more personal level, I was called an idiot in a thread about the $15 minimum wage increasing customer satisfaction at McDonalds.

In brief, the discussion went like this:

Me: I have never been asked to take a survey after eating at McD.

Left wing nutter: you are a liar

Me: You weren’t there, you don’t know.

Some other semi-Reasonable left wing nutter: It asks you on the bottom of your receipt.

Me: I did not know that, but I’m correct that I never was asked, verbally

Original left wing nutter: you’re too stupid to look st your receipts

Well, for all you left wing nut jobs out there who are always wrong but constantly deny it:

Here is my receipt from today at McD:
View attachment 198777

I am, as always, correct.

Reality never agrees with the left, ever.

You have a real future in the North Korean regime.

Don’t try to be funny, you suck at it.

The fact that the op eats mcpukes really really takes away from the validity of the post.

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