The left just does not get it, this is why we can't have a single payer system


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

Here we see the evils of the single payer system. We have a system run completely by the US federal government, and like all other organizations, they are trying to reduce costs, usually at the expense of their customers. Here we have a doctor who saw people being put on secret death lists, who were erroneously documented as being treated. They were singled out because the system was over taxed and under funded and could not afford to be burdened with treating the sickest of the patients, so they were just left to die.

So what happened to the whistle blowers? Did Mr. war veteran John McCain come to their aid? No. They were hunted and some were fired in a never ending frustrating endevor to find someone who gave a damn. Luckily, they finally found someone after going through hell to find someone.

And what was the US federal government response? That's right, they had one man fall on his sword, who probably had nothing to do with the scandal, which is the usual approach by those in government.

So the issue Progs is, we need the government to be our advocate, not the evil CEO.
From the article:
"VA administrators were earning promotions and bonus pay "
Why the hell are government employees offered bonus pay programs? Their job is to provide excellent service and administration of government programs.
  • Wage/salary --> pay given for meeting the expectations of the job one holds.
  • Bonus pay --> pay given for exceeding the expectations of the job one holds.
"Best practice" is not offer "extras" for doing that which employees are supposed to be doing in the first. place. The "Wildly Important Goals" program is just another policy the government set for itself and its workers; thus it's just another part of the job that workers must perform. Might it have constituted a raising of the bar, so to speak? Sure, but that's no different than in private sector.

For instance:
  • New hires in my firm are required to be tech savvy, not experts, but savvy. When I started my career, the only tech savviness one needed was that of being able to operate a telephone and a typewriter.
  • Tasks for which we used to allocate, say, a week to complete now must be performed a couple days.
Increasing expectations go hand in hand with progress.
You misunderstand . Single payer is not a takeover . It'll just be the gov funded side of insurance for those who can't get private . Medicare style .
You misunderstand . Single payer is not a takeover . It'll just be the gov funded side of insurance for those who can't get private . Medicare style .

I see, so we are suppose to believe this like we believed Obamacare was going to lower premiums and we could keep the same policies and doctors?

Will the same companies be there and still be private? In fact, will they be "private" just like the Fed and Fannie Mae are now "private"?

You misunderstand . Single payer is not a takeover . It'll just be the gov funded side of insurance for those who can't get private . Medicare style .

I see, so we are suppose to believe this like we believed Obamacare was going to lower premiums and we could keep the same policies and doctors?

Will the same companies be there and still be private? In fact, will they be "private" just like the Fed and Fannie Mae are now "private"?


Did you lose your doctor?

The point of the single payer is eliminating all these middlemen and their costs .
You misunderstand . Single payer is not a takeover . It'll just be the gov funded side of insurance for those who can't get private . Medicare style .

You misunderstand.

There is no way to do single payer without a complete takeover. Government sets prices and establishes standards. Doctors/nurses/etc are de facto government employees.
You misunderstand . Single payer is not a takeover . It'll just be the gov funded side of insurance for those who can't get private . Medicare style .

You misunderstand.

There is no way to do single payer without a complete takeover. Government sets prices and establishes standards. Doctors/nurses/etc are de facto government employees.

Doctors and nurses are de facto insurance company employees now. The difference being that government isn't out to make a profit. That's why Medicare can pay for treatments at lower rates. There's no third party billing companies, no pre-approvals, and less paperwork with single payer.
Doctors and nurses are de facto insurance company employees now.
Except, they get a choice to accept said insurance. I will grant you that their choices are very limited, given the state-by-state restrictions. So maybe a better plan is to allow insurers to offer nation-wide plans?
You misunderstand . Single payer is not a takeover . It'll just be the gov funded side of insurance for those who can't get private . Medicare style .
That moment when you forget what the definition of single is.
The left tried to tell us long ago their plan for health care

It's all about rationing away our health care.

You misunderstand . Single payer is not a takeover . It'll just be the gov funded side of insurance for those who can't get private . Medicare style .
That moment when you forget what the definition of single is.

Is Medicare a single payer? Is that a give takeover ?

Which makes one wonder why the GOP says they have no better plan than Obamacare.

What? Why not just go back to the old system?

Come to think of it, Reagan warned us that Medicare would lead to socialized health care.

He was right again, who knew?

You misunderstand . Single payer is not a takeover . It'll just be the gov funded side of insurance for those who can't get private . Medicare style .
That moment when you forget what the definition of single is.

Is Medicare a single payer? Is that a give takeover ?
Is Medicare the only option the government gives you?

No . There's now these Obamacare programs. They tie into private companies .

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