The left lane is reserved for passing & fast moving traffic

right lane is for slow drivers---but jackass want to go over the limit there -JERKS!!
I am advising this article to drivers who don't understand what the left lane is used for, & for those who know the law disregard this thread unless you would like to share the experience you had while driving behind a slow driver
Slow Left Lane Driving: The Law and Why It's So Dangerous

Apparently you have never lived anywhere where you enter the highway in the left lane. The northern Virginia burbs of DC are filled with highways with traffic entering on the left.
I am advising this article to drivers who don't understand what the left lane is used for, & for those who know the law disregard this thread unless you would like to share the experience you had while driving behind a slow driver
Slow Left Lane Driving: The Law and Why It's So Dangerous
But at the same time, as long as you are going the speed limit (5 mph over) then you should not be expected to move to the right lane just because someone is using the HWY as their own personal Autoban or is tail gating.
Some people like myself prefer the left lane for visual perspective easier to see your lane at night, safer/less weaving between lanes, and because I'm naturally a lefty.
Trucks are guilty of switching and staying slow on the left taking forever to pull back into the right lane because the other truck won't let them back in. You need to start a whole thread on how trucks box everyone out and slow up HWY traffic. *L*
I like driving at night during hours traffic is almost non existent, the problem is on long drives the hotels don't accommodate those weird hours and literally ask you to check out at 10-11am when you just got there at 4 or 5am.
But at the same time, as long as you are going the speed limit (5 mph over) then you should not be expected to move to the right lane just because someone is using the HWY as their own personal Autoban or is tail gating.
Some people like myself prefer the left lane for visual perspective easier to see your lane at night, safer/less weaving between lanes, and because I'm naturally a lefty.
Trucks are guilty of switching and staying slow on the left taking forever to pull back into the right lane because the other truck won't let them back in. You need to start a whole thread on how trucks box everyone out and slow up HWY traffic. *L*
I like driving at night during hours traffic is almost non existent, the problem is on long drives the hotels don't accommodate those weird hours and literally ask you to check out at 10-11am when you just got there at 4 or 5am.
The problem I see is the highways are not built properly there should be a minimum of three lanes one exclusively for the truckers , a middle lane for those that wish to travel at the posted speeds or just above and the third lane should be for those that just want to let her rip.Of course there are some grey areas but I a sure the drivers can figure it out amongst themselves.. My pet peeve is when a member of the hwy patrolsits in the left lane going under the postedspeed limit and creates a bottleneck behind him… If you pass him he usually tries to give you a ticket… Anyone else ever seen this.. By the way Mikey I concur on the hotels they are hardly fair in how they work thingsI think it should be based on an hourly basis like it is with most things .. They rarely have trouble re selling their rooms if their location is good ..
But at the same time, as long as you are going the speed limit (5 mph over) then you should not be expected to move to the right lane just because someone is using the HWY as their own personal Autoban or is tail gating.
I don't think you are following.
It is illegal to use the passing lane for anything other than passing.
You aren't the police man of the world, it isn't your duty to stay in the passing lane just to slow up people who are driving faster than what you are comfortable doing.

a middle lane for those that wish to travel at the posted speeds
It is amazing to me how many people don't know proper lane discipline.
On a three lane road, you should stay in the right lane unless you are passing someone.

You can't pass over the speed limit, so If I'm continually passing the slower lanes, then your beef is that you want to break the law to claim I'm doing something wrong? *L*
I don't think you are following.
It is illegal to use the passing lane for anything other than passing.
You aren't the police man of the world, it isn't your duty to stay in the passing lane just to slow up people who are driving faster than what you are comfortable doing.


It is amazing to me how many people don't know proper lane discipline.
On a three lane road, you should stay in the right lane unless you are passing someone.

You didn’t read what I said I said that hwy are usually not built right in my opinion and if we had a three lane road the right lane should be reserved for the slow moving trucks .. The middle lane for those that like to go ata leasurely pace or just above and the left lane for those that want to go at er… Now the rules of the road are not being followed by the vast majority so it is time to change them or tweak them .. Not everyone was raised in the English or North American way and rules of the road differ in different places… In order to keep traffic flowing better and safer we need to indicate which lanes should be used and for what in my opinion…As for the policeman I showed that as an example of how some( not all) can be dicks on the road for whatever reason.. I have seen that in action many a time…
I am advising this article to drivers who don't understand what the left lane is used for, & for those who know the law disregard this thread unless you would like to share the experience you had while driving behind a slow driver
Slow Left Lane Driving: The Law and Why It's So Dangerous
Bro I drive metro highways everyday and this shit pisses me off more than anything. Second only to the assholes who could but won't move left so you can merge onto the highway.
Apparently you have never lived anywhere where you enter the highway in the left lane. The northern Virginia burbs of DC are filled with highways with traffic entering on the left.
apparently, you don't know how to get in your right lane once the lane is available or you just drive under the speed limit and blame others for your problem
But at the same time, as long as you are going the speed limit (5 mph over) then you should not be expected to move to the right lane just because someone is using the HWY as their own personal Autoban or is tail gating.
Some people like myself prefer the left lane for visual perspective easier to see your lane at night, safer/less weaving between lanes, and because I'm naturally a lefty.
Trucks are guilty of switching and staying slow on the left taking forever to pull back into the right lane because the other truck won't let them back in. You need to start a whole thread on how trucks box everyone out and slow up HWY traffic. *L*
I like driving at night during hours traffic is almost non existent, the problem is on long drives the hotels don't accommodate those weird hours and literally ask you to check out at 10-11am when you just got there at 4 or 5am.
yeah most people who drive trucks don't pay attention to their surroundings and if they're paying attention they don't have a problem with boxing everyone or slowing down traffic to get to their destination
tail gating
There is something else that I just don't understand. I keep hearing about people being tail gated but in the 40 years of driving have yet to experience directly. Usually when I do see it happening, it is because someone driving in the wrong lane. Usually I will just hang back and pass the slow driver in any lane that I can use.

Left lane hogs are just dangerous. It sounds like if you are the one who is complaining others tail gating you, I'm under the impression that you are the guilty party that is not practicing proper lane discipline.
The violation is called "impeding traffic" and it's worth anywhere from $80 to $200 at least in Virginia.

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