The Left Loses Ground...

I quoted a fact.

Deal with it.

You stated a list of opinions.

Of course I didn't, NYLiar.

1. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the leading national public health institute of the United States. The CDC is a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services and is headquartered in unincorporatedDeKalb County, Georgia, a few miles northeast of the Atlanta city limits.[1][2][3]"
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

2. "In light of this, it was not surprising that the recent findings of a survey released in March by the National Center for Health Statistics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was largely ignored by the media. The survey is titled Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Identity in the United States: Data From the 2006–2008 National Survey of Family Growth. This prestigious and thorough federal study revealed that only 1.4% of Americans identify themselves as homosexual."

3. "The clear impact of these figures have led some leaders among homosexual activists to acknowledge the truth. Brad Sears, of the Williams Institute (a “gay think tank” well respected among homosexual activists) said that homosexual leaders should “let go” of the inflated figures quoted in the past. He continued to say that, “with other populations of a similar size of 2% to 4%, we don’t question whether there are too many or too few.”
In the News One Point Four Percent Sound Teaching

Are you committing to the idea that the results of all polls should be treated as fact?

The 2000 census sheds even more light on the subject. The overall statistics from the 2000 Census Bureau revealed:

· The total population of the 285,230,516.

· The total number of households in the U.S. is 106,741,426.

· The total number of unmarried same-sex households is 601,209.

Thus, out of a population of 106,741,426 households, homosexuals represent 0.42% of those households. That is less than one half of one percent!
Science vs. the Gay Gene

If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it.

The 2000 Census asked what question about gays? Oh, didn't ask any. The 2010 asked about gay couples, not singles. The census does not ask if you are gay or straight.

Until everyone wakes up with a purple dot on their forehead indicating they've ever had a same sex wet dream, attraction or actual experience, you're never going to know.

Best guesses has it around 3.5-4% in the US. (More than Jews and Koreans)

How Many People are LGBT?
Are there 5 sexes?
I don't dispute that you believe that gays only make up 2% of the population.

I quoted a fact.

Deal with it.

You stated a list of opinions.

Of course I didn't, NYLiar.

1. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the leading national public health institute of the United States. The CDC is a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services and is headquartered in unincorporatedDeKalb County, Georgia, a few miles northeast of the Atlanta city limits.[1][2][3]"
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

2. "In light of this, it was not surprising that the recent findings of a survey released in March by the National Center for Health Statistics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was largely ignored by the media. The survey is titled Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Identity in the United States: Data From the 2006–2008 National Survey of Family Growth. This prestigious and thorough federal study revealed that only 1.4% of Americans identify themselves as homosexual."

3. "The clear impact of these figures have led some leaders among homosexual activists to acknowledge the truth. Brad Sears, of the Williams Institute (a “gay think tank” well respected among homosexual activists) said that homosexual leaders should “let go” of the inflated figures quoted in the past. He continued to say that, “with other populations of a similar size of 2% to 4%, we don’t question whether there are too many or too few.”
In the News One Point Four Percent Sound Teaching

Are you committing to the idea that the results of all polls should be treated as fact?

The 2000 census sheds even more light on the subject. The overall statistics from the 2000 Census Bureau revealed:

· The total population of the 285,230,516.

· The total number of households in the U.S. is 106,741,426.

· The total number of unmarried same-sex households is 601,209.

Thus, out of a population of 106,741,426 households, homosexuals represent 0.42% of those households. That is less than one half of one percent!
Science vs. the Gay Gene

If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it.
2008 census had less than 600k same- sex co-habitations. Still far below 1/2 of 1%.
They have demonstrated no such thing. There is no correlation between any health issue and air pollution. That's just pure bullshit. The paper you cited doesn't even mention any statistical correlation between burning coal and heal problems. One thing it did is claim that Asthma increased by 84% from 1980 to 2004. If anything that statistic shows that the incidence of asthma doesn't correlate with air pollution since the concentration of air pollution in most cities and show a dramatic decrease in most cities.

I could go on and on criticizing this piece of shit study, but that alone should be enough to condemn it.

You did it AGAIN...

WHAT don't you comprehend about...

Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a consistent increased risk for cardiovascular events in relation to both short- and long-term exposure to present-day concentrations of ambient particulate matter.

The FACTS condemn your gross ignorance...

"correlation between burning coal and health problems"

HBO’s Real Sports Shows the Way
The cable network shows other outlets how it's done with a segment about the effects of power plant emissions on the health of young athletes.

In a segment entitled, “The Air We Breathe,” producer Joe Perskie and correspondent Jon Frankel investigate the link between childhood asthma and airborne pollutants from coal-burning energy plants (full disclosure: one of the segment’s editors is a friend of this writer). Along the way, the show illustrates how kids who grow up in proximity to such plants tend to have a much greater chance of developing serious, debilitating respiratory problems — problems that could be prevented, in large part, if energy companies would update their plants with pollution-reducing scrubbers, technology that already exists.

The producers recount how during the 1990s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began cracking down on energy companies that were violating federal regulations, requiring them to install the pollution-reducing scrubbers anytime they made major renovations to their plants — a requirement known as “new source review.” But those investigations, the producers note, were quickly and unceremoniously squashed by the Bush administration following its campaign victory in 2000 — a campaign, as it turns out, which was heavily financed by some of the energy company executives who benefited substantially from the rollback in the regulations.

None of which is exactly fresh news. Various other media organizations — ranging from the New York Times to the Texas Observer to the American Prospect — have already done a thorough job of exploring how (and on whose behalf) the Bush administration rolled back some of the country’s clean air standards. Call it death by a thousand back-scratches.

That said, “The Air We Breathe,” offers a compelling portrait of the resulting damage — and a powerful reminder of how one lobbyist’s triumphant victory can amount to another kid’s crippling defeat. Along the way, Real Sports takes us to a field in Ohio, where kids play softball in the backyard of a coal-burning plant — that is, as the correspondent notes, “when they are breathing well enough to play.” Real Sport introduces us to teenage athletes in the vicinity of power-producing plants who have been prematurely (and perhaps permanently) sidelined by respiratory problems. And the shows interviews one former EPA official, who resigned in disgust over the clean air rollbacks, and whose own young son is currently suffering from asthma.

“I felt like a crowd of big polluters with political connections and a lot of money were just getting away with something,” the former EPA official tells Real Sports. “Honestly it felt to me like they were kind of robbing the bank. And we were just powerless to do anything to stop it.”

Apparently, he wasn’t alone.

Perhaps the show’s biggest coup is landing a frank interview with Christine Todd Whitman, former Bush-appointed head of the EPA, who resigned only a few years into the job back in May 2003.

At the time, there was much speculation about why Whitman stepped down (she told reporters that she wanted to spend more time with her family). But in her interview with Real Sports, Whitman, who is known to be a good soldier hesitant to criticize her former boss in the White House, owns up to the real reason she resigned — specifically, she didn’t want her name attached to the rollback in new source review regulations.

“There was clearly a very strong bias toward doing away with new source review, dramatically changing new source review,” said Whitman. “I pushed back very hard on that. … I said ‘Enough, I fought this for two and a half years, I have tried, that’s it. It’s not going to be at a place where I’m going to be comfortable. I can’t do this.’”

Throughout, the producers manage to avoid many of the pitfalls of the sick-kid genre of reporting, for instance keeping maudlin interviews with parents to a minimum. Likewise, the show deftly avoids gratuitous or overreaching swipes at the president. Instead, Real Sports keeps the focus relentlessly on the real story at hand — that is, how the rollback of the new source review has some energy executives breathing easy and many would-be young athletes struggling for breath.

This isn’t the kind of thing we usually expect from HBO’s Real Sports. It is the kind of thing we expect from purportedly serious purveyors of news and analysis, such as our major newspapers, magazines, cable outlets, and networks.

If they want to learn how to do it, studying Gumbel’s Real Sports report would be a good start.
What "facts?" You keep talking about these "Epidemiological studies," but you never quote any actual data from them. The only data mentioned in the report you cited showed an inverse relation between pollution and the incidence of asthma, So far all you have produced is a lot of chest beating and unsubstantiated bullshit. None of what you quoted above contains any actual evidence of air pollution aggravating any kind of medical condition.

So far, no banana, hosebag.
Last edited:
Are you disputing his number...98%?

Studies put homosexuals at 1.4%

"A new Gallup Poll shows Americans grossly over-estimating the percentage of homosexuals in the population. Most people assume that gays and lesbians represent more than 25% of adults. Among young people aged 18 to 29, only one percent—one percent!—correctly identified the real percentage as less than 5%. Actually, best estimates from a new federal study suggest only 1.4% identify as homosexual.

The wildly mistaken idea that one of four Americans pursues same sex relationships and, therefore, traditional marriage is dead, falsely suggests that the old American dream of mom and dad and kids is no longer widely desired. If a quarter of all adults can’t embrace that dream because they’re gay, that explains the desire to radically redefine marriage. But the truth is that not even the 1.4% who identify as gay would all require that redefinition."
Michael Medved - Political Conservative News Blog

I don't dispute that you believe that gays only make up 2% of the population.

I quoted a fact.

Deal with it.

You provided a link to a RW Nutblog and then claim "facts"? :lol:

There is nothing to "deal" with. I understand you believe gays only make up 2% of the population. That is your "deeply held belief" and you're entitled to it.

I also understand that it's only 2% of the population that recognizes their sexuality and is comfortable declaring it to pollsters.

Jews only make up 2% of the US population. And?

So you think there are a lot of people who are secretly part of some giant conspiracy to conceal the number of gay people?

No...I know there are a lot of people who claim to be straight when asked by pollsters or the Census that are not.

How do you know that, mind reading?
I quoted a fact.

Deal with it.

You provided a link to a RW Nutblog and then claim "facts"? :lol:

There is nothing to "deal" with. I understand you believe gays only make up 2% of the population. That is your "deeply held belief" and you're entitled to it.

I also understand that it's only 2% of the population that recognizes their sexuality and is comfortable declaring it to pollsters.

Jews only make up 2% of the US population. And?

Koreans are about .6% of the population. I have no idea why we give that tiny minority equal rights.


Are Koreans trying to make it legal to marry other Koreans?

Too busy building Hyundai and Kia cars.....

Kinda of funny these "tolerant leftist" always bring up your ethnic backround

It's funny that RWnuts like you think that tolerance is strictly a leftist characteristic .
You provided a link to a RW Nutblog and then claim "facts"? :lol:

There is nothing to "deal" with. I understand you believe gays only make up 2% of the population. That is your "deeply held belief" and you're entitled to it.

I also understand that it's only 2% of the population that recognizes their sexuality and is comfortable declaring it to pollsters.

Jews only make up 2% of the US population. And?

Koreans are about .6% of the population. I have no idea why we give that tiny minority equal rights.


Are Koreans trying to make it legal to marry other Koreans?

Too busy building Hyundai and Kia cars.....

Kinda of funny these "tolerant leftist" always bring up your ethnic backround

It's funny that RWnuts like you think that tolerance is strictly a leftist characteristic .

I was being facetious moron. Leftist are the most intolerant people you'll ever meet. Your "smart people" have as a goal, to control thought. Not possible actually, but it doesn't stop them from trying.
It's funny that RWnuts like you think that tolerance is strictly a leftist characteristic .

AMERICANS don't pretend that tolerance is sacrosanct... Because that notion is CHILDISH and FOOLISH.

Which is of course why you and the Cult of Children and Fools demand tolerance to be such.
Koreans are about .6% of the population. I have no idea why we give that tiny minority equal rights.


Are Koreans trying to make it legal to marry other Koreans?

Too busy building Hyundai and Kia cars.....

Kinda of funny these "tolerant leftist" always bring up your ethnic backround

It's funny that RWnuts like you think that tolerance is strictly a leftist characteristic .

I was being facetious moron. Leftist are the most intolerant people you'll ever meet. Your "smart people" have as a goal, to control thought. Not possible actually, but it doesn't stop them from trying.

You were being a facetious moron? Okay.
It's funny that RWnuts like you think that tolerance is strictly a leftist characteristic .

AMERICANS don't pretend that tolerance is sacrosanct... Because that notion is CHILDISH and FOOLISH.

Which is of course why you and the Cult of Children and Fools demand tolerance to be such.

Reasonable people understand when tolerance is appropriate, and when it's not.
Polls show that the will of the majority of We the People is in favor of same-sex marriage, PoliticalSpice.

Then why you need courts to legalize it? Why don't you simply put it to a vote?

Why do you need the courts to protect gun rights? Why not just let states and localities vote for what gun laws they want?
Dont you ever get tired of leading horses to water and watching them die of thirst?
Polls show that the will of the majority of We the People is in favor of same-sex marriage, PoliticalSpice.

Then why you need courts to legalize it? Why don't you simply put it to a vote?

Why do you need the courts to protect gun rights? Why not just let states and localities vote for what gun laws they want?
Dont you ever get tired of leading horses to water and watching them die of thirst?

Never yet met a horses ass that could drink water! ;)
Are you committing to the idea that the results of all polls should be treated as fact?

The 2000 census sheds even more light on the subject. The overall statistics from the 2000 Census Bureau revealed:

· The total population of the 285,230,516.

· The total number of households in the U.S. is 106,741,426.

· The total number of unmarried same-sex households is 601,209.

Thus, out of a population of 106,741,426 households, homosexuals represent 0.42% of those households. That is less than one half of one percent!
Science vs. the Gay Gene

If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it.

The 2000 Census asked what question about gays? Oh, didn't ask any. The 2010 asked about gay couples, not singles. The census does not ask if you are gay or straight.

Until everyone wakes up with a purple dot on their forehead indicating they've ever had a same sex wet dream, attraction or actual experience, you're never going to know.

Best guesses has it around 3.5-4% in the US. (More than Jews and Koreans)

How Many People are LGBT?

So....what's your quibble?

Clearly it isn't the 10%, or the 20% that many are pushing....

What does that have to do with the principle of forcing folks to participate in events that they find objectionable?

Links to anyone claiming 10-20%?

About 4% of people admit to being gay or lesbian in the US. Those numbers would be higher in a more tolerant and accepting society (expect that to happen in the next 20 years).

What does the number of individual in the minority group have to do with whether or not that minority is entitled to equal rights? Jews make up less than 2% of the US population and yet it would be against the same laws to refuse to bake them a cake (which, by the way, is not participating in any event. By that logic, the guys that sells a gun participates in the murder)


"Surveys show a shockingly high fraction think a quarter of the country is gay or lesbian, when the reality is that it's probably less than 2 percent.

Such a misunderstanding of the basic demographics of sexual behavior and identity in America has potentially profound implications for the acceptance of the gay-rights agenda.

One in ten. It's the name of the group that puts on the Reel Affirmations gay and lesbian film festival in Washington, D.C., each year. It's the percent popularized by the Kinsey Report as the size of the gay male population. And it's among the most common figures pointed to in popular culture as an estimate of how many people are gay or lesbian."
Americans Have No Idea How Few Gay People There Are - The Atlantic

"...entitled to equal rights?"


You're simply too weak to stand up for what you believe.
You bullies won't be satisfied unless everyone pats you on the back for being gay.

I've said I don't care one way or another.
If it comes to a vote, I vote against gay marriage as an intellectual endeavor. See, I've never found that any major religion endorses, supports same....and none of the philosophers I've studied came out in favor of homosexuality- most did come out against things like slavery. makes no difference to me. If you expect me to engage in same, I'd decline...but do what you wish in private.

Just stop telling me to advocate it.

Nobody here is making the 10-20% claim. Few people today are making the 10-20% claim. That 10% number was assigned to anyone who had a wet dream...taking us back to my original assertion that sexuality is a scale and you're simply never going to know how many gay people or straight people there are.

And we're still back to the numbers don't matter when it comes to minority rights.
The 2000 census sheds even more light on the subject. The overall statistics from the 2000 Census Bureau revealed:

· The total population of the 285,230,516.

· The total number of households in the U.S. is 106,741,426.

· The total number of unmarried same-sex households is 601,209.

Thus, out of a population of 106,741,426 households, homosexuals represent 0.42% of those households. That is less than one half of one percent!
Science vs. the Gay Gene

If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it.

The 2000 Census asked what question about gays? Oh, didn't ask any. The 2010 asked about gay couples, not singles. The census does not ask if you are gay or straight.

Until everyone wakes up with a purple dot on their forehead indicating they've ever had a same sex wet dream, attraction or actual experience, you're never going to know.

Best guesses has it around 3.5-4% in the US. (More than Jews and Koreans)

How Many People are LGBT?

So....what's your quibble?

Clearly it isn't the 10%, or the 20% that many are pushing....

What does that have to do with the principle of forcing folks to participate in events that they find objectionable?

Links to anyone claiming 10-20%?

About 4% of people admit to being gay or lesbian in the US. Those numbers would be higher in a more tolerant and accepting society (expect that to happen in the next 20 years).

What does the number of individual in the minority group have to do with whether or not that minority is entitled to equal rights? Jews make up less than 2% of the US population and yet it would be against the same laws to refuse to bake them a cake (which, by the way, is not participating in any event. By that logic, the guys that sells a gun participates in the murder)


"Surveys show a shockingly high fraction think a quarter of the country is gay or lesbian, when the reality is that it's probably less than 2 percent.

Such a misunderstanding of the basic demographics of sexual behavior and identity in America has potentially profound implications for the acceptance of the gay-rights agenda.

One in ten. It's the name of the group that puts on the Reel Affirmations gay and lesbian film festival in Washington, D.C., each year. It's the percent popularized by the Kinsey Report as the size of the gay male population. And it's among the most common figures pointed to in popular culture as an estimate of how many people are gay or lesbian."
Americans Have No Idea How Few Gay People There Are - The Atlantic

"...entitled to equal rights?"


You're simply too weak to stand up for what you believe.
You bullies won't be satisfied unless everyone pats you on the back for being gay.

I've said I don't care one way or another.
If it comes to a vote, I vote against gay marriage as an intellectual endeavor. See, I've never found that any major religion endorses, supports same....and none of the philosophers I've studied came out in favor of homosexuality- most did come out against things like slavery. makes no difference to me. If you expect me to engage in same, I'd decline...but do what you wish in private.

Just stop telling me to advocate it.

Nobody here is making the 10-20% claim. Few people today are making the 10-20% claim. That 10% number was assigned to anyone who had a wet dream...taking us back to my original assertion that sexuality is a scale and you're simply never going to know how many gay people or straight people there are.

And we're still back to the numbers don't matter when it comes to minority rights.

There's absolutely no statistical bases for an claim that homosexuals make up more than 2% of the population, so why do queers keep claiming higher numbers?

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