The Left Loses Ground... the culture war!

The overbearing bullying harassment and browbeating by the Left is finally proving the law of diminishing returns. Recent events have revealed gaping holes developing in the imagined monolithic worldview of Liberals!

The specific battle seemed to be the bumper-sticker 'gay rights,' but, is actually a part of the larger secular war against religion.

1. "...the cultural Left is hoping to dominate the is overreaching, extending beyond the limits of its power. It is exposing itself to embarrassing cultural defeats and succeeding mainly in hardening conservative resolve.

Four truths are emerging:

First, the battle is not between gay rights and religious liberty—although religious liberty is certainly at stake—but between the sexual revolution and Christianity itself....[the Left's demands for] wholesale changes to the historical doctrines of the church.

Second, not a single orthodox denomination is making or even contemplating such changes.

Third, rather than going quietly, cultural conservatism is showing increasing strength ...opposing leftist campaigns at the ground level, bypassing politics to support those most embattled by radical hate campaigns.

And fourth, the conservative grassroots and conservative public intellectuals are united...

2. The battle of Indiana began when Indiana’s legislature passed a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), an act that provided, simply enough, that any state action that substantially burdens religious exercise is lawful only if it is the least restrictive means of furthering a compelling governmental interest. In other words...when you can, you should avoid compelling people to act against their consciences.... it’s the same general legal standard in the federal RFRA and in similar RFRAs in 19 other states.

3. ... RFRA and the compelling interest standard more broadly have long existed in American law. ...Congress... passed RFRA in 1993. ... to restore religious liberty to the same level of protection it received prior to the Supreme Court’s controversial decision in Employment Division v. Smith(1990), which rejected decades of precedent to hold essentially that religious liberty claims are inferior to rules of general applicability..... President Clinton proudly signed it into law.

[And, before the bogus arguments begin...] It’s a historical fact that religious liberty claims did not protect or legally enable Jim Crow."
Imprimis A monthly digest on liberty and the defense of America s founding principles

In its demands that everyone accept their views.....the Left has bitten off more than it will be able to chew.

You'll be right when states start repealing their laws that legalized same sex marriage.

Its a foreign concept to her...biting off more than she can chew. The only threat is to her bedsprings and those in the lower floors of her tenement buildings.

Coming from some idiot who as a avatar of a person who cant seem to be able to buy her own birth control without help from the federal government :wtf:

This is how the right works.

They keep telling the same lie until it becomes fact.

And the RWs never know they've been had.
So you're saying she can afford to by her own birth control. Then she must've been the one lying because she said she couldn't and needed the government to buy them for her.

Free birth control = Don't have sex.
Here is the problem Political Chick faces.

Her political party has one goal - which has mostly to do with shaping tax, regulatory and trade policy so that it favors a small class of wealthy Americans.

Straw Reasoning...

They can't prevail by engaging the argument, so they just change the channel until they find an argument they feel more 'comfortable' with.
The contract is intended only for couples who are capable of reproducing.
No, it isn't, which is why no one asks if you can have children, and so many can't or no longer can. That argument also died in the courts so, give it up.
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.
No one is forcing anyone to tolerate gay marriage or perform or attend gay marriages.

A post of sheer and colossal ignorance. I can name at least two instances where your claim is immediately disproven.

Had Memories Pizza been a catering service and catered weddings... they would have been forced to cater to a gay wedding. Against their religious conscience.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa was shut down because they refused to cater a gay wedding.

The common theme here? "Cater gay marriages, or else."

The bakery broke the law.

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ruled that although Oregon law provides an exemption for religious institutions, it "does not allow private businesses to discriminate based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot legally deny service based on race, sex, age, disability or religion."

He added, "The bakery is not a religious institution under the law."

Of course they did, but now they have standing to sue the State of Oregon using citing the Hobby Lobby decision as precedent. That has become the benchmark case for businesses and religious freedom.

There comes a critical juncture where the law goes too far in dictating the beliefs of the man. That instance was a perfect example. Normally, I would say, "hey, serve them anyway." But I also as a religious individual understand the need to stick by the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm all for equal rights, so long as they apply to both parties, not just one.

And of course you've called your Congressman for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act that requires that I serve YOU, a Christian, in all 50 states, right?

No, they don't have standing to sue based on has been pointed out to you before.

Justice Samuel Alito responded to Ginsburg’s dissent in his majority opinion, as did Justice Anthony Kennedy in a concurrence with the majority specifically written to stress the narrowness of Alito’s ruling. “The principal dissent raises the possibility that discrimination in hiring, for example on the basis of race, might be cloaked as religious practice to escape legal sanction,” Alito wrote. “Our decision today provides no such shield. The Government has a compelling interest in providing an equal opportunity to participate in the workforce without regard to race.”[...]

For this reason, Josh Blackman, a law professor at South Texas College of Law, doesn’t believe Hobby Lobby will ultimately lead to employment discrimination for various minorities—because the government has a compelling interest in ending such discrimination and there’s no workaround except by simply prohibiting it. Perhaps Hobby Lobby will lead to more RFRA cases, he said, but it’s unlikely religious employers would win those challenges.
No, it isn't, which is why no one asks if you can have children, and so many can't or no longer can. That argument also died in the courts so, give it up.
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.

Actual Court cases prove you wrong. In 37 states they can also marry someone of the same sex.
No, it isn't, which is why no one asks if you can have children, and so many can't or no longer can. That argument also died in the courts so, give it up.
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.

Or it's called bigamy, or polygamy, or incest.
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.

Actual Court cases prove you wrong. In 37 states they can also marry someone of the same sex.

Court cases don't prove a thing.
Lower what standard?

Well Let's see... the standard that marriage is a lifetime commitment. That was a fairly widely accepted idea... based upon the whole 'DEATH DO US PART' thing.

Who's idea was it to 'lower' that one just a tad?

Then there's the whole 'contraception' game... Now did that come along because people were standing strong on the 'sexual intercourse serves the purpose of procreation' fact, or did it come along as a rationalization which sought to provide for the 'having one's cake and eating it too' fallacy?

Just off the top of my head there's two points where the standard of marriage was lowered... .

(Reader, ask yourself if civilization is better off since those standards were lowered, which is what those advocating for the lowering of such assured us..., or did lowering those standards not only make matters worse, it made matters MUCH WORSE.

Now understand, Skylar can't even find the intellectual means to recognize "A" standard let alone engage in this discussion... so I ask you, the Reader to simply consider this, and answer for yourself.)
No, it isn't, which is why no one asks if you can have children, and so many can't or no longer can. That argument also died in the courts so, give it up.
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.
Dead argument, died in the courts, so, why bother to say it?
No, it isn't, which is why no one asks if you can have children, and so many can't or no longer can. That argument also died in the courts so, give it up.
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...

I'm afraid you did claim exactly that, Nazi. According to your definition of equality, men have the right to use women's restrooms. Only morons swallow that logic.

That's what fucks you up the ass - in addition to your boyfriend, that is.
Nope, didn't claim that my little liar. Equal before the state, that's all.
No, it isn't, which is why no one asks if you can have children, and so many can't or no longer can. That argument also died in the courts so, give it up.
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.

Thank you... in many cases, the one that one loves, does not return that love... and there is no right to force them to marry... .

And even when 'No" meant 'try harder', there was never a point where such was mandatory, thus where one had a 'RIGHT to marry the one, one loves.
Lower what standard?

Well Let's see... the standard that marriage is a lifetime commitment. That was a fairly widely accepted idea... based upon the whole 'DEATH DO US PART' thing.

We're discussing procreation.....which isn't a requirement for any marriage. Can I take it from your abandonment of your own standard that you recognized you've already lost?

Any infertile couple marrying demonstrates that there is a valid basis of marriage that has nothing to do with kids or the ability to have them.

And your argument requires that children be the only valid basis of marriage. Which is demonstrably false.The simplest application of common reason and logic destroys your argument yet again.

You'd be shocked at how little effort this takes.
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.

Actual Court cases prove you wrong. In 37 states they can also marry someone of the same sex.

Court cases don't prove a thing.

Not if you're crazy and pretend they don't exist, yeah I guess you're right. :lol: the culture war!

The overbearing bullying harassment and browbeating by the Left is finally proving the law of diminishing returns. Recent events have revealed gaping holes developing in the imagined monolithic worldview of Liberals!

The specific battle seemed to be the bumper-sticker 'gay rights,' but, is actually a part of the larger secular war against religion.

1. "...the cultural Left is hoping to dominate the is overreaching, extending beyond the limits of its power. It is exposing itself to embarrassing cultural defeats and succeeding mainly in hardening conservative resolve.

Four truths are emerging:

First, the battle is not between gay rights and religious liberty—although religious liberty is certainly at stake—but between the sexual revolution and Christianity itself....[the Left's demands for] wholesale changes to the historical doctrines of the church.

Second, not a single orthodox denomination is making or even contemplating such changes.

Third, rather than going quietly, cultural conservatism is showing increasing strength ...opposing leftist campaigns at the ground level, bypassing politics to support those most embattled by radical hate campaigns.

And fourth, the conservative grassroots and conservative public intellectuals are united...

2. The battle of Indiana began when Indiana’s legislature passed a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), an act that provided, simply enough, that any state action that substantially burdens religious exercise is lawful only if it is the least restrictive means of furthering a compelling governmental interest. In other words...when you can, you should avoid compelling people to act against their consciences.... it’s the same general legal standard in the federal RFRA and in similar RFRAs in 19 other states.

3. ... RFRA and the compelling interest standard more broadly have long existed in American law. ...Congress... passed RFRA in 1993. ... to restore religious liberty to the same level of protection it received prior to the Supreme Court’s controversial decision in Employment Division v. Smith(1990), which rejected decades of precedent to hold essentially that religious liberty claims are inferior to rules of general applicability..... President Clinton proudly signed it into law.

[And, before the bogus arguments begin...] It’s a historical fact that religious liberty claims did not protect or legally enable Jim Crow."
Imprimis A monthly digest on liberty and the defense of America s founding principles

In its demands that everyone accept their views.....the Left has bitten off more than it will be able to chew.

You'll be right when states start repealing their laws that legalized same sex marriage.

Its a foreign concept to her...biting off more than she can chew. The only threat is to her bedsprings and those in the lower floors of her tenement buildings.

Coming from some idiot who as a avatar of a person who cant seem to be able to buy her own birth control without help from the federal government :wtf:

This is how the right works.

They keep telling the same lie until it becomes fact.

And the RWs never know they've been had.
So you're saying she can afford to by her own birth control. Then she must've been the one lying because she said she couldn't and needed the government to buy them for her.

Free birth control = Don't have sex.

Certainly you can quote her saying as much? No? Well, don't let the truth stand in the way of a good lie. The right wing never does.
You'll be right when states start repealing their laws that legalized same sex marriage.

Its a foreign concept to her...biting off more than she can chew. The only threat is to her bedsprings and those in the lower floors of her tenement buildings.

Coming from some idiot who as a avatar of a person who cant seem to be able to buy her own birth control without help from the federal government :wtf:

This is how the right works.

They keep telling the same lie until it becomes fact.

And the RWs never know they've been had.
So you're saying she can afford to by her own birth control. Then she must've been the one lying because she said she couldn't and needed the government to buy them for her.

Free birth control = Don't have sex.

Certainly you can quote her saying as much? No? Well, don't let the truth stand in the way of a good lie. The right wing never does.

"Well, don't let the truth stand in the way of a good lie. The right wing never does."

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year If you like your health care plan you can keep it PolitiFact

You make this sooooo easy.... Fluke.
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...

I'm afraid you did claim exactly that, Nazi. According to your definition of equality, men have the right to use women's restrooms. Only morons swallow that logic.

That's what fucks you up the ass - in addition to your boyfriend, that is.
Nope, didn't claim that my little liar. Equal before the state, that's all.

If they are equal now, then why weren't they equal 20 years ago?
Its a foreign concept to her...biting off more than she can chew. The only threat is to her bedsprings and those in the lower floors of her tenement buildings.

Coming from some idiot who as a avatar of a person who cant seem to be able to buy her own birth control without help from the federal government :wtf:

This is how the right works.

They keep telling the same lie until it becomes fact.

And the RWs never know they've been had.
So you're saying she can afford to by her own birth control. Then she must've been the one lying because she said she couldn't and needed the government to buy them for her.

Free birth control = Don't have sex.

Certainly you can quote her saying as much? No? Well, don't let the truth stand in the way of a good lie. The right wing never does.

"Well, don't let the truth stand in the way of a good lie. The right wing never does."

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year If you like your health care plan you can keep it PolitiFact

You make this sooooo easy.... Fluke.

Translation: You can't quote her saying that.

All too easy; like you crushing your bed springs.
We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.

Actual Court cases prove you wrong. In 37 states they can also marry someone of the same sex.

Court cases don't prove a thing.

Not if you're crazy and pretend they don't exist, yeah I guess you're right. :lol:

Clowns exist. How do they prove that judges are infallible?
Of course it is. That's the way it was for 250 years in this country, and thousands of years in Europe. Are you actually going to claim that Washington and Jefferson believed in gay marriage?
Don't need to. Among other things they were raping (no consent could be granted) their property, AKA human beings known as ******* (slaves). I don't need to ask them about my iPhone either.

We aren't talking about your iphone. We're talking about laws that have been around for hundreds of years. You claim these laws were intended to include gay couples. I just proved you're full of shit.
I didn't claim anything of the kind my little infant. Equality is an American value, and in the Constitution. Since marriage here is a license from the state, and all are supposed to be equal that way unless a compelling reason can be found for them not to be, that fucks you right up the ass...
They are equally allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Nobody is equally right to marry the one they love. In some cases that's called stalking.

Actual Court cases prove you wrong. In 37 states they can also marry someone of the same sex.

Well those courts are now being ignored in many states, with Texas and Alabama being two sizable examples.

And that is because those courts issued decisions outside of sound reason. They offered decrees on little more than their authority to do so. The problem that the would-be Court has, is that it's authority is tenuous, resting entirely upon it's means to decide cases objectively.

You see scamp, the Court has no means to enforce its decrees and its order is only as good as the will of the people to consent to that decision and at some point, where the would-be 'Court' crosses the line, which demonstrates that it feels that it's power is something beyond the consent of the people, the court becomes irrelevant.

And sweety... you are part of a teeny tiny little cult that if rounded up entirely, would not be noticed in terms of the increase in population of 48 of the 50 states. LOL! If the sum of the entire homo-cult were placed in the county that I live, I seriously doubt you'd so much as slow traffic.

One of the problems with delusional people is that they lie... and I mean that they LIE: A LOT!

And whats worse is that they get to a point where they begin to BELIEVE THEIR LIES.

And you creatures are dead center in that spot, right now.

You've literally talked yourself into believing that MOST of the 300 million people in the US support you... and to an extent we do, if we consider you at all. But we support leaving you alone and not noticing you. Which is to say we support people NOT BOTHERING you about your pitiful little kink.

The problem is that you've misconstrued that tolerance of you into some adoration for you.

Understand, WE DO NOT GIVE ONE FUCK ABOUT YOU! We do not WANT to so much as THINK ABOUT YOU. Those parents whose hearts you've broken, would trade all of their worldly possessions if doing so would change their child back into a human being. They are SO TIRED of wishing their child were whole and dreading the day the phone rings when their child calls or someone calls to tell then that their child was arrested for molesting someone else's child. They live with that fear, every day of their life.

And while some people are just tired of fighting this... which you have taken to mean that they've accepted you... they have not. They're just tired of worrying about YOU and what you mean.

You represent 2% of the population. You're NOTHING... and we're not altering the NUCLEUS of our culture to help you feel better about yourself.

So get over it, HBO is not reality... it ain't happenin' .
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