The Left Loves The Titanic Movie


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Liberals must love it every time all those rich folks slip into those dark icy waters on April 15, 1912.

You would think Obama would want to introduce this film like he did "To Kill A Mockingbird". After all, it encompasses everything he's trying to convey in his "Buffet Rule" bill, currently up for vote this week. I guess he was too busy partying and scouting for vacation spots in Columbia this weekend.


James Cameron put the typical Hollywood liberal spin on the story when he showed the rich getting on the few life-boats that were on the ship and most of the poor ending up getting locked down below decks.

Truth is First-class was closest to the boat deck so the women and children in First-class got first shot at the 20 lifeboats that were on board......not because the rich were the only folks allowed on the boats. Of the 2,223 passengers and crew aboard only 706 survived.

For Titanic aficionados with a leftist agenda, the numbers and percentages of passengers who got to the lifeboats -- their sexes and social classes -- can be crunched to prove just about whatever one wants.

"The reality of class, selfishness, and altruism in the disaster is more ambiguous," observes Edward Tenner in his article "Titanic and the 1%" published by the American Enterprise Institute.

"As Titanic scholars acknowledge, the survival rate of passengers depended in part on proximity to the boat deck. So it is no wonder that nearly all the women and children in first class were saved. Conversely, complex passageways and language barriers further delayed evacuation of third-class passengers. In all classes, as the literary scholar Stephen Cox has underscored in an essay and an excellent book, moral choices cut across social lines.

"Individual responses aside, there are surprises in the statistics. For example, women in third class were significantly more likely to survive than first-class men: 46 versus 33 percent."

He adds: "The most surprising and least known statistic is that nearly twice as many third-class as second-class men survived - 16 percent versus 8 percent - despite the greater distance of the former from the boats.

How come the chivalry of Titanic's richest passengers failed get proper attention in the "Titanic" movie? Because today no one would believe the truth; so says Cuban-born author and historian Luis E. Aguilar in his essay "The Titanic and The Decline of Western Ethnic."

He explains: "The modern public; immersed in the moral relativism that justifies all conducts, bombarded by attacks on the hypocrisy of Western culture, will grasp base behavior more readily than self-sacrifice, all the faster if it denigrates the rich and the powerful. As in every Mexican TV soap opera, Titanic's rich behave like pigs. So much so that when Chinese president Jiang Zemin watched the movie, he smiled, "Gentlemen, behold the enemy." For him and many Americans, the movie's cloying, cowardly first class passengers represent that capitalistic ethic."

Read more:

Blog: Why the Left Loves the Titanic Disaster
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Liberals must love it every time all those rich folks slip into those dark icy waters on April 15, 1912.

You would think Obama would want to introduce this film like he did "To Kill A Mockingbird". After all, it encompasses everything he's trying to convey in his "Buffet Rule" bill, currently up for vote this week. I guess he was too busy partying and scouting for vacation spots in Columbia this weekend.


James Cameron put the typical Hollywood liberal spin on the story when he showed the rich getting on the few life-boats that were on the ship and most of the poor ending up getting locked down below decks.

Truth is First-class was closest to the boat deck so the women and children in First-class got first shot at the 20 lifeboats that were on board......not because the rich were the only folks allowed on the boats. Of the 2,223 passengers and crew aboard only 706 survived.

For Titanic aficionados with a leftist agenda, the numbers and percentages of passengers who got to the lifeboats -- their sexes and social classes -- can be crunched to prove just about whatever one wants.

"The reality of class, selfishness, and altruism in the disaster is more ambiguous," observes Edward Tenner in his article "Titanic and the 1%" published by the American Enterprise Institute.

"As Titanic scholars acknowledge, the survival rate of passengers depended in part on proximity to the boat deck. So it is no wonder that nearly all the women and children in first class were saved. Conversely, complex passageways and language barriers further delayed evacuation of third-class passengers. In all classes, as the literary scholar Stephen Cox has underscored in an essay and an excellent book, moral choices cut across social lines.

"Individual responses aside, there are surprises in the statistics. For example, women in third class were significantly more likely to survive than first-class men: 46 versus 33 percent."

He adds: "The most surprising and least known statistic is that nearly twice as many third-class as second-class men survived - 16 percent versus 8 percent - despite the greater distance of the former from the boats.

How come the chivalry of Titanic's richest passengers failed get proper attention in the "Titanic" movie? Because today no one would believe the truth; so says Cuban-born author and historian Luis E. Aguilar in his essay "The Titanic and The Decline of Western Ethnic."

He explains: "The modern public; immersed in the moral relativism that justifies all conducts, bombarded by attacks on the hypocrisy of Western culture, will grasp base behavior more readily than self-sacrifice, all the faster if it denigrates the rich and the powerful. As in every Mexican TV soap opera, Titanic's rich behave like pigs. So much so that when Chinese president Jiang Zemin watched the movie, he smiled, "Gentlemen, behold the enemy." For him and many Americans, the movie's cloying, cowardly first class passengers represent that capitalistic ethic."

Read more: Blog: Why the Left Loves the Titanic Disaster

Blog: Why the Left Loves the Titanic Disaster

Enough of this silliness already. I'm sick of the Titanic stories this week and with wingnuts telling us what they think the Left likes..

American Thinkers? Hardly.
I find it amazing that some see everything through this 'liberal filter?' Of course if they had half a brain they'd look for statistics of confirmed liberals loving the tragedy of the Titanic. Did they look or find any, of course not. Empty heads write empty assumptions. Consider that the ship sank 100 years ago and a wingnut on USMB sees in this the limited view they see in everything. Is it any wonder they know so little about life? Sarah Palin where are you.....
I find it amazing that some see everything through this 'liberal filter?' Of course if they had half a brain they'd look for statistics of confirmed liberals loving the tragedy of the Titanic. Did they look or find any, of course not. Empty heads write empty assumptions. Consider that the ship sank 100 years ago and a wingnut on USMB sees in this the limited view they see in everything. Is it any wonder they know so little about life? Sarah Palin where are you.....

Well, the movie was directed by a liberal and he put his own personal spin on the story.

This was just another example of how they think.

And how do they think?


The rich are only out to screw the poor and Titanic is a prime example of this belief. Many of you have said this over and over again. If it were false you wouldn't be constantly saying it.
back up the short bus....are we discussing a movie or the press or do you know?

you are spinning like a whirling dervish

Actually we're discussing a false stereotype.

My guess is you must have bought into it judging by your posts.

My OP was partly satire and partly fact FYI
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I wonder if you took the time to read the whole original post.

You would have seen the real irony in this.

Instead you're popping off like some overly defensive lib who feels that the post was directed at you personally.
i read the entire post....i gave you that respect but its just another....the left..the left..the evil left...

you are the one going on about how the left feels and thinks...i find irony in have no clue how the left have no clue how i feel about much other than morels.....i am always amazed at the handicap the right puts on refusing to actually understand the 'left' would rather just sit there and toss insults....

i would be happy to discuss the titantic if that is what you want to discuss but its just want to throw mal a damn monkey in a cage..

why is it everyone looks to the other party to correct themselves...why not look to yourselves to correct things....surely there are things going on in the gop or the tea party (do they even exist now) that are upsetting to you.

or are you only concerned with the party in office?
i read the entire post....i gave you that respect but its just another....the left..the left..the evil left...

you are the one going on about how the left feels and thinks...i find irony in have no clue how the left have no clue how i feel about much other than morels.....i am always amazed at the handicap the right puts on refusing to actually understand the 'left' would rather just sit there and toss insults....

i would be happy to discuss the titantic if that is what you want to discuss but its just want to throw mal a damn monkey in a cage..

why is it everyone looks to the other party to correct themselves...why not look to yourselves to correct things....surely there are things going on in the gop or the tea party (do they even exist now) that are upsetting to you.

or are you only concerned with the party in office?

I don't consider you part of the left.

I consider the left communists, angry radicals that are trying to ruin this country.

I don't think your average Democrat voter is a true lefty. If your average Democrat knew what they were voting into power they never would in a million years.

If you like to identify yourself as a lefty that's on you, but my main purpose is not to go after the average liberal but the liberal that actively is trying shape our minds and destroy our work-ethic.

Go ahead and get all pissy about it.....but I wasn't talking about you.

Michelle claiming that if the folks on the RMS Titanic had just et their fruits and veggies they might have survived the cold and the would have swam to safety. Kind of like their claims of the GOP wanting Dirty Air and Dirty Water.......and they don't even get laughed off the stage.

These are the folks Democrat voters seem to trust.
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This article is a perfect example of how the left tends to rationalize everything into stereotypes.

Michelle claiming that if the folks on the RMS Titanic had just et their fruits and veggies they might have survived the cold and the would have swam to safety.

These are the folks Democrat voters seem to trust.

they should have et a lot of onions. and crow

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