The left must be stopped from re-writing history

The left has already pushed the lie that Dems and Repubs 'traded places' so they don't have to take credit for the racist history of their party.

Now they are trying to rewrite the 14th amendment so it will say what they want. No, the 14th amendment does not mean anyone born here is automatically a citizen. All the anchor babies are here illegally, just like their parents.

The amendment was written only for the freed slaves. It did not cover people who came of their own free will by sneaking through our borders. I am glad this is finally being addressed and clarified because it's past time to take away the incentives for people to sneak through our border.

No citizenship for anchor babies. If the parents have no business being here, their child will not serve as an anchor so they can receive benefits.

I know the leftists want open borders, which means the end of this country. A blue wave would drown us all so I pray that doesn't happen. Hopefully, there won't be enough cheating to tilt the election in their favor or we are done.

"Still, it requires breathtaking audacity to use the Civil War amendments to bring in cheap foreign labor, which drives down the wages of African-Americans -- the very people the amendments were written to protect!

Whether the children born to legal immigrants are citizens is controversial enough. But at least there's a Supreme Court decision claiming that they are -- U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark. That's "birthright citizenship."

It's something else entirely to claim that an illegal alien, subject to deportation, can drop a baby and suddenly claim to be the parent of a "citizen."

This crackpot notion was concocted by liberal zealot Justice William Brennan and slipped into a footnote as dicta in a 1982 case. "Dicta" means it was not the ruling of the court, just a random aside, with zero legal significance.

Left-wing activists seized on Brennan's aside and browbeat everyone into believing that anchor babies are part of our great constitutional heritage, emerging straight from the pen of James Madison.

No Supreme Court has ever held that children born to illegal aliens are citizens. No Congress has deliberated and decided to grant that right. It's a made-up right, grounded only in the smoke and mirrors around Justice Brennan's 1982 footnote.

Obviously, it would be better if Congress passed a law clearly stating that children born to illegals are not citizens. (Trump won't be president forever!) But until that happens, the president of the United States is not required to continue a ridiculous practice that has absolutely no basis in law.

It's often said that journalism is the first draft of history. As we now we see, fake news is the first draft of fake history."

The True History of Millstone Babies

Lets hope it land in the Supreme Court and they rule against anchor babies.

Jurisdiction is the key.
theres been more attempts to change the 14th than Trumpbots have IQ points - it aint gonna happen morons.

you might as well chalk it up with that pipe dream wall of yours ...

Well since these anchor babies cost we the tax payer billions every year you better hope it does happen.

Read the amendment. No, it was never intended to allow anyone born on our soil to become citizens. No where in there does it state that. The left is good at ignoring what doesn't fit their agenda.

Every Dem has been against illegal immigration when they were in power.

It would always have been easy to stop it by removing incentives for crossing illegally. No automatic citizenship when parents are here illegally. No benefits. No hiring illegals. Heavy fines.

The left has already pushed the lie that Dems and Repubs 'traded places' so they don't have to take credit for the racist history of their party.

Now they are trying to rewrite the 14th amendment so it will say what they want. No, the 14th amendment does not mean anyone born here is automatically a citizen. All the anchor babies are here illegally, just like their parents.

The amendment was written only for the freed slaves. It did not cover people who came of their own free will by sneaking through our borders. I am glad this is finally being addressed and clarified because it's past time to take away the incentives for people to sneak through our border.

No citizenship for anchor babies. If the parents have no business being here, their child will not serve as an anchor so they can receive benefits.

I know the leftists want open borders, which means the end of this country. A blue wave would drown us all so I pray that doesn't happen. Hopefully, there won't be enough cheating to tilt the election in their favor or we are done.

"Still, it requires breathtaking audacity to use the Civil War amendments to bring in cheap foreign labor, which drives down the wages of African-Americans -- the very people the amendments were written to protect!

Whether the children born to legal immigrants are citizens is controversial enough. But at least there's a Supreme Court decision claiming that they are -- U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark. That's "birthright citizenship."

It's something else entirely to claim that an illegal alien, subject to deportation, can drop a baby and suddenly claim to be the parent of a "citizen."

This crackpot notion was concocted by liberal zealot Justice William Brennan and slipped into a footnote as dicta in a 1982 case. "Dicta" means it was not the ruling of the court, just a random aside, with zero legal significance.

Left-wing activists seized on Brennan's aside and browbeat everyone into believing that anchor babies are part of our great constitutional heritage, emerging straight from the pen of James Madison.

No Supreme Court has ever held that children born to illegal aliens are citizens. No Congress has deliberated and decided to grant that right. It's a made-up right, grounded only in the smoke and mirrors around Justice Brennan's 1982 footnote.

Obviously, it would be better if Congress passed a law clearly stating that children born to illegals are not citizens. (Trump won't be president forever!) But until that happens, the president of the United States is not required to continue a ridiculous practice that has absolutely no basis in law.

It's often said that journalism is the first draft of history. As we now we see, fake news is the first draft of fake history."

The True History of Millstone Babies

Oh's the bi-hourly, Trumpbot, hate-based, XENOPHOBIC RANT thread.


I seriously wonder if they have any inclination at all - somewhere inside their minds - as to how utterly stupid/mentally disturbed they sound?

For their sakes...I hope so.
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Read the amendment. No, it was never intended to allow anyone born on our soil to become citizens. No where in there does it state that. The left is good at ignoring what doesn't fit their agenda.

Every Dem has been against illegal immigration when they were in power.

It would always have been easy to stop it by removing incentives for crossing illegally. No automatic citizenship when parents are here illegally. No benefits. No hiring illegals. Heavy fines.

Of course the judgment of an internet troll is so much more credible than constitutional scholars. Thanks for clearing that up.
The left has already pushed the lie that Dems and Repubs 'traded places' so they don't have to take credit for the racist history of their party.

Now they are trying to rewrite the 14th amendment so it will say what they want. No, the 14th amendment does not mean anyone born here is automatically a citizen. All the anchor babies are here illegally, just like their parents.

The amendment was written only for the freed slaves. It did not cover people who came of their own free will by sneaking through our borders. I am glad this is finally being addressed and clarified because it's past time to take away the incentives for people to sneak through our border.

No citizenship for anchor babies. If the parents have no business being here, their child will not serve as an anchor so they can receive benefits.

I know the leftists want open borders, which means the end of this country. A blue wave would drown us all so I pray that doesn't happen. Hopefully, there won't be enough cheating to tilt the election in their favor or we are done.

"Still, it requires breathtaking audacity to use the Civil War amendments to bring in cheap foreign labor, which drives down the wages of African-Americans -- the very people the amendments were written to protect!

Whether the children born to legal immigrants are citizens is controversial enough. But at least there's a Supreme Court decision claiming that they are -- U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark. That's "birthright citizenship."

It's something else entirely to claim that an illegal alien, subject to deportation, can drop a baby and suddenly claim to be the parent of a "citizen."

This crackpot notion was concocted by liberal zealot Justice William Brennan and slipped into a footnote as dicta in a 1982 case. "Dicta" means it was not the ruling of the court, just a random aside, with zero legal significance.

Left-wing activists seized on Brennan's aside and browbeat everyone into believing that anchor babies are part of our great constitutional heritage, emerging straight from the pen of James Madison.

No Supreme Court has ever held that children born to illegal aliens are citizens. No Congress has deliberated and decided to grant that right. It's a made-up right, grounded only in the smoke and mirrors around Justice Brennan's 1982 footnote.

Obviously, it would be better if Congress passed a law clearly stating that children born to illegals are not citizens. (Trump won't be president forever!) But until that happens, the president of the United States is not required to continue a ridiculous practice that has absolutely no basis in law.

It's often said that journalism is the first draft of history. As we now we see, fake news is the first draft of fake history."

The True History of Millstone Babies

Lets hope it land in the Supreme Court and they rule against anchor babies.

Jurisdiction is the key.

Yes, Jurisdiction is the key. But I am betting you do not know the meaning of the word. You mean to tell me that those anchor babies are not under the jurisdiction of the United States? You mean they don't have to follow our laws? And their parents, are they also not under the jurisdiction of the United States? What the hell do we do after Trump's executive order when one of those "illegals" commits a felony? Do we call their home country and ask them to prosecute them? After all, we won't have "jurisdiction" over them. I mean there is a clear example of people the United States does not have jurisdiction over, foreign diplomats. Does the term "diplomatic immunity" mean anything to you? Are you ready to grant that same immunity to all illegal aliens?

Oh, and Coulter is a total dumbass. Wonk Kim Ark's parents WERE NOT CITIZENS.

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