The left & their inability to accept responsibility for ANYTHING

I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Now I will grant you that BUSH started this stupid program and MAY have even known or requested that other leaders be spied on. But here is the problem......

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.

Obama is not going to take responsibility for this because he fully intends to continue these spying operations on our allies. This isn't something new folks; it's been going on forever. That is why we have spy agencies like the CIA and NSA. They were set up to spy, and many of their operations include spying on our allies.

So why spy on our allies you say? Isn't this wrong? Well, today's ally could well be tomorrow's enemy. Spying on our allies isn't so much to catch them doing something we don't want them doing; it's more to confirm they are doing what we think they are doing. If German's have a big problem with this, then we can always shut down all of our military bases in Germany and quit offering them our protection. They can pay for their own damn defense.
I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Now I will grant you that BUSH started this stupid program and MAY have even known or requested that other leaders be spied on. But here is the problem......

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.

I'm sorry. Are you suggesting Fox News is any better when it comes to extreme bias?
I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Now I will grant you that BUSH started this stupid program and MAY have even known or requested that other leaders be spied on. But here is the problem......

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.
Old business, before new business.

Until the right accepts responsibility for the shit Bush did, we cannot close the book and move on to Obama.

Nor are we going to just let that shit go.

This is what you need to do in reference to Bush Administration atrocities, if you expect us to move on to Obama....

You need to admit it.
Apologize for it.
And take your beating like man.

Then we'll move on to Obama.
As I said repeatedly when Bush rolled out the Patriot Act, that when it was a Dem in the WH and he expanded the program, that the Rethugs were not going to like it as much. How true it is.

But IF Obama uncovered a terrorist plot by listening in to some leaders phone, it would all be ok.

Because one thing them Rethugs are scared of is a terrorist. And Obama.
One has to be full blown RETARDED to think that this scandal is a partisan issue.

I mean seriously - totally fucking retarded
I guess the next question would be this:

Is Obama actually the President or just some know nothing puppet figurehead who is on a need to know basis?

Seems a fair question since he seemingly is always in the dark on IMPORTANT issues.

We had a puppet installed in the white house by the supreme court a few years ago dummy. He almost brought the worlds economy down. Were you asleep then to not notice?

ooo, the whole world?
and Obama has done what? saved the whole world...

dear gawd parrots are cute:eusa_shifty:
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I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Now I will grant you that BUSH started this stupid program and MAY have even known or requested that other leaders be spied on. But here is the problem......

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.

Are you naïve enough to think that spying on other countries and them spying on us is something new and that didn't exist before Bush?
I guess the next question would be this:

Is Obama actually the President or just some know nothing puppet figurehead who is on a need to know basis?

Seems a fair question since he seemingly is always in the dark on IMPORTANT issues.

Or someone the right wing wants to "bring down" because, being 90% white, confederate and racist, they are trying to "teach" America what happens when you elect a black president, so they better not do it again - OR ELSE!
I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Did you really expect anything different from MSNBC? The rest of the media isn't buying that Obama didn't know anything about spying on world leaders in fact I heard a funny snippet on the radio this morning from George Stephanopoulos, he basically called Obama a liar.

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.

I think Obama and the people he has chosen to surround himself with and lean on transcend left and right, they have shown a disturbing preference for outright the point where it might be a pretty good idea from a national security standpoint to perform some psychological evaluations and release the results to the public.

I think Bush was a horrible President and Cheney belongs in jail in my opinion but neither of those two men pretended to be Zeus on Mt. Olympus while talking about fundamentally transforming the country from an executive office that is supposed to be constitutionally limited. That action right there should have tipped everyone off about what was coming.
I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Now I will grant you that BUSH started this stupid program and MAY have even known or requested that other leaders be spied on. But here is the problem......

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.

Yep. And our two-party charade has all the integrity of pro-wrestling.
People who constantly lie are simply scumbags.

Now, the question is: Why do the scumbags of the left lie so much?


They are convinced that they, and only they, know what's best for you.

And that if they take the time to explain it to you, you won't understand or like it.


They lie because they know that if you know what they're up to, you'll try to stop them. So they lie about what they're doing.

This could go on for a long time....

People, here it is. It's like I've said from day one on this Board. It's why I call them dimocraps. It's why I call them the scum of the Earth. It's why I'm always saying "dimocraps lie, it's what they do"

Because it's all true. dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and all they know how to do is LIE.

An OBTW..... Think obamacare is bad now? Wait until they get the website fixed. :lmao:

Isn't it kind of sad and pathetic that obama was caught in a bald-faced fucking lie but you've got the usual suspects in here defending him like he's some kind of God?

Kinda tells you what his base is all about huh?

And has anybody else noticed that, when the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM criticizes something that the Stuttering Clusterfuck is responsible for, they don't mention HIM by name?

They mention Sebellius, they mention the NSA, the IRS, the State Department, DoJ, DoD....

But never him.

Funny how that works, huh?

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM stopped being news reporters decades ago.

They do entertainment. It's all they do. It's all they're good for.

It's all they know because the fantasy world in which they live won't allow them to do reality.

Kinda sick, actually. Think about it.

The reason FNC is so good is that it's filled with disaffected, former journalists from the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM.

They been there, done it, sold the T-Shirt
I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Now I will grant you that BUSH started this stupid program and MAY have even known or requested that other leaders be spied on. But here is the problem......

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.

I'm sorry. Are you suggesting Fox News is any better when it comes to extreme bias?

Among NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, FOX does not try to hide its bias and it goes out of its way to get more voices from the other side. Plus, Fox does not try and report MS-Word created documents from 1972 as authentic in order to sway an election (CBS), nor do they take taxpayer dollars to report one side (NPR), nor do they scrub/edit 911 calls (NBC), nor do they host a "town hall" meeting on healthcare and only provide cherry picked voices (ABC).

Comparatively, Fox lives up to its slogan.
Fast and Furious? The president didn't know.
Benghazi? The president didn't know.
The IRS scandal? The President didn't know.
NSA spying? The President didn't know.
Tapping the press? The President didn't knwo about it.
The Pigford Scandal? The President didn't know about it.
Shovel Ready? It was a 'success'! Just not under the context in which the stimulus was sold.
Bin Laden? Obama Swooped in single-handedly with nothing but a k-bar and took out the Mastermind of Al Qaqeda. Now they are on the run.

Obama Tax roll out failure? The President didn't know, and it's mostly the republicans fault.
edge, don't people like you EVER QUIT WHINING? It is ALWAYS someone else's fault that you rethugs are all fucked up. But it ain't really. People like you rethugs are just all fucked up. Nothing to be done about it.
You all have that right to have your heads up your asses. And you all take advantage of your "right" every day. When you aren't whining.
Fast and Furious? The president didn't know.
Benghazi? The president didn't know.
The IRS scandal? The President didn't know.
NSA spying? The President didn't know.
Tapping the press? The President didn't knwo about it.
The Pigford Scandal? The President didn't know about it.
Shovel Ready? It was a 'success'! Just not under the context in which the stimulus was sold.
Bin Laden? Obama Swooped in single-handedly with nothing but a k-bar and took out the Mastermind of Al Qaqeda. Now they are on the run.

Obama Tax roll out failure? The President didn't know, and it's mostly the republicans fault.

President Obama knew about every one of those topics. Now what will you repugs do about that? Wait, I know; whine.
Fast and Furious? The president didn't know.
Benghazi? The president didn't know.
The IRS scandal? The President didn't know.
NSA spying? The President didn't know.
Tapping the press? The President didn't knwo about it.
The Pigford Scandal? The President didn't know about it.
Shovel Ready? It was a 'success'! Just not under the context in which the stimulus was sold.
Bin Laden? Obama Swooped in single-handedly with nothing but a k-bar and took out the Mastermind of Al Qaqeda. Now they are on the run.

Obama Tax roll out failure? The President didn't know, and it's mostly the republicans fault.

who knew these same people who railed against Bush would become nothing more than marshmallows with this Dear leader and walk in goosestep to him?...they've excused every screw up no matter how much it is going to hurt us in the long run
Fast and Furious? The president didn't know.
Benghazi? The president didn't know.
The IRS scandal? The President didn't know.
NSA spying? The President didn't know.
Tapping the press? The President didn't knwo about it.
The Pigford Scandal? The President didn't know about it.
Shovel Ready? It was a 'success'! Just not under the context in which the stimulus was sold.
Bin Laden? Obama Swooped in single-handedly with nothing but a k-bar and took out the Mastermind of Al Qaqeda. Now they are on the run.

Obama Tax roll out failure? The President didn't know, and it's mostly the republicans fault.

President Obama knew about every one of those topics. Now what will you repugs do about that? Wait, I know; whine.

The bigger question is, what are YOU going to do about it. The answer?

Blame Republicans.
I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Now I will grant you that BUSH started this stupid program and MAY have even known or requested that other leaders be spied on. But here is the problem......

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.
Old business, before new business.

Until the right accepts responsibility for the shit Bush did, we cannot close the book and move on to Obama.

Nor are we going to just let that shit go.

This is what you need to do in reference to Bush Administration atrocities, if you expect us to move on to Obama....

You need to admit it.
Apologize for it.
And take your beating like man.

Then we'll move on to Obama.

Until the left accepts responsibility for the shit Cliton did, we cannot close the book and move on to Bush.

Nor are we going to just let that shit go.

This is what you need to do in reference to Cliton Administration atrocities, if you expect us to move on to Bush....

funny thing how this also works..., Cliton and one of his whores is responsible for the September 11, 2001AD attacks on America :up:
I just watched a 15 minute segment on MSNBC about the spying on the Germans. The ENTIRE time Bush's name came up OVER & OVER & OVER. Obama's name? ONCE. And only in the context that he didn't know about the spying.

Now I will grant you that BUSH started this stupid program and MAY have even known or requested that other leaders be spied on. But here is the problem......

OBAMA IS THE FUCKING MAN IN CHARGE & has been for the last 5 years. WHEN is Obama going to accept responsibility for the crap that happens under his watch? It's always either someone else's fault or he pleads STUPIDITY (I didn't know)

Seriously, the man and his supporters are like my 7 year old grandson with the "not me" bullshit.

Yep. And our two-party charade has all the integrity of pro-wrestling.

Best description of our politicians to date. Behind the scenes they enjoy a coordial relationship but in the public eye they're at each others throats. Fact is that the politicians change but the mess remains the same.
Fast and Furious? The president didn't know.
Benghazi? The president didn't know.
The IRS scandal? The President didn't know.
NSA spying? The President didn't know.
Tapping the press? The President didn't knwo about it.
The Pigford Scandal? The President didn't know about it.
Shovel Ready? It was a 'success'! Just not under the context in which the stimulus was sold.
Bin Laden? Obama Swooped in single-handedly with nothing but a k-bar and took out the Mastermind of Al Qaqeda. Now they are on the run.

Obama Tax roll out failure? The President didn't know, and it's mostly the republicans fault.

President Obama knew about every one of those topics. Now what will you repugs do about that? Wait, I know; whine.

The bigger question is, what are YOU going to do about it. The answer?

Blame Republicans.

or like rderp they blame whitey

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