The Left Thinks We're Stupid Enough To Absorb All Of These Palestinian Refugees.......And The Obama/Biden Adm Is Just That Stupid

He’s what you call an Ignorant GOYIM . Around the time he’s referring to there were approximately 15,000 Jews in the TOTAL US population; NOT men Referring to Jews and the “ Metal of Honor?” Back in that time my Grandmother shortened her maiden name to Ross to get a job; My Grandfather was informed that a Hymie would never be hired, etc etc Can’t stand it because proportionally Jews are more successful then he and his family will ever be
My uncle had to “Christainize” his last name to get a job in NY, and my dad refused to hide his Jewishness and moved out of NY to get a job with the government. They too both ended up with successful lives.

RIP, uncle and dad.
My uncle had to “Christainize” his last name to get a job in NY, and my dad refused to hide his Jewishness and moved out of NY to get a job with the government. They too both ended up with successful lives.

RIP, uncle and dad.
My mother’s Maiden name was Rosenberg . On her side the ENTIRE family had trouble with finding employment so they changed it to Ross
My mother’s Maiden name was Rosenberg . On her side the ENTIRE family had trouble with finding employment so they changed it to Ross
Yeah, those stories are typical. Did this happen in Democrat NYC? The antisemitism was rampant during and after WWII - as if the Jews didn’t suffer enough.

Same thing is happening now. As if Jews didn’t suffer enough on October 7, the Dems are gathering en masse to scream “Kill the Jews!”
Yeah, those stories are typical. Did this happen in Democrat NYC? The antisemitism was rampant during and after WWII - as if the Jews didn’t suffer enough.

Same thing is happening now. As if Jews didn’t suffer enough on October 7, the Dems are gathering en masse to scream “Kill the Jews!”
Yup; New York BEFORE Israel 🇮🇱 and the “ Occupation “
Yup; New York BEFORE Israel 🇮🇱 and the “ Occupation “
True. The antisemites saying that Jew-hate is the result of “occupation” are lying. We’ve been dealing with it for 100 generations, and in recent weeks it’s ramped up.
He’s what you call an Ignorant GOYIM . Around the time he’s referring to there were approximately 15,000 Jews in the TOTAL US population; NOT men Referring to Jews and the “ Metal of Honor?” Back in that time my Grandmother shortened her maiden name to Ross to get a job; My Grandfather was informed that a Hymie would never be hired, etc etc Can’t stand it because proportionally Jews are more successful then he and his family will ever
When it comes to Medal of Honor recipients, I am talking about since the Civil War, not just the Civil War. Besides, most of the Jews in America prior to the Civil War lived in Charleston, 75% of them owning slaves and they pretty much controlled the slave trade in the South after the international slave trade was banned.

But during WWII the Jewish community made up 4.1% of the population. Today, it is about half that. During WWII 473 Medal of Honor awards were given, yet there haven't been 16 Jewish recipients since the Civil War. Why? The Vietnam War, 246 recipients, two Jewish. Guess most of them were traveling to Canada.

And that is just it. Discounting the Civil War, because the Medal of Honor was only granted to Union soldiers, the number of recipients from each state closely tracks the percentage of the population that state has for the whole country. Yet Jewish recipients track at less than half the rate they should based on their population. It really does appear that Jews are only willing to fight women and children.

Take the damn news today. Israel tells Gaza residents to flee South. AND THEN THEY BOMB SOUTHERN GAZA. Look, what Hamas did was wrong, I mean it was certainly a war crime. But for the love of God, what Israel is doing now is worse, yeah, I said it, WORSE. 47.1% of the population of Gaza is under 18. And over half the population over 18 is female. It is really true, the IDF fights women and children and run from real men. Today, they are bombing essentially women and children. And yeah, the sick bastards are getting off on it.

I mean Lisa is constantly ranting about Hamas and their call for the extermination of the Jews. What she doesn't realize is that a large portion of the extreme right call for the extermination of the Palestinians. Members of the Knesset, Jewish Settlers, they loudly, and proudly, proclaim that the Palestinians should be exterminated.

And no way in hell you can convince me that Israel didn't know this attack from Hamas was coming. They knew it was coming, but what the hell is a few thousand commie and secular Jews deaths--yeah, communists because they lived in a kibbitz, look it up, and secular because they were attending a concert. A price they were more than willing to pay to,

1. Distract attention from the radical right's attempt at neutering the judicial branch of Israeli government. You seen any more protests in the street since the Hamas attack?
2. Distract attention from Bibi's corruption charges. You do know that he is on trial, kind of like the fat orange man.
3. A free ticket to kill Palestinian women and children, which really gives the far right Israelis a hardon. I mean hell, tell them to flee South and bomb the hell out of the South. Not like bombing Gaza is not like shooting fish in a barrel, hell, make the barrel even smaller and the fish even more numerous.

This shit is beyond sick. Time we cut off all aid to Israel and the Palestinians. Let God sort it out. I can assure you, if that is the case the Jews ain't coming out on top. I mean we got two aircraft carrier groups in the area. WTF, my son is in Tawain right now, and damn skippy, he is on a hair trigger to get back home. It is time to wake up and smell the damn coffee and fools like you and Lisa are not doing us any damn good.
True. The antisemites saying that Jew-hate is the result of “occupation” are lying. We’ve been dealing with it for 100 generations, and in recent weeks it’s ramped up.
Cry me a damn river. You love playing the victim. Who does that shit? I mean hell, your sorry ass feels "victimized" by how I chose to raise my children. What the hell happened to picking yourself up by the bootstraps? I mean I can just imagine playing Texas Holdem with you. You get dealt a deuce seven and you would be jumping up screaming, "Antisemitism", "Holocaust". I mean here is a thought, play the cards you are dealt.

I mean the wallowing in the self-pity is absolutely disgusting. Oh yeah, you Jews are better than everyone else, it is just that everyone else discriminates against you. What a crock of damn shit. Honestly, the holocaust was over seventy five years ago, I am sick and tired of hearing about it. Hell, you will bitch about blacks asking for reparations, but the Jews actually GOT REPARATIONS. WTF more do you want?

See, I got real problems with Holy Roller Christians, those Pentecostal assholes like at Liberty University, where Red Letter Christians are banned. And I have a real admiration, and respect, for secular Jews. They have made great contributions to this country, and to the world. But the orthodox, the far-right Jewish community, they are the scum of the Earth.

In the end, Judgement Day is coming. And it ain't every individual that is going to be judged, it ain't the "quick and the dead" that is going to be judged. It is MANKIND that is going to be judged. And right now, well things ain't looking too good for the home team.
When it comes to Medal of Honor recipients, I am talking about since the Civil War, not just the Civil War. Besides, most of the Jews in America prior to the Civil War lived in Charleston, 75% of them owning slaves and they pretty much controlled the slave trade in the South after the international slave trade was banned.

But during WWII the Jewish community made up 4.1% of the population. Today, it is about half that. During WWII 473 Medal of Honor awards were given, yet there haven't been 16 Jewish recipients since the Civil War. Why? The Vietnam War, 246 recipients, two Jewish. Guess most of them were traveling to Canada.

And that is just it. Discounting the Civil War, because the Medal of Honor was only granted to Union soldiers, the number of recipients from each state closely tracks the percentage of the population that state has for the whole country. Yet Jewish recipients track at less than half the rate they should based on their population. It really does appear that Jews are only willing to fight women and children.

Take the damn news today. Israel tells Gaza residents to flee South. AND THEN THEY BOMB SOUTHERN GAZA. Look, what Hamas did was wrong, I mean it was certainly a war crime. But for the love of God, what Israel is doing now is worse, yeah, I said it, WORSE. 47.1% of the population of Gaza is under 18. And over half the population over 18 is female. It is really true, the IDF fights women and children and run from real men. Today, they are bombing essentially women and children. And yeah, the sick bastards are getting off on it.

I mean Lisa is constantly ranting about Hamas and their call for the extermination of the Jews. What she doesn't realize is that a large portion of the extreme right call for the extermination of the Palestinians. Members of the Knesset, Jewish Settlers, they loudly, and proudly, proclaim that the Palestinians should be exterminated.

And no way in hell you can convince me that Israel didn't know this attack from Hamas was coming. They knew it was coming, but what the hell is a few thousand commie and secular Jews deaths--yeah, communists because they lived in a kibbitz, look it up, and secular because they were attending a concert. A price they were more than willing to pay to,

1. Distract attention from the radical right's attempt at neutering the judicial branch of Israeli government. You seen any more protests in the street since the Hamas attack?
2. Distract attention from Bibi's corruption charges. You do know that he is on trial, kind of like the fat orange man.
3. A free ticket to kill Palestinian women and children, which really gives the far right Israelis a hardon. I mean hell, tell them to flee South and bomb the hell out of the South. Not like bombing Gaza is not like shooting fish in a barrel, hell, make the barrel even smaller and the fish even more numerous.

This shit is beyond sick. Time we cut off all aid to Israel and the Palestinians. Let God sort it out. I can assure you, if that is the case the Jews ain't coming out on top. I mean we got two aircraft carrier groups in the area. WTF, my son is in Tawain right now, and damn skippy, he is on a hair trigger to get back home. It is time to wake up and smell the damn coffee and fools like you and Lisa are not doing us any damn good.
Again…. Thanks for exhibiting your Bigotry and Racism In 1860 there were ONLY 150,000 Jews in the Country with a total of close to 42,000,000 people in the US. In addition( the MAJORITY lived up North Want to know who owned slaves? It was the GOYIM
MAYBE Hamas should have thought of the possible consequences or is that too challenging 😥 for you?
Re; Your Remarks about Canada just displays you for what you really are . I wouldn’t blame ANYONE who fled to Canada; You Moron I know people who fled and they are not Jewish
Again…. Thanks for exhibiting your Bigotry and Racism In 1860 there were ONLY 150,000 Jews in the Country with a total of close to 42,000,000 people in the US. In addition( the MAJORITY lived up North Want to know who owned slaves? It was the GOYIM
MAYBE Hamas should have thought of the possible consequences or is that too challenging 😥 for you?
Re; Your Remarks about Canada just displays you for what you really are . I wouldn’t blame ANYONE who fled to Canada; You Moron I know people who fled and they are not Jewish
He’s your typical leftist. I have the guy on ignore, but I’m sure he just reeked with antisemitism.

And he’s a loser, too. He admitted that he never worked so that OTHER people could support his six kids (6!!) with various welfare benefits.
Again…. Thanks for exhibiting your Bigotry and Racism In 1860 there were ONLY 150,000 Jews in the Country with a total of close to 42,000,000 people in the US. In addition( the MAJORITY lived up North Want to know who owned slaves? It was the GOYIM
MAYBE Hamas should have thought of the possible consequences or is that too challenging 😥 for you?
Re; Your Remarks about Canada just displays you for what you really are . I wouldn’t blame ANYONE who fled to Canada; You Moron I know people who fled and they are not Jewish
Forgot ONE thing; Do the Math . The Jewish Population was approx 0.5 of ONE PERCENT and the MAJORITY lived in the NORTH. Talk about Holocaust Reparations? The ONLY people that were AUTOMATICALLY entitled to them were Survivors . Upset because there were survivors? Glad to ruin your day
He’s your typical leftist. I have the guy on ignore, but I’m sure he just reeked with antisemitism.

And he’s a loser, too. He admitted that he never worked so that OTHER people could support his six kids (6!!) with various welfare benefits.
I think we ALL know his RACE
Again…. Thanks for exhibiting your Bigotry and Racism In 1860 there were ONLY 150,000 Jews in the Country with a total of close to 42,000,000 people in the US. In addition( the MAJORITY lived up North Want to know who owned slaves? It was the GOYIM
MAYBE Hamas should have thought of the possible consequences or is that too challenging 😥 for you?
Re; Your Remarks about Canada just displays you for what you really are . I wouldn’t blame ANYONE who fled to Canada; You Moron I know people who fled and they are not Jewish
Look you stupid shit. I have agreed with your numbers. concerning the Civil War. But the reality is the largest population of Jews in the United States during that period was in Charleston, SC. For several reasons. First, Charleston was where the first significant immigration of Jews occurred, well before the American Revolution. Second, the charter of the colony of South Carolina guaranteed religious freedom, something not found in other states. I mean aren't you and your fellow Jew Lisa complaining about New York? Third, most of the Jewish immigrants during the 18th and 19th century spoke German. The area in which I live in North Carolina didn't start teaching school in English until after the Civil War, prior to that it was German.

And yes, Jews owned slaves, like I said, in Charleston 75% of
the Jews owned slaves. A much higher rate than the Goys as you call us, even in South Carolina, where the rate of slave ownership was 50%. And yes, Jews controlled the domestic slave market, here, you probably can get behind the paywall.


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