The Left Thinks We're Stupid Enough To Absorb All Of These Palestinian Refugees.......And The Obama/Biden Adm Is Just That Stupid

Your country? LMAO. No honey, this is my country. My family has been here since before 1620, can you say Jamestown. This little plot of land I live on, it has a King's grant, that means the King gave this land to my family. And my family has fought, and died, for this country. The American Revolution, we won it, we created this country, and you call this your country?

And what have your people done? There are over three thousand medal of honor recipients in the history of this nation. How many were Jews, you could almost count them on two hands. A dozen at best. That tells you all you need to know.

And that most successful bit, damn but you people have an over-inflated perception of yourselves. Sure, there have been some successful Jews, but damn, they sure as hell haven't exceeded the norm. I bet illegal Mexican immigrants have been more successful. And there in lies the problem.
Thank you for making your antisemitism so absolutely undeniable.
I “ care” as much about him as others have “ cared “ about that horrendous Mass Shooting at the Pittsburgh Synagogue . Even now; Jews are being WARNED not to wear ANYTHING that identifies them as being Jewish Jews have been Murdered, beaten, etc in today’s world all because of THEIR RELIGION
A hell of a lot of people cared about the mass shooting at the Tree of Life. It’s too bad it is all a zero sum equation to you.
A hell of a lot of people cared about the mass shooting at the Tree of Life. It’s too bad it is all a zero sum equation to you.
Yea, I see how much people are concerned about Antisemitism and the fact that even Jews in this Country have reservations about displaying their religion If they were Muslims? We would still be hearing about it
Seriously, you don’t care that an innocent child was killed?
Do you care that a beheaded Nude Israeli woman was paraded around the streets of Gaza? Do you care that babies were beheaded? Do you care that Israelis were set on fire, raped, houses burned down, mothers raped in front of their kids, etc, etc? Do you care that I n the US antisemitism is at its worse in decades? That’s where my sympathies lie
Do you care that a beheaded Nude Israeli woman was paraded around the streets of Gaza? Do you care that babies were beheaded? Do you care that Israelis were set on fire, raped, houses burned down, mothers raped in front of their kids, etc, etc? Do you care that I n the US antisemitism is at its worse in decades? That’s where my sympathies lie
My brother told me that he‘s thinking of removing the mezuzah from his doorpost. He lives in a very liberal city, as I do, and the antisemitism is horrific.
Back to the topic,,,,which is taking in hundreds of thousands of these Jew-hating Arabs, right after their leaders massacred 1400 Jewish souls and they themselves teach their children to want to kill Jews:

I don’t want them here. We have enough antisemites here as it is.
Your country? LMAO. No honey, this is my country. My family has been here since before 1620, can you say Jamestown. This little plot of land I live on, it has a King's grant, that means the King gave this land to my family. And my family has fought, and died, for this country. The American Revolution, we won it, we created this country, and you call this your country?

Wow. You're the first person I've ever run across with the same history as my own.

1626 here. Not counting the savage side of me.

Same scenario with the Virginia land grant.
Back to the topic,,,,which is taking in hundreds of thousands of these Jew-hating Arabs, right after their leaders massacred 1400 Jewish souls and they themselves teach their children to want to kill Jews:

I don’t want them here. We have enough antisemites here as it is.
You buy in to too much bullshit. Hamas may have 20,000 "soldiers", but only about three thousand of them have been trained. Israel has already killed 4,000 Palestinians, almost half of them children, and probably not 400 of them were Hamas soldiers.

The population density in the Gaza strip is about 5,000 people per square kilometer. You know what it is in Israel? 400 people. And now, they are all asked to move to the south, it is insanity. It is like going from a commercial hog farm to an industrial chicken house. Both are considered animal abuse, but for Palestinians, well it is the norm.

I mean seriously, how do you expect this to pan out? Israel can bomb Northern Gaza to complete rubble. In the end, there won't be 20,000 Hamas fighters, there will be 50,000. 65% of the population of the Gaza strip is under 24. Force them to leave their homes, deny them water, food, and fuel, it is going to do nothing be create enemies. Wake up and smell the damn coffee.

What Hamas did was, undoubtedly, a war crime. But Israel's reaction has been nothing more than a war crime itself. Collective punishment is one of the biggest war crimes, it has no place in a modern society. Two wrongs don't make a right, that was drilled into my head from the time I was knee high to a grasshopper.

The US government should stop sending aid to the Palestinians. But they should also stop sending aid to Israel. Enough is enough. The reality is, Hamas enjoys killing Jews, but Israel, with its current power structure, enjoys killing Palestinians. It is a sick ass circle. Hamas wouldn't exist without the right wing government of Israel, without the sickass settlers and the racist ass government. But neither of those two would exist without Hamas. Hell, they both need each other.

The solution is simple. A two state solution. A real Palestine, with real autonomy and open borders. The settlements, gone. Those racist pricks need to leave. A return to the 1967 borders, with real enforcement when those borders are violated.
They have no responsibility for Israel...and neither does the US. Israel made this mess in Gaza and now they want the US to fight Hamas and attack Iran.

No, the UN made the mess in Gaza and the West Bank , by stopping Israel from assimilating the conquered territories like it let the Arabs assimilate conquered Israeli territory in 1948.
Biden (Obama) is going to arrange transportation for millions of Gaza refugees to fill in districts where they're needed in the 2024 election. $100 bucks they'll be announcing the policy in the next week or two. It makes no sense to bring thousands of people who hate your country inside your borders, but that's what they're planning on doing.

The left is already asking if we should be taking these people in, even though nobody in the ME wants them. Muslim nations surrounding the area don't want anything to do with these people. So the best thing is ship them to the United States.

"What's obnoxious here is that taking in refugees from a culture that is inundated with anti-Semitism is a surefire way of importing a lot more of it here."

This is textbook leftist ideology. Make where you live a living Hell....and encourage your people to move elsewhere so they can spread the misery around to everyone else.

I actually think we should take them. It would be better for America, create a move diverse America. We could benefit from them in so many ways.
I actually think we should take them. It would be better for America, create a move diverse America. We could benefit from them in so many ways.
Are you for real? These are people who teach their kids to want to kill Jews. They play “Stab the Jew.” They go to camps where they are brainwashed to hate. Their Quran instructs to find the Jew hiding behind the bush and kill him. Their leader taught that Jews are the offspring of apes and pigs.

Why would you want an antisemitic, backwards people here? There’s a reason moderate Arab countries don’t want them. Why should we get stuck with them?
Are you for real? These are people who teach their kids to want to kill Jews. They play “Stab the Jew.” They go to camps where they are brainwashed to hate. Their Quran instructs to find the Jew hiding behind the bush and kill him. Their leader taught that Jews are the offspring of apes and pigs.

Why would you want an antisemitic, backwards people here? There’s a reason moderate Arab countries don’t want them. Why should we get stuck with them?
Categorizing a group of people as all being a certain way is dangerous. Hitler did that with the Jews. Doing this with the Muslims is dangerous. I have had great Muslim friends and great Jewish friends. I have known Muslims who have Jewish friends. Their are many Muslims who don't think this way. As a kid I had a group of friends who I hanged out with after school and on weekends who were very mixed: Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Atheist. Everyone in the group got along, we all were great friends even though we came from very different backgrounds. I have known many Muslims who are not antisemitic.
Categorizing a group of people as all being a certain way is dangerous. Hitler did that with the Jews. Doing this with the Muslims is dangerous. I have had great Muslim friends and great Jewish friends. I have known Muslims who have Jewish friends. Their are many Muslims who don't think this way. As a kid I had a group of friends who I hanged out with after school and on weekends who were very mixed: Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Atheist. Everyone in the group got along, we all were great friends even though we came from very different backgrounds. I have known many Muslims who are not antisemitic.
I believe she was referring to the Palestinians . However, I believe this has spread ( Maybe not the teachings but the Hate) Forget what Country it is but Jews were ACTUALLY WARNED not to go outside . Jewish kids on College Campuses are fearful and they have a right to be . They are WARNED not to wear anything that identifies your religion Antisemitism in this Country and Worldwide has been the highest since WW 2 with the Violence, killings and I believe a lot of that is attributed to the Muslim population especially the Palestinians Look at your colleges; they ALL came out and said Oct 7 was Israel’s fault ; if it weren’t for the Muslim Population we wouldn’t have half this crap 💩
Are you for real? These are people who teach their kids to want to kill Jews. They play “Stab the Jew.” They go to camps where they are brainwashed to hate. Their Quran instructs to find the Jew hiding behind the bush and kill him. Their leader taught that Jews are the offspring of apes and pigs.

Why would you want an antisemitic, backwards people here? There’s a reason moderate Arab countries don’t want them. Why should we get stuck with them?
I’m sure that child’s life mattered to his family and friends, don’t you think? Religion is or should be irrelevant (except maybe to you).

If insist on playing your atrocity Olympics game, then here is a response.

400,000 Tutsis were killed.
25,000 Rohinga massacred.
5,000 Yazidi.

If it’s just about numbers to you, where is your compassion?
Show us we’re we are happy about their demise. However, there IS a difference when you know people of a certain sect, religion, etc are out to kill you and make life miserable even in your own Country
You buy in to too much bullshit. Hamas may have 20,000 "soldiers", but only about three thousand of them have been trained. Israel has already killed 4,000 Palestinians, almost half of them children, and probably not 400 of them were Hamas soldiers.

The population density in the Gaza strip is about 5,000 people per square kilometer. You know what it is in Israel? 400 people. And now, they are all asked to move to the south, it is insanity. It is like going from a commercial hog farm to an industrial chicken house. Both are considered animal abuse, but for Palestinians, well it is the norm.

I mean seriously, how do you expect this to pan out? Israel can bomb Northern Gaza to complete rubble. In the end, there won't be 20,000 Hamas fighters, there will be 50,000. 65% of the population of the Gaza strip is under 24. Force them to leave their homes, deny them water, food, and fuel, it is going to do nothing be create enemies. Wake up and smell the damn coffee.

What Hamas did was, undoubtedly, a war crime. But Israel's reaction has been nothing more than a war crime itself. Collective punishment is one of the biggest war crimes, it has no place in a modern society. Two wrongs don't make a right, that was drilled into my head from the time I was knee high to a grasshopper.

The US government should stop sending aid to the Palestinians. But they should also stop sending aid to Israel. Enough is enough. The reality is, Hamas enjoys killing Jews, but Israel, with its current power structure, enjoys killing Palestinians. It is a sick ass circle. Hamas wouldn't exist without the right wing government of Israel, without the sickass settlers and the racist ass government. But neither of those two would exist without Hamas. Hell, they both need each other.

The solution is simple. A two state solution. A real Palestine, with real autonomy and open borders. The settlements, gone. Those racist pricks need to leave. A return to the 1967 borders, with real enforcement when those borders are violated.
What was wrong with Olmert’s 2008 peace proposal to Abbas? Maybe you should do some research before running your mouth 👄
Thank you for making your antisemitism so absolutely undeniable.
He’s what you call an Ignorant GOYIM . Around the time he’s referring to there were approximately 15,000 Jews in the TOTAL US population; NOT men Referring to Jews and the “ Metal of Honor?” Back in that time my Grandmother shortened her maiden name to Ross to get a job; My Grandfather was informed that a Hymie would never be hired, etc etc Can’t stand it because proportionally Jews are more successful then he and his family will ever be

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