The Left Thinks We're Stupid Enough To Absorb All Of These Palestinian Refugees.......And The Obama/Biden Adm Is Just That Stupid

I think we ALL know his RACE
Wow, talk about racist. Male side, 85% English, 15% Scotch Irish. Cherokee on the female side. Which is funny. You Jews like to claim that the Ashkenazic branch of Judaism has the highest IQ's, and that is correct, except for one group, the Cherokee.

And it makes perfect sense. While the Jews were hiding in their basement during the American Revolution us white boys were fighting the British. At Kings Mountains we were throwing down lead at the loyalist and our Cherokee wives, with their babies in a sling by their belly, were reloading our muskets.

Look, you and Lisa are exemplifying the Jewish race. Too chicken shit to stand up for what you believe in, always looking for someone else to fight your battles. Can you say "Crusades"? Wearing this "chosen people" moniker like a chip on your shoulder. And damn always playing the victim.

As to my kids and how I conducted my life. Yeah, I win, but so did you and so did this country. Two Phd's, two business owners. My kids pay more in taxes to the federal government than either you or Lisa make, probably more than both of you put together.
Wow, talk about racist. Male side, 85% English, 15% Scotch Irish. Cherokee on the female side. Which is funny. You Jews like to claim that the Ashkenazic branch of Judaism has the highest IQ's, and that is correct, except for one group, the Cherokee.

And it makes perfect sense. While the Jews were hiding in their basement during the American Revolution us white boys were fighting the British. At Kings Mountains we were throwing down lead at the loyalist and our Cherokee wives, with their babies in a sling by their belly, were reloading our muskets.

Look, you and Lisa are exemplifying the Jewish race. Too chicken shit to stand up for what you believe in, always looking for someone else to fight your battles. Can you say "Crusades"? Wearing this "chosen people" moniker like a chip on your shoulder. And damn always playing the victim.

As to my kids and how I conducted my life. Yeah, I win, but so did you and so did this country. Two Phd's, two business owners. My kids pay more in taxes to the federal government than either you or Lisa make, probably more than both of you put together.
Wow, are you naturally a condescending prick, or is that learned behavior?

Where you from? Your arrogance has piqued my interest. Not that that means a fuckin' thing, but

could ya satisfy my curiousity? Do you have the chutzpah to?
Wow, are you naturally a condescending prick, or is that learned behavior?
That loser refused to work and support his six kids - and had them all on welfare! And he bragged about it on this forum. He should be ashamed.

But he’s a leftist - a flaming antisemite who feels entitled to other people’s money.
That loser refused to work and support his six kids - and had them all on welfare! And he bragged about it on this forum. He should be ashamed.

But he’s a leftist - a flaming antisemite who feels entitled to other people’s money.
Oh! He has nothing to be condescending about in that case. :nono:

Can't provide for his children and berating people because they're Jewish. What a piece of shit.
One thing you don’t have is the ability to read The Jewish population make up approx 2/10 of 1 percent Who are we looking for to fight our battles? This Country knew what was going on in Europe yet refused to do anything about it Ever hear of the St Louis? Try to educate yourself

You obviously have a reading comprehension problem Try to educate yourself During the American Revolution there were a total of 2,000-3,000 Jews in the entire Country including women, male and female children The Crusades in 1688 that werec
Those Jews were welcome here at that time.
Wow, talk about racist. Male side, 85% English, 15% Scotch Irish. Cherokee on the female side. Which is funny. You Jews like to claim that the Ashkenazic branch of Judaism has the highest IQ's, and that is correct, except for one group, the Cherokee.

And it makes perfect sense. While the Jews were hiding in their basement during the American Revolution us white boys were fighting the British. At Kings Mountains we were throwing down lead at the loyalist and our Cherokee wives, with their babies in a sling by their belly, were reloading our muskets.

Look, you and Lisa are exemplifying the Jewish race. Too chicken shit to stand up for what you believe in, always looking for someone else to fight your battles. Can you say "Crusades"? Wearing this "chosen people" moniker like a chip on your shoulder. And damn always playing the victim.

As to my kids and how I conducted my life. Yeah, I win, but so did you and so did this country. Two Phd's, two business owners. My kids pay more in taxes to the federal government than either you or Lisa make, probably more than both of you put together.
Thanks again for your Hostility and Ignorance In 1880 the Population was approx 50,000,000 and only 2, 500 were of the Jewish Faith INCLUDING females and children

The Crusades that was launched from CHRISTIAN EUROPE??

Please tell us who we are getting to fight out battles. Ever heat of the ST LOUIS? Try to educate yourself

Educate yourself if possible and learn what it means be the" Chosen People"
Jews make up approx 1/3 of ONE PERCENT of the WORLD POPULATION and the fact that you show so much hostility and resentment make me feel good
Regarding your " accomplishments" you know nothing about Lisa or myself USAF 2023 !!! What should THAT TELL YOU!! THAT'S HOW STUPID AND FULL OF HATE YOU ARE
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Thanks again for your Hostility and Ignorance In 1880 the Population was approx 50,000,000 and only 2, 500 were of the Jewish Faith INCLUDING females and children
The reason that poster thinks there were so many Jews here 150 years ago is because relative to our numbers, we have achieved so much more than average.

I would guess that half the Jews here now are grandchildren or perhaps great-grandchildren of immigrants who arrived here around the turn of the last century - poor, uneducated, and unable to speak English. Yet one or two quick generations later, they are upper-middle class, educated, and successful. So it only SEEMS that Jews have been here for multiple generations, building up wealth.

…..which BTW, is where the antisemitism comes from: resentment that an oppressed minority, fading horrible bigotry, could succeed so well.
The reason that poster thinks there were so many Jews here 150 years ago is because relative to our numbers, we have achieved so much more than average.

I would guess that half the Jews here now are grandchildren or perhaps great-grandchildren of immigrants who arrived here around the turn of the last century - poor, uneducated, and unable to speak English. Yet one or two quick generations later, they are upper-middle class, educated, and successful. So it only SEEMS that Jews have been here for multiple generations, building up wealth.

…..which BTW, is where the antisemitism comes from: resentment that an oppressed minority, fading horrible bigotry, could succeed so well.
Just look at my recent posting. In spite of his " accomplishments" he is extremely stupid
Wow, are you naturally a condescending prick, or is that learned behavior?

Where you from? Your arrogance has piqued my interest. Not that that means a fuckin' thing, but

could ya satisfy my curiousity? Do you have the chutzpah too?
Something he picked up at home and his “ Church “ They taught him well
The reason that poster thinks there were so many Jews here 150 years ago is because relative to our numbers, we have achieved so much more than average.

I would guess that half the Jews here now are grandchildren or perhaps great-grandchildren of immigrants who arrived here around the turn of the last century - poor, uneducated, and unable to speak English. Yet one or two quick generations later, they are upper-middle class, educated, and successful. So it only SEEMS that Jews have been here for multiple generations, building up wealth.

…..which BTW, is where the antisemitism comes from: resentment that an oppressed minority, fading horrible bigotry, could succeed so well.
God damn but you have an inflated perspective of yourself, and your Jewish brethren. There were 2,500 Jews in Charleston alone in 1880. And I hate to break the news to you, but Jews are no more successful than any other ethnic group, and damn skippy, that includes Arabs. I mean for the love of God, how can anyone be so self-absorbed.

I mean you have it so bad that you are obsessed with how I led my life. Like it is any of your damn business. Do you see me telling you how to live your life, outside of your parents, who obviously need a real investment advisor.

I mean it is so Jew of you. Overinflated ego, want to control what other people do in order to make your life easier. Unwilling to fight for what you believe in, manipulating other people to fight for you. It is really kind of sad. The reality is God's chosen people sold their souls to the devil a long time ago. The golden calf, nothing has changed in more than three thousand years. You get what you deserve.
Wow, are you naturally a condescending prick, or is that learned behavior?

Where you from? Your arrogance has piqued my interest. Not that that means a fuckin' thing, but

could ya satisfy my curiousity? Do you have the chutzpah to?
I live in North Carolina, at the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains, on a King's Grant. My maternal side descended from the first person that crossed the Catawba River. My maternal great grandfather owned half of the damn county, his descendants didn't amount to a hill of beans. Sold off most of the land and spent their life at the bottom of a bottle. My paternal side is a little different. My grandfather was a migrant farm worker that built a huge estate through hard work and a damn good poker game. His children were all highly successful professionals, from nuclear engineers to upper level business management.

And damn skippy I am arrogant. For good reason. I have forgotten more about American History than most people on this board will ever know. Highly educated, multiple degrees and an MBA, pretty close to a savant when it comes to American history and Economics. Been that way since I was ten.
Something he picked up at home and his “ Church “ They taught him well
I don't go to church dumbass. Been pretty much ostracized from that every since I stood in the pulpit and ripped the congregation a new asshole.
I live in North Carolina, at the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains, on a King's Grant. My maternal side descended from the first person that crossed the Catawba River. My maternal great grandfather owned half of the damn county, his descendants didn't amount to a hill of beans. Sold off most of the land and spent their life at the bottom of a bottle. My paternal side is a little different. My grandfather was a migrant farm worker that built a huge estate through hard work and a damn good poker game. His children were all highly successful professionals, from nuclear engineers to upper level business management.

And damn skippy I am arrogant. For good reason. I have forgotten more about American History than most people on this board will ever know. Highly educated, multiple degrees and an MBA, pretty close to a savant when it comes to American history and Economics. Been that way since I was ten.
You forgot to mention how modest you are. You really are a condescending prick.

My family probably owned a lot more land in NC than yours.

They left there in 1840-ish with 20+ people and migrated south Florida.

There were land grants in FL and they capitalized on that. Warmer weather, good land, what's not to like? :dunno:

I can trace my bloodline back to before the 1700s just with Bibles that I have.

Oh, I do love a good poker game. Real poker, real American poker games, not no Texas BS.

Anyways, I'm gonna tell ya like we do down heanh in Flawda: We're all in this thing together.

That's how it is.
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God damn but you have an inflated perspective of yourself, and your Jewish brethren. There were 2,500 Jews in Charleston alone in 1880. And I hate to break the news to you, but Jews are no more successful than any other ethnic group, and damn skippy, that includes Arabs. I mean for the love of God, how can anyone be so self-absorbed.

I mean you have it so bad that you are obsessed with how I led my life. Like it is any of your damn business. Do you see me telling you how to live your life, outside of your parents, who obviously need a real investment advisor.

I mean it is so Jew of you. Overinflated ego, want to control what other people do in order to make your life easier. Unwilling to fight for what you believe in, manipulating other people to fight for you. It is really kind of sad. The reality is God's chosen people sold their souls to the devil a long time ago. The golden calf, nothing has changed in more than three thousand years. You get what you deserve.
So what if there were 2,500 Jewish people in Charleston ? The Population then was approximately 20,000. Your point? “ So Jew of You?” Spoken like a typical low class GOYIM Please tell us how “ we get what we deserve” the “ Christian” Hate, killings, Pogroms, the Holocaust, etc etc Please tell me how we want to control what other people do . Who is obsessed with how you live your life? You are a non entity to everyone here
Biden (Obama) is going to arrange transportation for millions of Gaza refugees to fill in districts where they're needed in the 2024 election. $100 bucks they'll be announcing the policy in the next week or two. It makes no sense to bring thousands of people who hate your country inside your borders, but that's what they're planning on doing.

The left is already asking if we should be taking these people in, even though nobody in the ME wants them. Muslim nations surrounding the area don't want anything to do with these people. So the best thing is ship them to the United States.

"What's obnoxious here is that taking in refugees from a culture that is inundated with anti-Semitism is a surefire way of importing a lot more of it here."

This is textbook leftist ideology. Make where you live a living Hell....and encourage your people to move elsewhere so they can spread the misery around to everyone else.

God damn but you have an inflated perspective of yourself, and your Jewish brethren. There were 2,500 Jews in Charleston alone in 1880. And I hate to break the news to you, but Jews are no more successful than any other ethnic group, and damn skippy, that includes Arabs. I mean for the love of God, how can anyone be so self-absorbed.

I mean you have it so bad that you are obsessed with how I led my life. Like it is any of your damn business. Do you see me telling you how to live your life, outside of your parents, who obviously need a real investment advisor.

I mean it is so Jew of you. Overinflated ego, want to control what other people do in order to make your life easier. Unwilling to fight for what you believe in, manipulating other people to fight for you. It is really kind of sad. The reality is God's chosen people sold their souls to the devil a long time ago. The golden calf, nothing has changed in more than three thousand years. You get what you deserve.
1) “So Jew of me”?! What a disgusting person you are.

2) You’re a low-class welfare leech. And then you brag about having an MBA?

3) Jews ARE more successful than other groups. It’s a simple fact.

4) Go to hell, you antisemite.
1) “So Jew of me”?! What a disgusting person you are.

2) You’re a low-class welfare leech. And then you brag about having an MBA?

3) Jews ARE more successful than other groups. It’s a simple fact.

4) Go to hell, you antisemite.
He’s the kind of Filth that had been trying to exterminate the Jews for over 2,000 years
I don't go to church dumbass. Been pretty much ostracized from that every since I stood in the pulpit and ripped the congregation a new asshole.
Taught you well before you left
I live in North Carolina, at the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains, on a King's Grant. My maternal side descended from the first person that crossed the Catawba River. My maternal great grandfather owned half of the damn county, his descendants didn't amount to a hill of beans. Sold off most of the land and spent their life at the bottom of a bottle.
That explains a lot 🇮🇱
1) “So Jew of me”?! What a disgusting person you are.

2) You’re a low-class welfare leech. And then you brag about having an MBA?

3) Jews ARE more successful than other groups. It’s a simple fact.

4) Go to hell, you antisemite.
Asians are smarter.

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