The Left wants to change the rules because they can't win

Open borders and amnesty for millions of illegals, rigging primaries, no ID required to vote the left have all sorts of election schemes.
No one is for open borders, super duper. The rest is also garbage propaganda never happened. Or continue to be a conspiracy nut job like most GOP voters...
Democratic National Committee (DNC) deputy chair Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota sported a T-shirt calling for the elimination of national borders while walking in a May Day parade on Saturday.Keith Ellison Wears T-Shirt Calling For Open Borders [VIDEO]

Well there's that.......not so super duper
The exception that proves the rule...
Hey, Frankie....just wanted to show you that you were mistaken. I'm sure there are others if I looked deep enough.
many on the left fear a Supreme Court that will regularly rule against them

Why, is the left regularly doing things that are unconstitutional?

It isn't unconstitutional but it would never happen now because Dems have no power.

If the left obey the Constitution it doesn't matter who Trump nominates to the court. :04: Now watch their heads explode.
It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
'yo no creo en fronteras'.....translation.....'I do not believe in borders'

Maybe it's you who wrongly understands, Jake
7 very young Constitutionally minded pro second amendment anti-abortion supreme court justices
Can we say all-out meltdown of the left? lol
You can blame obama for his
I may not be on the ballot but my agenda is speech
Why, is the left regularly doing things that are unconstitutional?

It isn't unconstitutional but it would never happen now because Dems have no power.

If the left obey the Constitution it doesn't matter who Trump nominates to the court. :04: Now watch their heads explode.
It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
'yo no creo en fronteras'.....translation.....'I do not believe in borders'

Maybe it's you who wrongly understands, Jake
Outside of context. Let it go, woody, let it go.
Why, is the left regularly doing things that are unconstitutional?

It isn't unconstitutional but it would never happen now because Dems have no power.

If the left obey the Constitution it doesn't matter who Trump nominates to the court. :04: Now watch their heads explode.
It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
Open borders and amnesty for millions of illegals, rigging primaries, no ID required to vote the left have all sorts of election schemes.
No one is for open borders, super duper. The rest is also garbage propaganda never happened. Or continue to be a conspiracy nut job like most GOP voters...
Democratic National Committee (DNC) deputy chair Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota sported a T-shirt calling for the elimination of national borders while walking in a May Day parade on Saturday.Keith Ellison Wears T-Shirt Calling For Open Borders [VIDEO]

Well there's that.......not so super duper
The exception that proves the rule...
Hey, Frankie....just wanted to show you that you were mistaken. I'm sure there are others if I looked deep enough.
Not to worry, the GOP propaganda machine will find the few idiots and make you think they run the Democratic Party LOL or just plain lie as usual...
It isn't unconstitutional but it would never happen now because Dems have no power.

If the left obey the Constitution it doesn't matter who Trump nominates to the court. :04: Now watch their heads explode.
It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
'yo no creo en fronteras'.....translation.....'I do not believe in borders'

Maybe it's you who wrongly understands, Jake
Outside of context. Let it go, woody, let it go.
I take that as your way of bowing out. I accept your retreat.......'woody'
It isn't unconstitutional but it would never happen now because Dems have no power.

If the left obey the Constitution it doesn't matter who Trump nominates to the court. :04: Now watch their heads explode.
It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.
If the left obey the Constitution it doesn't matter who Trump nominates to the court. :04: Now watch their heads explode.
It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.

You may as well let that there fantasy go, Sparky. Obama nominated Garland, therefore he is toxic as all get-out.
It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.

You may as well let that there fantasy go, Sparky. Obama nominated Garland, therefore he is toxic as all get-out.
For the racist brainwashed GOP base LOL
Packing the Supreme Court: A last-minute gambit by the left?

LOL! Love it...go ahead lets do it! President Trump gets to pick the candidates so SURE! LMAO...idiots.

You poor thing.

You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.

You may as well let that there fantasy go, Sparky. Obama nominated Garland, therefore he is toxic as all get-out.
For the racist brainwashed GOP base LOL

Name one thing Obama did that turned out really good.
If the left obey the Constitution it doesn't matter who Trump nominates to the court. :04: Now watch their heads explode.
It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.
That's a interesting thought, but, what presidents do that. Kennedy was thought to be a conservative and he was middle of the road nominated by Reagan.
Both picks by Obama are true liberals and not middle of the road and haven't been proven to lean other than to the left.
Why should Trump feel compelled to look for a moderate judge? I don't know of any president that would have done that.

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