The Left wants to change the rules because they can't win

It's my understanding that the liberals think that the Constitution is a living breathing document that can be
massaged to mean whatever belief they have at a given time.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.

You may as well let that there fantasy go, Sparky. Obama nominated Garland, therefore he is toxic as all get-out.

Republicans refused to move the nomination forward until after the election. Now they say it needs to be done before the November elections. That is pure hypocrisy.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.

You may as well let that there fantasy go, Sparky. Obama nominated Garland, therefore he is toxic as all get-out.

Republicans refused to move the nomination forward until after the election. Now they say it needs to be done before the November elections. That is pure hypocrisy.

The similarities? GOP had the votes to block Obama's nomination, and have the votes to push through Trump's nomination.
Intolerant describe the far right well, haters all. The fact is the Left can't change a thing.
Packing the Supreme Court: A last-minute gambit by the left?

LOL! Love it...go ahead lets do it! President Trump gets to pick the candidates so SURE! LMAO...idiots.

Perhaps you didn't have access to the television or newspaper in 2016 when Justice Scalia was taken in the night.
It's a conspiracy of the entire us justice system!!! Nut jobs...
Is there anyone who really believes Scalia was 'disappeared'?
Some party will attempt to pack the courts within the next ten years.
Open borders and amnesty for millions of illegals, rigging primaries, no ID required to vote the left have all sorts of election schemes.
No one is for open borders, super duper. The rest is also garbage propaganda never happened. Or continue to be a conspiracy nut job like most GOP voters...

Evidently they don't keep you in the loop...dumbass.
Democrats Want Open Borders, Not Immigration Reform
Wrong again, super dupers. To start with, Democrats only had control of the Senate with 60 votes for about 40 days, all spent on ACA. The 2010 comprehensive immigration bill was blocked like everything else. It started with a goodSSID card that would end this mess forever, like every other modern country. But of course the GOP dupes believe that is communism LOL arrrggghhh... Breaking: the wall is stupid. And already there...

W...T....F? I sure didn't say anything about the Senate, or 60 votes or communism....dumbass.
Read your dumbass brainwashed propaganda link, dumbass.

You mean the part where it says In 2009 and 2010, when the Democrats had full control of the Senate, House of Representatives, and the presidency, Democrats did not make any serious attempt to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Which is a little longer than 40 days...dumbass.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.

You may as well let that there fantasy go, Sparky. Obama nominated Garland, therefore he is toxic as all get-out.

Republicans refused to move the nomination forward until after the election. Now they say it needs to be done before the November elections. That is pure hypocrisy.

McConnell committed misfeasance by not allowing an up or down vote for Obama's nominee. His actions will change and make him culpable of malfeasance if he pursues his stated comment to have Kennedy's replacement on board before the General Election.
Packing the Supreme Court: A last-minute gambit by the left?

LOL! Love it...go ahead lets do it! President Trump gets to pick the candidates so SURE! LMAO...idiots.

Perhaps you didn't have access to the television or newspaper in 2016 when Justice Scalia was taken in the night.
Yes I remember when Scalia was assassinated...
Packing the Supreme Court: A last-minute gambit by the left?

LOL! Love it...go ahead lets do it! President Trump gets to pick the candidates so SURE! LMAO...idiots.

You poor thing.

View attachment 203124
LOL why would I be butt hurt? Do you not realize if you morons get more SC justices that PRESIDENT TRUMP nominates them? Good lord remove your head from your ass...I think this is hilarious as hell...go ahead get more Justices I am all for it!
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.
That's a interesting thought, but, what presidents do that. Kennedy was thought to be a conservative and he was middle of the road nominated by Reagan.
Both picks by Obama are true liberals and not middle of the road but haven been proven to lean to the left.
Why should Trump feel compelled to look for a moderate judge? I don't know of any president that would have done that.

IMO, a Constitutional Conservative is the order of the day.
A moderate one considering who is leaving the court... But what the hell things won't change in until the Democrats get real control again like under LBJ and Obama for 40 days... It would be nice if it wasn't in the middle of another corrupt GOP bubble bust world depression for a change... What is so bad about good infrastructure Healthcare daycare cheap college and training 5 week vacation a SSID card to end illegal immigration and work, like every other modern country? Thanks new BS GOP! They would keep this mess going forever to protect their precious Mega rich greedy idiots and swine brainwashers...

So why was a hardcore conservative not Obama's pick since he was replacing Scalia? By your own words you say a moderate should replace a moderate so....why not a strict conservative being replaced by a strict conservative....wait is this more of the leftist hypocrisy? Do as I say not as I do?
busybee, moving the nomination forward is merely politics: dems would do it as well in the same situation facing getting blown out this fall as the GOP is facing.
You understand wrongly.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.

“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution

And there ya have it. It truly boggles the mind. :uhoh3:
A normal president would nominate a moderate like Kennedy... Or Garland.

You may as well let that there fantasy go, Sparky. Obama nominated Garland, therefore he is toxic as all get-out.

Republicans refused to move the nomination forward until after the election. Now they say it needs to be done before the November elections. That is pure hypocrisy.
Might I remind you that Obama was on his way out? Trump still has over half his term left.
No one is for open borders, super duper. The rest is also garbage propaganda never happened. Or continue to be a conspiracy nut job like most GOP voters...

Evidently they don't keep you in the loop...dumbass.
Democrats Want Open Borders, Not Immigration Reform
Wrong again, super dupers. To start with, Democrats only had control of the Senate with 60 votes for about 40 days, all spent on ACA. The 2010 comprehensive immigration bill was blocked like everything else. It started with a goodSSID card that would end this mess forever, like every other modern country. But of course the GOP dupes believe that is communism LOL arrrggghhh... Breaking: the wall is stupid. And already there...

W...T....F? I sure didn't say anything about the Senate, or 60 votes or communism....dumbass.
Read your dumbass brainwashed propaganda link, dumbass.

You mean the part where it says In 2009 and 2010, when the Democrats had full control of the Senate, House of Representatives, and the presidency, Democrats did not make any serious attempt to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Which is a little longer than 40 days...dumbass.
Also total b*******, super duper. The GOP filibustered over 200 bills... Funny kind of Total Control, jackass.

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